I definitely agree that they should move forward with the relationships with a quickness. Let's not be doing this "will they or won't they" until the very end of the series, that shit's dull as all get out.
I wish they'd expand this in the manga itself, i hate how shonen mangas typically dance around romantic relationships between main characters and then go nowhere with them, only in the very last chapter which feels ridiculous.
I wouldn't be surprised if MHA will break the trend. I mean, meta-stuff aside, the series hasn't danced around
any relationship, every one of them has been "yes, this is going to happen". There's nothing to dance around in the first place; Horikoshi had to have approved the drama CD, if not written it himself. And he's been pretty good at character writing and breaking shounen cliches, so... while I'm not getting my hopes up
too much, if any series is going to do it right, it's this one.
Either way, I'm pretty sure Ochako's character arc and her relationship with Deku is going to be addressed in the next major arc. Here's hoping he does it right.
Don't worry, when Toga and Midoriya get trapped in a cave together against some third party threat, we'll all get what we're waiting for...
I know you guys aren't serious, but real talk, I really like Toga as a character, and I'm glad the manga doesn't excuse her behavior because she's a cute girl. She's a serial killer and a serious scary villain, not written off as a moe archetype.
Can you post examples? I never noticed.
It's something that happens in the background, but it's pretty obvious once you notice it and put the pieces together. He's the only boy Hagakure's been shown to be friends with, and she's pretty much constantly going out of her way to talk to him and give him compliments. (e.g., that time they judged everybody's rooms)
On Kirishima and Bakugou... I definitely agree that Kirishima reads as having a crush on Bakugou. It'd certainly explain why he's the only one in the class to not just tolerate but actively seek him out. Bakugou doesn't really seem to reciprocate, but that's could easily be because his default and majority emotion is outright belligerence; he hasn't shown any romantic affection for anybody else either. I could see it happening though, editorial approval permitting.
Agreed. If this was a comic book, I'd assume they were setting up a relationship there.
But while Horikoshi's a cool dude...it's
Jump. Having an explicitly gay relationship in the country's biggest magazine aimed at kids and teenagers? The parent groups would fucking riot. Who knows, maybe Japan is at an era where that could actually happen...but it would literally be unprecedented, the kind of thing that'd get MHA listed on a Wikipedia article. Can't see the editors agreeing to