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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


No, after the first 'practice' battle, the 2 v 2 bomb simulation All Might ran.

He said something alike "This chance was given to me" and that his power was "borrowed", but Bakugou didn't really care.

Edit: Ok, I went back, Chapter 11, Deku did say he got the power from someone else, but Bakugou couldn't grasp exactly what he was trying to say, instead focusing in that he wanted to beat everyone else, no matter what.


Yeah I know dude that's what I said, baku did't get it then. but it seems like the kind of thing AfO might pick up on


Yeah I know dude that's what I said, baku did't get it then. but it seems like the kind of thing AfO might pick up on

How? As far as we know AfO doesn't know that the quirk All Might has is related to the one he gave to his little brother, do he knows about OfA? Unless All Might tell it to him when they fought.


How? As far as we know AfO doesn't know that the quirk All Might has is related to the one he gave to his little brother, do he knows about OfA? Unless All Might tell it to him when they fought.

AfO and OfA have been fighting for a while, right? He could've picked up on that at some point


AfO and OfA have been fighting for a while, right? He could've picked up on that at some point

True, but if this was the case he could have said something to Shigaraki or target Deku along with Bakugou, if AfO was aware of OfA he would now that killing Deku is the fastest way to getting rid of OfA.

I think he just sees All Might as the symbol of peace and the greatest menace to his plans, and then when they fought, the one who defeated him. It seems to me he hasn't made the connection yet, since he was unaware his little brother could pass the quirk to other people.


All might is One for all's little brother?

No. One for All originated from All for One's little brother. Little brother's original quirk was to pass down his quirk (which was useless since that's all it did), but then AfO gave him the Strengthening quirk, causing both to fuse into what we now know as One for All. One for All was passed down for generations while All for One gained a quirk that halted his aging.

My bad, got the names mixed up since they're so similar.


What makes you think All for One doesn't already know Deku has One for All?

I think All for One doesn't know One for All exists.

I need to read back on this to be sure, but One for All was an accident, since AfO didn't know the power he was granting his little brother (The power stockpiling) will merge with the ability to pass on abilities, since he didn't know his little brother had that quirk in the first place.



Ok, lets go back.

At the very beginning there was two brothers, a big brother and a little brother.

The big brother has the ability, as far as we know, to steal or grant quirks to others. This is know as All for One.

The little brother was quirkless. His big brother, feeling bad for him, gave him the ability to stockpile power.

But the little brother was actually not quirkless, he just had a quirk that had no physical manifestation. His original quirk was that he could pass down his power to someone else. This in itself was useless, but when he got the stockpiling power quirk and they both merged, forming One for All. This quirk allows the user to stockpile power and nurture it, and then pass it down to the next user.

The big brother was using his powers for evil, so the little power wanted to stop him, but as he didn't have enough power to do so in his lifetime, he passed on his ability to another person, in the hope that sometime in the future One for All could be strong enough to stop All for One.

All Might, who is aprox. the seven or eight user of One for All, believed to have enough power and did fought against All for One, and in the process got the injury that we see in the first chapter. But All for One escapes and survives, so All Might is not strong enough anymore to be the one to defeat him, so he looks for a successor that could nurture One for All´s power to its full potential and finally take down All for One.

For all we know, the big brother, who somehow survived to this day, is not aware that his little brothers power is living on in Deku nowadays.


The accident was not knowing about the passing-power. Every iteration of One for All has fought against All for One, and both Shigaraki and All for One make note of Deku over every other student there (except for Bakugou, but that was as a potential recruit).

also you guys really need to reread that backstory chapter


I'm pretty sure the accident was not knowing about the passing-power. Every iteration of One for All has fought against All for One, and both Shigaraki and All for One make note of Deku over every other student there (except for Bakugou, but that was as a potential recruit).

also you guys really need to reread that backstory chapter

I agree in that I think they are aware of the risk the power of All Might/Deku is for them, since it is a pretty strong quirk, but for them to pass on Deku they either don't know about One for All or they don't feel its a threat to them.

They could have killed Deku already at this point of the story, but instead they have used him to get to All Might. It sounds to me that they just see All Might as another Hero, albeit the strongest one yet, who is against them, and not the successor to his little brother´s will. AfO does want All Might dead, since he was the one that defeated him.

Oh, and the backstory chapter is chapter 59. I made sure to read it so I don't embarrass myself too much. Its also the chapter that features Mineta trying to peep into the girls locker room. This would be the perfect chapter to end season 2, btw.


Ok, lets go back.

At the very beginning there was two brothers, a big brother and a little brother.

The big brother has the ability, as far as we know, to steal or grant quirks to others. This is know as All for One.

The little brother was quirkless. His big brother, feeling bad for him, gave him the ability to stockpile power.

