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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Read the transcript for the new chapter,and Jesus Christ, I regret to have done that.

we really didn't need any more death flags


All Might will hold off All for One, forcing him back into hiding and recuperation, but at the cost of his life and Bakugou's Quirk getting stolen.
That last page

Goodbye All Might

Also im getting strong flashback with that
"Everything is for your sake"
page to a certain page at the end of the first chapter
I always saw him, especially in his splash pages, as a love letter to Todd McFarlane and his brand of Image, specifically. McFarlane would have totally made that character 30 years ago (my god 30 years I'm fucking old).

Pretty much this. Stain is a classic 90's antihero with relatively few of their excesses, and definitely a great sampling of what made them appealing (before things went off the rails).

edit: and he's not going to take Bakugou's quirk, turning him braindead wouldn't be very interesting.
God that last page.

Best Jeanist
is totes dead. And I'm loving the dynamic of how A4O and O4A are training their disciples. One props his student up despite a myriad of failures and instability, the other allows his to grow through his failures and only offers guidance and occasional help.

Really cool.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
A4O can be inherited? Has that been stated anywhere or just speculation?


As far as we know All For One is for stealing and redistributing powers.

The Big Bad's little brother had the quirk of giving inheritance to their own quirk. When The Big Bad gave his little brother the quirk of accumulating strength it combined with his original quirk to become One For All.

That does give an interesting suggestion on whether they both inherited the quirk of passing on quirks and The Big Bad got a combination or mutation that allowed him to take too. In that way technically he could pass on All For One.

If he can't pass on All For One right now. All For One could only be inherited if The Big Bad stole One For All back, in effect stealing back his brother's original power, which is highly unlikely.

We would have to see how the distribution of powers goes because wasn't it implied The Big Bad had to touch people to give them a power while his brother's quirk worked through having the intended recipient swallow a piece of the giver's body (hair) with the intent to pass it on.

Someone mentioned that Deku could have gotten more than one extra quirk due to the passing nature of the quirk which would be cool. They could mention All Might didn't even know about them and was so good at the stockpiling strength quirk that he didn't even notice the other ones there.


idle thought that was probably raised last week: what was sludge dude's quirk from the prologue? He could... hide in and puppet bodies and their quirks, right?
I thought the bit where A4O was deliberately deciding not to grab Jeanist's Quirk was really interesting. Also, the bit between him and Shiragaki... man, shit has just gotten so damn real.



Holy shit Jeanist is dead for sure now and All Might is here in full mode.

Yeah I think both are going to die before chapter 100.

I also don't think bakugou is getting nerfed in any way, he needs to survive because he has to be there to be the foil to Deku, if anything this situation gives him an ever bigger motivation to be the very best.

I also think we are either getting a timeskip after this arc or a breather arc, we need time for Deku to recover from his injuries, and All Might and AfO mutual destruction will give them time to both sides to prepare for the second part of the series.


I think Bakugou will be okay but seeing All Might die will deeply affect him.

All Might may or may not die, but his secret is definitely going to get revealed. Bakugou probably won't be able to handle the fact that All Might was kind of a lie.

If it's revealed to the public, then morale in heroes will drop to all time lows.


All Might may or may not die, but his secret is definitely going to get revealed. Bakugou probably won't be able to handle the fact that All Might was kind of a lie.

If it's revealed to the public, then morale in heroes will drop to all time lows.

I forgot about this, All Might did say that the reason his quirk is a secret is because he "had" to be a born hero.

Btw, I just read a theory that maybe Sensei (AfO guy) is training Shigaraki so he is the "next me", as in he is not passing on his ability to him, but instead is going to take over his body.


I forgot about this, All Might did say that the reason his quirk is a secret is because he "had" to be a born hero.

Btw, I just read a theory that maybe Sensei (AfO guy) is training Shigaraki so he is the "next me", as in he is not passing on his ability to him, but instead is going to take over his body.

Then why bother letting him learn and train him as a leader?


I wonder who is the hero no. 3. If I'm not mistaken the order is:

All Might, Endeavour, ?, Best Jeanist and Edgeshot.
It really does seem to be something to do with teaching imho

LIS I think it's just that they exist to illustrate the contrast with one another. How completely ineffably different All Might and Sensei are from one another.

I also think Bakugo will keep his powers and that this incident is what finally gets him to stop being such a complete and utter shitheel to Deku. Not a shitheel in general, mind you, just to Deku. I don't think it'd be trite enough to go the whole "he turns bad because of something" route.
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