Funny thing is, Class 1A really could've used Bakugou for this fight.
Funny thing is, Class 1A really could've used Bakugou for this fight.
Has Ochako been taken out? I don't see her among the downed bodies, but she's not in the shot showing the ones still standing either.
You just know Bakugou is going to make fun of them for being unable to beat him "Fucking nerd couldn't even beat one person together"
Where the hell are you guys getting TinTin from? Anyways, I'm a fan of phasing powers; Ever since Tobi from Naruto displayed it I always thought it was cool.
I'm also not sure if it was the translation or the source but this part:
made it sound like there's some history with mirio and his quirk, like some bad event or something.
When you think about it that quirk is super frightening if you can't control it well enough - like falling through the floor endlessly or materializing while something is inside you. And heck he was losing his clothes even in this chapter so he still can't control it perfectly (though they would've been destroyed if he kept them on anyway). Could see something like that being talked about later for sure
?What does Earphone jack girl even plan to do against him? It's so silly seeing her "serious" face.
No clue, maybe either pride or jealousy. Baku already fills the violent quota in spades.Whatever's wrong with Tintin, it must be pretty serious. Like, he's excessively violent, maybe? Not a trait you want in a user of One for All.
It might be a scanlation issue, but I think Mirio actually tore off Jirou's jacks at the end there.
So they probably grow back.
Yeah. That's where I'm getting the "violent" impression from.Even if they do, if he actually went that far, fuck this guy.
It might be a scanlation issue, but I think Mirio actually tore off Jirou's jacks at the end there.
So they probably grow back.
My feelings are that Tin Tin was obviously the protege and was going to get OFA until he failed some sort of emotional/psychological test. He did something that wasn't heroic or All Might did some sort of fakeout thing on him and he failed. Either way All Might rejects him right before the Sports Festival and Tin Tin is too depressed to give a shit and does bad as a result.
Tin Tin's current power makes him damn near unstoppable when dealing with most people and with OFA, he would be flat out broken. Imagine a hero that could rush you through your own attack and punch you so hard you land a mile away. Add on top things like the speed and increased durability. That means there's something really off mentally with Tin Tin, especially when you see he appears to be the 'only' normal person of the Big 3.
I'd actually like if the Mirio was a cocky egotistical shit and told All Might to fuck off with One For All. Maybe he even found out about his weakened state and was unimpressed or disenchanted by the fact. I don't expect this but I think it would be a more interesting take that he turned down All Might or something along those lines instead of having some mundane obvious character flaw that made him unworthy of carrying One For All.
I really don't like this because it makes Deku out to be the backup choice.
One of the major things with All Might picking Deku is that Deku knew what it was like being helpless and worthless and it was that sense of powerlessness that forged his heroic qualities. Having someone else be good enough before Deku would undercut Deku's character to a large extent.
I really don't like this because it makes Deku out to be the backup choice.
One of the major things with All Might picking Deku is that Deku knew what it was like being helpless and worthless and it was that sense of powerlessness that forged his heroic qualities. Having someone else be good enough before Deku would undercut Deku's character to a large extent.
I really don't like this because it makes Deku out to be the backup choice.
There's a difference between going back on his first choice and Tintin flat out rejecting him. The later would imply that Tintin was good enough to pass all of All Might's qualifications and the former being that he didn't.I prefer it this way. It just makes All Might seem more human, if he recanted his first choice before finding/happening upon Deku.
Using quirks in public is illegal, though! And probably super illegal for Mirio.Tintin's quirk gives him carte-blanche to get naked in public.
There's a difference between going back on his first choice and Tintin flat out rejecting him. The later would imply that Tintin was good enough to pass all of All Might's qualifications and the former being that he didn't.
It would also be different if Tintin was under active consideration when All Might chose Deku instead.
Hmm... yeah, I see where you're coming from. I'd bet on All Might being the one to reject Mirio, anyway. There's clearly something "off" about him.
Using quirks in public is illegal, though! And probably super illegal for Mirio.
Bets on him being regularly arrested for public indecency.Not if he is on official Pro duty.