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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


also can I say that I'm glad he has a full name like "Sir Nighteye" since calling him "Sir" would've been super awkward

Sir Knighteye?


I grew up with localised name for my country like:
Yamcha = Yamu
Bubbles = Barbarus
Tien Shinhan = Ten Shin Han
Piccolo = Pikor

I couldn't get that Bubbles reference..

Same here lol.
King Kai? Bubbles? Wth are people talking about!?
Oh you mean Meister Kaio and Bananas.


Really liked this chapter. I guess Mirio didn't interact with All Might that much, or at all, previous to this. Mirio does seem like a cool guy so I'm hoping Deku and Mirio develop some sort of friendship. It would be nice compared to all the other shounen where the main character is at odds with the top student at the school.

Also Deku is fucked. He has zero sense of humor.
Chapter was aight. A lot of the humor wasn't really to my taste, and I'm not sold on Sir's character yet. Also not in love with Bubbles' costume.


I thought that it was nice Nighteye doesn't hate or resent All Might, as these kind of mentor-student disagreements typically go.
and yeah, that costume is a bit naff


Rapid Response Threadmaker
LMAO @ this chapter. The teachers interjections were hilarious. Also so weird to see the juxtpositition of the regular Japanese teacher room and them wearing their costumes.

That can't have been what Mineta actually said. Gonna need some receipts from the Japanese text. Wonder what Viz will do.

Another All Might face by Deku!

OMG at Mirio's face at the end. Reminds me of that one gif, from what I'm guessing is K or J Drama, where a girl is behind another girl with a :O face. A lot of times the gif has the girl in the backs head compressed so she doesn't have a nose.


I like to imagine that Horikoshi got the submission and was like "...............fuck it I'm putting her in a tickle torture device."


Good chapter. I'm curious about AM and Mirio's relationship...Up until now I assumed Mirio had trained under All Might for a time and then they parted. But it seems like All Might knew about him but didn't approach him before Deku entered the picture...

Really curious to see if Mirio will ever find out how close he was to being the successor. Even more curious to see how he will take that news, with him being so close to Deku and All Might in so many ways.

Also, I hope the other characters get focus soon. I feel like 1-A has been background characters for the past couple chaps


Rapid Response Threadmaker



that's a Valentines' Day thing from the guy who does Shokugeki no Souma, if you're wondering

like how Emma's going to be able to appear on these kinds of Jump collages as both a main character and a main girl
Tintin-senpai is pretty cool. I'm praying there's no secret Heel-Turn here.
Same. Tintin has in a few chapters become one of my favorite characters. He has a really energetic panel presence, much like his in-world aura. How can anyone not like that dude?

I'm going to be crushed if/when he dies and/or is revealed to be a villain.


yeah same, I'm hoping people like Naomasa and Mirio don't heel-turn but just remain chill dudes

but 50/50 on whether they die or not


it's kind of interesting that you can guess what are Jump's biggest series from how prominent Nami, Ochako, and Kiyoko are

I thought that Nami was Erina from Shokugeki at first


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I thought Tosh's Nami was a combination of Erena and someone from Seven Deadly Sins (Totally different magazine though).


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Yeah when I read the chapter I was surprised that we are now finding out that Mirio might not have known or been approached by All Might and the time between when Mirio was pointed out by the principal and Deku met All Might might have been extremely thin. Actually that might be expected. Mirio was kind of shit in school the first time. Deku met All Might several months before school started. It checks out.

Thought Mirio was approaching Deku do to being jealous or vindictive about Deku getting One for All.

I hope Mirio doesn't turn out to be a bad guy.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Yeah, I think the moment when Tin-tin could have been evil has more or less passed. Pretty clear hes a good guy and not going to be a villain.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
As a long time fan of underboob (and side boob) I'm not actually a fan of her design. Honestly, I think the short are what kills it for me, they're just overdoing it.


Bubbles just seems like a fanservice character. I like her design as to what it suggests about her quirk...or well, it's intriguing. It seems water related. I'd like to see what it is. But the clothes she's wearing just makes it obvious what her actual purpose in the depiction is. Missed opportunity, really.


Her design would be fine if it wasn't for the underboob. That's just naff.

While we're on designs, I wonder if Horikoshi actually watched Swagamoto?
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