But the little brother was actually not quirkless, he just had a quirk that had no physical manifestation. His original quirk was that he could pass down his power to someone else. This in itself was useless, but when he got the stockpiling power quirk and they both merged, forming One for All. This quirk allows the user to stockpile power and nurture it, and then pass it down to the next user.

The big brother was using his powers for evil, so the little power wanted to stop him, but as he didn't have enough power to do so in his lifetime, he passed on his ability to another person, in the hope that sometime in the future One for All could be strong enough to stop All for One.

All Might, who is aprox. the seven or eight user of One for All, believed to have enough power and did fought against All for One, and in the process got the injury that we see in the first chapter. But All for One escapes and survives, so All Might is not strong enough anymore to be the one to defeat him, so he looks for a successor that could nurture One for All´s power to its full potential and finally take down All for One.

For all we know, the big brother, who somehow survived to this day, is not aware that his little brothers power is living on in Deku nowadays.
Thank YOU! SalvaPot. Seriously I had made zero connection to AfO and OfA being related in anyway like that. That's cool

And to bring in Hand guy and Gran torino into the equation.

Gran Torino is involved because he was All Might's teacher, yes? So he obviously knows of All Might vs OfA.

Hand guy was also quirkless and saved by AfO (from something not explained yet) who gave him the hand quirk and is his successor?

Also I was reading the wikia and noticed Sensei who is seemingly AfO but in the recent chapter the author doesn't want to show him for some reason?



i interpreted it as a visual representation of his intimidating aura (or possibly a manifestation of a power mode or something) rather than attempting to hide his features.


Thank YOU! SalvaPot. Seriously I had made zero connection to AfO and OfA being related in anyway like that. That's cool

And to bring in Hand guy and Gran torino into the equation.

Gran Torino is involved because he was All Might's teacher, yes? So he obviously knows of All Might vs OfA.

Hand guy was also quirkless and saved by AfO (from something not explained yet) who gave him the hand quirk and is his successor?

Also I was reading the wikia and noticed Sensei who is seemingly AfO but in the recent chapter the author doesn't want to show him for some reason?


Pretty much! I also want to make a small correction in that the stockpiling power was forced onto the little brother, and we don't know if it was given to him out of pity or as a way to keep him under his control.

Gran Torino is All Might's teacher and apparently a close friend to the previous user of One for All (Who they have refereed to with the name Shimura) and is one of the few people that knows about the true nature of One for All, and also seems to know about All for One and probably fought it by the side of Shimura.

Hand guy, who we know as Shigaraki, is later revealed as Tenko Shimura and is revealed to be related (Seemingly, the son) to Shimura, you might recall that name as the previous user of One for All and the person who passed it down to All Might. Hand guy used to be quirkless but was saved by All for One and given a quirk or more, and AfO is now nurturing him to be his successor.

As for the guy we know as Sensei, he seems to be the same guy who gave the stockpiling power to the first One for All user and was badly injured in his fight with All Might. But as seen in the latest chapter, he is now at least capable to hold his own, and I believe what we saw was actually him using a quirk, or maybe just an artistic choice. The guy is fucking creepy.


you guys are making the backstory confusing for no reason.

I think its not confusing at all, the only confusing part is the speculation of what's not already revealed in the manga.


No. Shigaraki wasn't quirkless. His quirk from what we understand is disintegration whenever he touches things with all five fingers. That's why you see him holding things without all of his fingers. I think he accidentally killed his father and/or family when his power was awakened naturally. Then All for One took him under his wing.


No. Shigaraki wasn't quirkless. His quirk from what we understand is disintegration whenever he touches things with all five fingers. That's why you see him holding things without all of his fingers. I think he accidentally killed his father and/or family when his power was awakened naturally. Then All for One took him under his wing.

Oh yeah, I think you are right. We don't really know if his quirk is a born one or if it was given to him, but yeah I don't know why I had the idea that it was given to him, since its not confirmed anywhere, sorry about that. It makes far more sense that it did awaken and he somehow killed his family by accident, and it will go with the thematic the series is trying to go for.
No. Shigaraki wasn't quirkless. His quirk from what we understand is disintegration whenever he touches things with all five fingers. That's why you see him holding things without all of his fingers. I think he accidentally killed his father and/or family when his power was awakened naturally. Then All for One took him under his wing.
Yeah this, otherwise Shigaraki wouldn't have been devastated from accidentally killing his father which led to Afo approaching him.

This fan art page is hilarious.

Translation of what she is saying

She is asking Deku to make more babies with her. "Babies" being her inventions but everyone else in the room assumes she is asking Deku to do it.
Said this since I entered this thread around chapter 25-30 but Mei is amazing. I ranked her 1st when we had a shipping poll a while back. Yaoyorozo comes second <3


i pinpointed the point where I actually started liking that little shit Baku, and it's during the Sports Festival where he refuses to go easy on Urakawa


Bakugou is likable because there's no attempts to make him likable.

