I feel like he does a good job more often than not. Momo's and Ashido's are the only ones I see as kinda on the eh side.
But I mean, Tsuyu wears a skinsuit as her outfit. It'd be REALLY easy to have that basically serve as painted on clothes but it feels like an actual suit. Ochako looks fine, Jirou looks fine. Invisible girl is naked, but.....well, that's the gag. And kendou's outfit just looks like a cool chinese themed battle outfit.
The BDSM teacher is probably the only one I find to be actually bad. Mount Lady is wearing a tight spandex too, but I don't think that one is a big deal.
Also, keep in mind that this is superhero based, and a good portion of Superhero designs are done so that they show off the body. I recognize there is a distinction of the purpose of the showing off for men than women, but even today your average superhero outfit is going is one that hugs the hero's body so tightly that you can see their individual obliques. I personally never liked that design. I like hero suits to look like actual suits. That doesn't necessarily mean they wear armor or some shit, but I was always wierded out by how often it looked like the hero was actually naked and just had the suit painted on them. Point being that some element of "Check out the body" is built into the genre of superheroes, both for men and women.
The significant thing to take away all this is that I don't feel that Horikoshi is excessively exploitative about it, baring a few individual instances. Potentially, you could have scenes of uncensored naked women, but it can be done so that it's done done to be exploitative or objectifying. And that's the important part, and I get the feeling that Horikoshi knows and tries to walk that line.
But I mean, Tsuyu wears a skinsuit as her outfit. It'd be REALLY easy to have that basically serve as painted on clothes but it feels like an actual suit. Ochako looks fine, Jirou looks fine. Invisible girl is naked, but.....well, that's the gag. And kendou's outfit just looks like a cool chinese themed battle outfit.
The BDSM teacher is probably the only one I find to be actually bad. Mount Lady is wearing a tight spandex too, but I don't think that one is a big deal.
Also, keep in mind that this is superhero based, and a good portion of Superhero designs are done so that they show off the body. I recognize there is a distinction of the purpose of the showing off for men than women, but even today your average superhero outfit is going is one that hugs the hero's body so tightly that you can see their individual obliques. I personally never liked that design. I like hero suits to look like actual suits. That doesn't necessarily mean they wear armor or some shit, but I was always wierded out by how often it looked like the hero was actually naked and just had the suit painted on them. Point being that some element of "Check out the body" is built into the genre of superheroes, both for men and women.
The significant thing to take away all this is that I don't feel that Horikoshi is excessively exploitative about it, baring a few individual instances. Potentially, you could have scenes of uncensored naked women, but it can be done so that it's done done to be exploitative or objectifying. And that's the important part, and I get the feeling that Horikoshi knows and tries to walk that line.