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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

I don't understand manga's insistence to have other couples not get together either.

Have your side characters be people too, fuck.

Hell, Nisekoi's Ruri romance sideplot was 100x better than the rest of the fucking manga.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Who gives a shit about the jobbers. People only want to see the protag get their dick wet... and that's only after they take out the big bad behind the big bad in cahoots with the original big bad.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
But what if I want the protag to get his dick wet via the big bad (the fake first big bad)?

Don't worry, when Toga and Midoriya get trapped in a cave together against some third party threat, we'll all get what we're waiting for...

I am betting good money Toga is a Hero Nerd like Deku. Just think about it, it makes a lot of sense for her character.
I definitely agree that they should move forward with the relationships with a quickness. Let's not be doing this "will they or won't they" until the very end of the series, that shit's dull as all get out.

On Kirishima and Bakugou... I definitely agree that Kirishima reads as having a crush on Bakugou. It'd certainly explain why he's the only one in the class to not just tolerate but actively seek him out. Bakugou doesn't really seem to reciprocate, but that's could easily be because his default and majority emotion is outright belligerence; he hasn't shown any romantic affection for anybody else either. I could see it happening though, editorial approval permitting.

Can you post examples? I never noticed.

This, on the other hand, was always obvious. They're perfect together. It's almost as blatant as Midoriya and Ochako.

They spent a lot less time together, though. They're a perfect conceptual fit, but other than the vs. teachers arc, they don't really interact much. They fit well, but it's not on Deku and Ochako's tier at all.

Don't worry, when Toga and Midoriya get trapped in a cave together against some third party threat, we'll all get what we're waiting for...

I am betting good money Toga is a Hero Nerd like Deku. Just think about it, it makes a lot of sense for her character.

Villain nerd maybe.


They spent a lot less time together, though. They're a perfect conceptual fit, but other than the vs. teachers arc, they don't really interact much. They fit well, but it's not on Deku and Ochako's tier at all.
The vs teachers arc was what really got the ship sailing, but they've had a lot of subtle interactions where it seemed like something was going on there. The authorial intention was clear to me, at least. I've always viewed it as an inevitability.


I definitely agree that they should move forward with the relationships with a quickness. Let's not be doing this "will they or won't they" until the very end of the series, that shit's dull as all get out.
I wish they'd expand this in the manga itself, i hate how shonen mangas typically dance around romantic relationships between main characters and then go nowhere with them, only in the very last chapter which feels ridiculous.
I wouldn't be surprised if MHA will break the trend. I mean, meta-stuff aside, the series hasn't danced around any relationship, every one of them has been "yes, this is going to happen". There's nothing to dance around in the first place; Horikoshi had to have approved the drama CD, if not written it himself. And he's been pretty good at character writing and breaking shounen cliches, so... while I'm not getting my hopes up too much, if any series is going to do it right, it's this one.

Either way, I'm pretty sure Ochako's character arc and her relationship with Deku is going to be addressed in the next major arc. Here's hoping he does it right.
Don't worry, when Toga and Midoriya get trapped in a cave together against some third party threat, we'll all get what we're waiting for...
I know you guys aren't serious, but real talk, I really like Toga as a character, and I'm glad the manga doesn't excuse her behavior because she's a cute girl. She's a serial killer and a serious scary villain, not written off as a moe archetype.
Can you post examples? I never noticed.
It's something that happens in the background, but it's pretty obvious once you notice it and put the pieces together. He's the only boy Hagakure's been shown to be friends with, and she's pretty much constantly going out of her way to talk to him and give him compliments. (e.g., that time they judged everybody's rooms)
On Kirishima and Bakugou... I definitely agree that Kirishima reads as having a crush on Bakugou. It'd certainly explain why he's the only one in the class to not just tolerate but actively seek him out. Bakugou doesn't really seem to reciprocate, but that's could easily be because his default and majority emotion is outright belligerence; he hasn't shown any romantic affection for anybody else either. I could see it happening though, editorial approval permitting.
Agreed. If this was a comic book, I'd assume they were setting up a relationship there.

But while Horikoshi's a cool dude...it's Jump. Having an explicitly gay relationship in the country's biggest magazine aimed at kids and teenagers? The parent groups would fucking riot. Who knows, maybe Japan is at an era where that could actually happen...but it would literally be unprecedented, the kind of thing that'd get MHA listed on a Wikipedia article. Can't see the editors agreeing to that.