He has no Freudian backstory. His talk is backed up with skill. No character excuses what he does. But he's not evil, he admires heroes like anybody else.

He is what he is, a teenager who became arrogant for being skilled. And that's real. Exaggerated, but real. His "backstory" happens regularly in real life, people like him exist everywhere. It's refreshing.

Deku is the story of a guy who got beaten down by life, and Bakugou is someone who let glory screw up his life. For people who read MHA, especially the kids who read Shounen Jump, both of them are people they've met, or even be. Deku and Bakugou are like mini-explorations on how you can grow up, and that's inspiring.
Bakugou is likable because there's no attempts to make him likable.

He has no Freudian backstory. His talk is backed up with skill. No character excuses what he does. But he's not evil, he admires heroes like anybody else.

He is what he is, a teenager who became arrogant for being skilled. And that's real. Exaggerated, but real. His "backstory" happens regularly in real life, people like him exist everywhere. It's refreshing.

Deku is the story of a guy who got beaten down by life, and Bakugou is someone who let glory screw up his life. For people who read MHA, especially the kids who read Shounen Jump, both of them are people they've met, or even be. Deku and Bakugou are like mini-explorations on how you can grow up, and that's inspiring.


I was actually going to type out something eerily similar to that yesterday but decided against it and deleted it.

I have this panel saved from the manga i think perfectly describes their relationship/personality.

I really love the dynamic.


Seeing these pictures, just wanted to say, I hate the V1 of the costumes... The helmet on Midoriya's is soooo ugly and white on Todoroki? Whyyyyy? The V2 looks so much better in black, it should have just been like that from the start. Don't get me started on the giant grenades Baku has. I hope he ditches that.


Well Deku's whole schtick for his uniform was that it was a uniform his mum made out of his crappy middle school designs. lol. Pretty sure the author knew the hood was rubbish, that's why he blew it off the second Baku attacked.

I just noticed that Jirou always has an amplitude glint in her hair. Or is it a hairpin?


Well Deku's whole schtick for his uniform was that it was a uniform his mum made out of his crappy middle school designs. lol. Pretty sure the author knew the hood was rubbish, that's why he blew it off the second Baku attacked.

I just noticed that Jirou always has an amplitude glint in her hair. Or is it a hairpin?
Electric guy? That's a streak of color he was born with. It was in his character profile.


seeing episode 5 made me reread the entire manga for some reason and, god fucking damn, i cannot wait to see this all animated.

...in like three years. four. probably five.
I really hope popularity and the quality of the manga stays good i want more seasons.

Ill murder someone if we get another Medaka Box ending before the best arc.


Let's talk about how cool Deku's color scheme is. The dark green with the crimson red shoes compliment his design really well.


Let's talk about random MHA things so we can get to next page faster

Alright. Most us, including myself, have noticed characters in MHA being inspired from many western comic characters, themes and ages. All Might being like a combination of Shazam and SuperMan while exploring morality and being a symbol to society's peace. Stain is clearly inspired by the edgy late 80s and 90s age of comics right down to being drawn incredibly detailed. But I think what makes him interesting is his reasoning and it compares rather well to the age he's inspired from. And that being an anti-hero and seeing that some heroes are missing the point and view it as a business and is superficial, which he considers a crime and thinks All Might should answer to him why.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
It's easy to get One for All and All for One's names mixed up. :/

Pretty easy for me. Deku/All Might are trying to use their power for the good of humanity, one for ALL. The bad guy's ability allows him to take anyone's power, and the more he has the more powerful he would be right? It's a greedy selfish power. All for ONE.
Alright. Most us, including myself, have noticed characters in MHA being inspired from many western comic characters, themes and ages. All Might being like a combination of Shazam and SuperMan while exploring morality and being a symbol to society's peace. Stain is clearly inspired by the edgy late 80s and 90s age of comics right down to being drawn incredibly detailed. But I think what makes him interesting is his reasoning and it compares rather well to the age he's inspired from. And that being an anti-hero and seeing that some heroes are missing the point and view it as a business and is superficial, which he considers a crime and thinks All Might should answer to him why.

I always saw him, especially in his splash pages, as a love letter to Todd McFarlane and his brand of Image, specifically. McFarlane would have totally made that character 30 years ago (my god 30 years I'm fucking old).


Pretty easy for me. Deku/All Might are trying to use their power for the good of humanity, one for ALL. The bad guy's ability allows him to take anyone's power, and the more he has the more powerful he would be right? It's a greedy selfish power. All for ONE.

That's a good way of thinking about it. Thanks.
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