no seriously fuck bakugou
Look at Bakugou!
I hope next week is Todoroki and Kaminari.
That is one creepy ass Joker-esque motherfucker
That is one creepy ass Joker-esque motherfucker
*one big ass picture*
That is one creepy ass Joker-esque motherfucker
That is one creepy ass Joker-esque motherfucker
No chapter last week? Saw the usual OP but not this
I feel like All Might probably won't survive much longer past the end of the first school year. I mean, his mentor also only taught a single year.Excellent chapter was excellent.
I feel like Shigaraki and Stain might end up going toe to toe at some point. That'll be a hell of a fight if it happens.
Oh, and All Might is dead as fuck.
I feel like All Might probably won't survive much longer past the end of the first school year. I mean, his mentor also only taught a single year.
That was an excellent chapter, I got chills with the quoted page. I like the amount of focus we are getting on the villains and I liked that Ochako immediately realized the guy with Deku was up to no good, I hate when characters are easily fooled by obvious evil actions. I also liked how her first reaction was to call the police instead of giving him chase, seems they are learning their lessons.
I think its been pretty obvious All Might is going to die since the very beginning, only question is what type of dead are we looking forward to. Heroic Sacrifice? Student Mistake? Captured by the villains? Maybe he doesn't die and its transformed into a Nomu D8.
The typical old man/mentor shonen style death is a heroic sacrifice, but I feel like this dude wants to make an example of All Might. Maybe he wants to martyr him, maybe he knows he is actually weakened and wants to expose that for a public execution.
Yeah, it sounds that more than killing All Might he wants to kill what he represents, as in peace and safety. So a public execution sounds like what he might want to do.
Also, is it me or the cast of villains still to small? I guess they are going to recruit more but there is A LOT of heroes compared to the number of villains. They either have to get more or have the ones that do have villain powers to be OP.
I am sure there is some Every Villain is Lemons group out there but most of the villains seems to despise each other.
If they did figure out All Might can only fight for half an hour, they wouldn't need that much anyway if they had someone who could stall for time.
That is one creepy ass Joker-esque motherfucker
This is probably the best/creepy looking panel in the entire manga.
I only read English translations so forgive my ignorance. Is his first name Izuku or Midoriya? I keep seeing him referred to as just Midoriya but the wiki states his first name is Izuku? Is this a Japanese convention or something?
It's Izuku
Anime and Manga sometimes has characters being reffered to with their last names
no idea if that's how it happens in RL too
I only read English translations so forgive my ignorance. Is his first name Izuku or Midoriya? I keep seeing him referred to as just Midoriya but the wiki states his first name is Izuku? Is this a Japanese convention or something?
I only read English translations so forgive my ignorance. Is his first name Izuku or Midoriya? I keep seeing him referred to as just Midoriya but the wiki states his first name is Izuku? Is this a Japanese convention or something?
Yes, it does happen in real life Japan. It's the standard way to refer to strangers, superiors, and to be polite in general. But anime overexaggerates it.It's Izuku
Anime and Manga sometimes has characters being reffered to with their last names
no idea if that's how it happens in RL too
There's also how Japanese names order it "Family Name First, Given Name Second". So when spoken in Japanese he's "Midoriya Izuku". Proper English translations switch it around, along with pretty much every other series.
Except for One Piece, and I think that's because nobody refers to Luffy as "Monkey", even though that's his Family Name.
All Might's "I can't save everyone" is very Superman, even though All Might obviously isn't as powerful as Superman.
I'm totally cool with the new guys being the quick fix, and the old guys being the actual quality.Loved the new chapter,.not so much the new translation
Actually, other than the secondary abilities (flight, heat vision, supersenses), he's pretty close to a lot of incarnations. I'd put him on par with Animated Supes in a straight up brawl.