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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

i don't know where you're reading into this 'my nakama' thing cosmic. they are going because he's their classmate, but they're hardly going 'power of friendship!' every five seconds or something. they just think it'd probably be better not for him to be ??? by evil villains intent on killing them/making them into noumus/???

You can see it posted on this page. Bakugou's "you idiots" line is pretty telling of what the author was going for.

Point being: You can like how a character is written without actually liking how that character behaves. Bakugou is a really interesting character who is an insufferable prick with just enough silver lining for you to wonder what his path is going to be. Bully or not, Deku admires him in some weird way, and that's a central drive to a lot of the plot. He's the epitome of a character who had all the power, which is a foil to Deku who had the exact opposite life.

Deku's admiration of him is one of the worst things about his character. It's straight up battered wife syndrome. There's enough implications that Deku's relatively passive personality (when he's not being hot-blooded) was partially birthed from Bakugou's bullying which started at a young and impressionable age. That's not good writing unless it's meant to be some commentary on Japan's fucked up view of bullying, in which case Deku would have much worse self-esteem issues and maybe even slightly suicidal.
I think I'd agree with you if he wasn't called out on his shit all the time in the story. That's kind of what makes him enjoyable in a way: Everyone truly sees him like we see him, an insufferable guy who is unbelievably angry for completely inane reasons. If he was this angry and the story made him out to be a guy everyone loved and admired, that would probably piss me off. It happens all the time, too. Like Sauske in Naruto. Everyone loves that kid starting out, but it makes no sense because he's an asshole.

Instead, Bakugou is a case study on someone who grows up in this society. The writer's doing a great job. There's just enough in there to make you think he'll face turn at some point, but also just enough in there to make you wonder if he'll eventually go with the villains. It's one of my favorite aspects of the show.
We don't need another goddamn sasuke do thank god for that. I was so relieved the author didn't do it.

Also I'll say this he got a smile for me after his fight with uratta.


Deku doesn't admire him. He just wants to have what Bakugou has, all his skill, all his achievement, all his confidence. He doesn't want to be Bakugou, he wants what Bakugou has.

I've experienced this feeling before in real life, and I understand what Deku's thinking there. There's just to precise word to convey how it feels, "admiration" is close, but has too many implications and connotations.
Deku doesn't admire him. He just wants to have what Bakugou has, all his skill, all his achievement, all his confidence. He doesn't want to be Bakugou, he wants what Bakugou has.

I've experienced this feeling before in real life, and I understand what Deku's thinking there. There's just to precise word to convey how it feels, "admiration" is close, but has too many implications and connotations.

Have you experienced that feeling from people that bullied you for over a decade and at one point told you to kill yourself?

I've had that feeling too, but jealousy is one thing. Jealousy toward a light bully is another. Jealousy toward someone that is downright malicious is yet another. Is the first thing you feel about a rich criminal that never paid for his crimes jealousy?
Yes, in fact. People who actually meant it, even.

Then we'll just have to agree to disagree here. I never felt jealousy toward the big popular jock that bullied me and told me to kill myself. He wasn't someone I strove to be or even strove to have what he had. I felt nothing but fear and eventually catharsis when I got him expelled.


For what it's worth, most of them became better people and regretted what they did. Heck, I've done some awful things, both out of pettiness and revenge, but I grew up.
I think A4O might have been the Magnito of his day. Representing what was, at the time, a minority against the normal humans in the only way he knew how, subjugation.
Then we'll just have to agree to disagree here. I never felt jealousy toward the big popular jock that bullied me and told me to kill myself. He wasn't someone I strove to be or even strove to have what he had. I felt nothing but fear and eventually catharsis when I got him expelled.

To be fair, that big popular jock probably didn't have super powers in a world where EVERYBODY BUT YOU also had super powers.

It goes beyond his abuse, Deku envies and has an admiration for Bakugo's skill, technique and resolve. It's been made abundantly clear at this point, I thought, that he fucking hates Bakugo the person, because he can't identify with him.