It's fun as a fan thing, I guess. But I really do appreciate that Horikoshi is taking her serial killer thing seriously and not like, glossing over it because she's cute or whatever.
Besides from DTL stuff, it'd be so positive to have bakugou and kirishima as a couple in this magazine.
Would be a ncie message for the new generation of kids, and Horikoshi could have the chops to handle it imo.


Besides from DTL stuff, it'd be so positive to have bakugou and kirishima as a couple in this magazine.
Would be a ncie message for the new generation of kids, and Horikoshi could have the chops to handle it imo.
Regardless of Horikoshi intention would the editors let him do it. Doesn't Japan have a complicated relationship homosexuality


also, Horikoshi will probably wait until he hooks Deku and Ochako up before poking at other relationships (like Todoroki and Momo)

that assumes we get actual dating romance instead of typical shounen rubbish, of course
Would be a ncie message for the new generation of kids, and Horikoshi could have the chops to handle it imo.
yeah, agreed. low chances it'll happen, but it'd be really nice if it did.
Always torn between wanting Kirishima and Bakugou...but then wanting Kaminari in there somewhere (best chara), KiriKami has such good friendship, but then also KamiBaku :(

The only good non bl outcome is Bakugou Ochako. It helps enable my TodoMido desires since Todoroki shows no attraction to females and is all over Midoriya. And Bakugou has nice chemistry with Ochako.
There is a 0% chance of Kirishima and Bakugou getting together which is violently unfortunate because Horikoshi seems like one of the few mangaka who would be able to write it well, would be more than willing to do it and it would be incredibly uplifting and beneficial to just straight up have a well-presented gay couple in the pages of a Shonen magazine.

Japan being Japan tho ensures that this is all a pipe dream.


I don't think that matters too much when MHA is one of Jump's biggest series, but nah yeah, Horikoshi isn't going to convince them.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
If Deku and Uraraka have a kid, while they might not get One for All, Deku might still pass on his mother's power which might mutate when combined with Uraraka's quirk. Will they have a kid with full gravity manipulation?


Shigaraki is Nana's direct descendant, but he doesn't have super strength or anything like that. So probably, Deku and Ochako's kids would only get variations on zero gravity. Dunno about skipping generations, tho.
I mean, I am almost positive that even Oda or Togashi would have to fight tooth and nail to have gay main characters, let alone a gay couple.

Could you imagine how strongly Jump would fight them if they made Luffy or Killua gay?


Also, though this is getting into theory... judging from how long it took for Endeavor to "get" Todoroki, quirks becoming more general is probably really rare. Something fire + ice -> temperature control is probably a lot rarer than, say, fire + ice -> steam.

That would fit in with, you know, Todoroki being the product of eugenics.


Oda is in another league by himself in terms of profitability. If there is anyone who could blunt force his way into making the protagonist gay, it'd be him. However, he seems the least likely to. And personally speaking, I don't think he'd make a well written gay character anyway.

Togashi, I dunno. I feel he spends his capital on not working whenever he feels like it.

Horikoshi I think could do it once he establishes himself more and if his success grows to being the second pillar of shonen.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I mean if there were any Shonen protags I could see actually forming a same sex relationship it would be Gon and Killua. I don't like reading into things but there are several moments in the anime where you could read it as brotherly love between best of friends or something more. Then again Gon might be the male prostitute of Whale Island for all we know.


we had a lengthy discussion about it a few weeks ago in the Toonami thread, and yeah if they weren't kids I could see it being a thing

I can't believe we have a thread where we can agree, even partly, with DTL. that's rarer than diamonds!
I doubt that Horikoshi has the juice to just muscle his way past editorial on Bakugou/Kirishima, but who knows? The times, they are a changing. Jump's lineup isn't as huge a deal as it used to be, and they might actually welcome the attention/commentary.

You know, Flowers, we truly are the Diamond is Unbreakable.

Easily my fav JoJo part btw


speaking of


apparently, Jump pushed up their deadlines? or something like that.

so all the releases this week might be unfinished.

e: checking out the Black Clover chapter, it's full of the same kind of unfinished/unpolished art too. that's really freaking weird.
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