Yes on the winged noumo question. That means they're abducting people and turning them into noumo.I had been meaning to read this manga since I first heard about it, but hadn't had time to before. Then the anime came out, I watched the first two episodes together and then couldn't wait to dig into the manga. I started at chapter 1 and I'm all caught up with the rest of you guys. Man it is great!!!
Deku was really badass against the external muscles guy.
I couldn't help but laugh at the panels when Todoroki thought Deku was All Might's illegitimate child and when they show the panel of the boot camp "torture training" lmao.
The Stain character really looked like he was based off a combination of 90's extreme x-men and TMNT.
A question about one of the noumo during the slain arc.Was that wing noumo that took Midoriya the kid that was friends and a lackey of Bakugou?
Also I'm assuming that the traitor or information leak wasRagdoll?
So how did All Might defeat this guy ?
Looking at that chick that had the "Search" quirk, she became a vegetable after AfO took it. Zero chance of Bakugou losing his.
what the fuuuuuuuck
Edit: that goddamn parallelism withIt's okay. I'm here now.
Could be a translation thig but doesnt seem that unlikelyTbh, I doubt they died, but I'm sure they'll be out of work for a while.
Also, guess whose quirk All for One used to find Shigaraki?
Oh boyyyy
Could be a translation thig but doesnt seem that unlikely
Ragdoll right...
From the wikia
Her Quirk allowed her to observe and monitor up to 100 people at a time, including their location and weak points.
Gentlemen I don't think I am overstepping my bounds when I say;
"Once this baby hits 88 weekly chapters... You're gonna see some serious shit."
That was an excellent set up by the author. He displayed the villains as severely incompetent and unorganized from the get go, presenting them as your average level one shonen teams full of dysfunction, angst, and general lack of conformity to a solidified goal. The Heroes, the professional heroes, are mostly given this air of competence and success in just about everything they do when performing in squads.
However, just when the Heroes look as if they are about to lay the boot of justice on the villains, the main Villain shows up like the chosen one main character of any given shonen and reverses the entire situation. So many little tropes are subverted in such a great way so that it all maintains an air of genuine shock and surprise.
This is some good stuff. I'm officially hyped.
When Gran Torino reminisces about All Might's predecessor, he calls him "Shimura". Hands McGee's real name is not Tomura Shigaraki, it's Shimura Tenko, same last name.Where exactly did they mention Shimura's father was the previous 14All? I may have missed that, but damn that does that put some much needed drama to his motivation to hating All Might. Bakugou was kidnapped again, I don't like that, I'll rather he be rescued right now so he can regroup with the others, but we'll see.
When Gran Torino reminisces about All Might's predecessor, he calls him "Shimura". Hands McGee's real name is not Tomura Shigaraki, it's Shimura Tenko, same last name.
Maybe this was a bad time to start coming into the OT. Are the spoilers supposed to be tagged? lol.
English scans are out now so I assume it's fair game. I tagged my summary yesterday when it was only the Korean scan + English transcript that was releasedMaybe this was a bad time to start coming into the OT. Are the spoilers supposed to be tagged? lol.
those notes are by the editors anyways, not the writers
I think ragdolls abilit requires the user to specify people to look for based on the description. She's a rescue oriented hero after allI was thinking All for One is too OP for Deku to handle right now (Or anyone else for that matter), and if the other heroes are dead how in the hell are they kids going to escape? Ragdoll's ability will clearly see them and no way this guy is going to let their quirks get away.
On the other hand All Might and Gran Torino know the location where they are, so if they act fast enough maybe they can get there. Sadly I think All for One is going to run away while he is ahead.
So, this guy has every power it's been able to snatch? I mean how do you even beat this thing?
God, and that panel. Even distant buildings were hit by the blast.
This is the manga's breaking point.
what the fuuuuuuuck
Edit: that goddamn parallelism withIt's okay. I'm here now.
Edit 2:Shimura was All Might's teacher's name!
When he says his "stock has fallen quite abit", it's interpreted as his stock of quirks. So he's not quite as strong as he was before.So, this guy has every power it's been able to snatch? I mean how do you even beat this thing?
God, and that panel. Even distant buildings were hit by the blast.
This is the manga's breaking point.
Well you can say a whole new cast of people have the invisibility quirk since the recent chapterSo is invisible girl's power to be invisible or does she have another quirk and that is just her form like the people that look more like animals? Was wondering if Aizawa's quirk would make her visible lol.
I'm probably going to be pretty disappointed ifAll Might's death scene (should that happen as a result of All for One showing up) doesn't involve him saying to Deku:
"It's all right. Why? Because you are here." as his last words.
"It's all right. Why? Because you are here." as his last words.
Interview with Kohei Horikoshi
Incoming Bane jokes, which I'm sure he'd want considering he's a total Westaboo (all those Marvel action figures)
My gf translated a few bits for me (Pretty much what she got from giving it a quick listen, nothing too deep) , like the fact that Bakugou was supposed to be introduced while at the UA academy but they decided to make him a childhood friend to make his relationship with Deku deeper, how Horikoshi REALLY likes to draw hands, how he was a bit bummed out that no one read Barrage, how Todoroki gets all the girl fans (And Mineta not) and his thing for short hair, since Ochako is pretty much a deviation of all his previous heroines.