Good thing we are only 24 pages in then!
100ppp is only used by freaks, degenerates, and Villains.
Good thing we are only 24 pages in then!
50ppp is used by lurkers100ppp is only used by freaks, degenerates, and Villains.
What do you guys think of the Villain Alliance so far? I'm kinda disappointed in the defeat of a few, but at the same time, if we go by this last chapter, their attack might deal a blow to the heroes in another way, as in, a few folks will realize the true dangers of becoming a hero and end up quitting. What you do you all think?
What do you guys think of the Villain Alliance so far? I'm kinda disappointed in the defeat of a few, but at the same time, if we go by this last chapter, their attack might deal a blow to the heroes in another way, as in, a few folks will realize the true dangers of becoming a hero and end up quitting. What you do you all think?
I don't know, some of the villain's strongest in the group got their shit rocked hard.I think the Vallian Alliance is going to grow. Using either Bakogou or Tokoyami as poster child of "Heroes being sick of heroes" or they are just gonna brag about how their "juniors" went in against the Yusei pupils and basically won.
My point is, they are likely going to attract more people and start to carry out Shigaraki/Senseis plan
I am talking about during the invasionClass B's development was great, man, I don't know what you're talking about.
This intrusion does bring out an important question. Who is their informat? Twice now they knew where to attack.
Honestly, I think they might have come in a little too early.
But you're probably right that this is going to have repercussions. Belly laser dude is probably going to quit.
I think the Vallian Alliance is going to grow. Using either Bakogou or Tokoyami as poster child of "Heroes being sick of heroes" or they are just gonna brag about how their "juniors" went in against the Yusei pupils and basically won.
The classmates didn't learn shit and class b didn't get a chance to interact more with class a
New Chapter is out.
I don't like that Bakugo was kidnapped. It really seems to go for the Naruto route, no matter what's his personality is. :/
New Chapter is out.
I don't like that Bakugo was kidnapped. It really seems to go for the Naruto route, no matter what's his personality is. :/
They might not be going the Sauce route. I didn't expect them to get Bakugo back anyway, not with all those villains there and with the shape Deku was in.
The Sauce wasn't even kidnapped he straight up left
Maybe people think it's the same because the sauce was also transported away before Kimimaro was stopped, and Sauce left on his own
Can't imagine Bakugou taking something like that well. I imagine there'll be some consequences but that might be too much for the poor guyI bet All Might's going to die during the rescue attempt.
I bet All Might's going to die during the rescue attempt.
Nah, folks have been making the comparison since it was revealed that the Villain Alliance wanted Kacchan.
Can't imagine Bakugou taking something like that well. I imagine there'll be some consequences but that might be too much for the poor guy
I think it's a bit too soon for All Might to die. He's still the symbol and Deku isn't quite ready to fully take up the torch just yet. What I think will happen is that he'll pull a Deku and go above his limits, which, unlike Deku, he won't be able to fully recover from, leaving him significantly weaker. It would put Deku on a fast track to master OfA.
Speaking of pulling a Deku, does anyone think they are going to try and pull Deku from the school for his his own good? The Nurse already warned him about this and, despite the circumstances, his body can't keep taking this punishment.
Pretty much my thinking. He really admires All Might, in his own... unique... fashion; would be a great way to spur his character development.
That's the thing, they're clearly building to the point where the status quo is outright broken. Killing All Might before Deku is ready is pretty much a necessity, with the top hero falling and nobody around to step into his shoes.
Endeavour will do it, and you'll like it.
I don't know, Endeavor is pretty strong.Endeavor will try, and it will be a glorious disaster.
I don't know, Endeavor is pretty strong.
I feel that the page when the villain says to Todoroki "How sad Todoroki Shouto" is foreshadowing a relationship between the two, it seems too personal.
Wait, why do we thinkthere is a traitor? Did I miss something?
Anyway cool chapter though I hope they don't take this down a dumb/cliched route.Might have been more interesting if both Bakugon and Black Falcon got taken or only the later rather than the friend's rival.
Wait, why do we thinkthere is a traitor? Did I miss something?
Anyway cool chapter though I hope they don't take this down a dumb/cliched route.Might have been more interesting if both Bakugon and Black Falcon got taken or only the later rather than the friend's rival.
I read a fan theory somewhere thatShe is the only Class A student unaccounted for so far.invisible girl is likely the traitor.