And now that Deku is catching up, Bakugo is learning the same level of fear and begrudging admiration through resentment that Deku had his whole life.


I think A4O might have been the Magnito of his day. Representing what was, at the time, a minority against the normal humans in the only way he knew how, subjugation.
I can believe this, yeah.

Maybe All for One even had a Stain-esque ideology of giving powers only to those who deserve it. Or maybe he didn't.

Guy's more interesting than I expected.


Alright not fully caught up(chap 80) but here it goes..IMA start this off on the highest of highs..unless this story falls off a cliff..top 3 right under one piece for me.

Proving again that you have great taste lol

-the characters all unique,they all get screentime and depth but let's focus on the Mc for now. Deku is a really really good main character, I'm still a bit shocked that he's one of the few who's not an idiot. His ability to analyze the situation on the fly is marvelous and although he's not op or anythhe has the right setup to be.

-some of the most..hmm how to put it "interesting" villain designs I've ever seen(no seriously hand dude is freaking me out the face he made in the mall)

-powers are all cool only so much you can do new when everybody writes about powers and things. I find myself more interested in the villains powers more. Obviously I need to know what's going on with all for one and one for all

-bakugou is a jerk I hate him and he's gonna turn villian .

- Yeah, Izuku is a great Mc. Probably my favorite Mc currently

The creativity in this series (design, powers) is off the charts. It's incredible how many ideas the author put in this series already even though we have yet to hit chapter 100!

Side note: there's a criminal lack of Kendou Fanart on the Internet. My favorite side ponytail doesn't get enough love!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Side note: there's a criminal lack of Kendou Fanart on the Internet. My favorite side ponytail doesn't get enough love!

She's the best girl


We don't need another goddamn sasuke do thank god for that. I was so relieved the author didn't do it.

Also I'll say this he got a smile for me after his fight with uraraka*.

From me too, that's a key moment for his character i think. Besides from every flaw he has, he recognized the skill and power of someone inferior to him, and showed respect for that. One of the reasons that fight is one of my favourites ever in a shonen manga; That and the powerful female representation, and the intelligence behind it.

Then we'll just have to agree to disagree here. I never felt jealousy toward the big popular jock that bullied me and told me to kill myself. He wasn't someone I strove to be or even strove to have what he had. I felt nothing but fear and eventually catharsis when I got him expelled.

This all comes down to personal experience but, you can actually "separate" the attributes of a person. Maybe the guy was a big big douche, but still might have something worthy of looking up to, or that causes jealousy, like physical state, intelligence, etc. That's kind of the thing here.

And i'd argue Deku cares for Bakugou because he knows deep inside he's just alone and miserable. Trying to "save" someone like Bakugou like that could be interpreted as some kind of masochism, but in a shonen manga the usual rule is never leaving behind someone because "power of friendship" or some shit like that.


I was thinking of him being a number 2 hero like Endeavor. Living in One for All's shadow. One for All is just too good.

Heroes must be a team to beat evil, classifiying them in ranking is wrong since we saw many time that depending of situation a quirk can be better than another.
Yeah, unless Bakugou gets a pretty significant powerup, he's gonna be stuck behind Todoroki, and eventually Deku (once that boy stops breaking all his limbs).
Bakugou himself is frustrated by his lack of progress later in comparison to Deku who just seems to be whizzing through. All Might makes a good comparison to RPG levels when comparing them.

I expect some sort of training for Bakugou, i thought the Camping trip would be where it would happen but now...
I do enjoy the problems people have with Bakugou being a hero and also a piece of shit when Endeavor exists as proof that they are not mutually exclusive. A lotta pros are shitbags or in it for money or fame.
Bakugou himself is frustrated by his lack of progress later in comparison to Deku who just seems to be whizzing through. All Might makes a good comparison to RPG levels when comparing them.

I expect some sort of training for Bakugou, i thought the Camping trip would be where it would happen but now...

I want Bakugou to have to earn his powerup, if it ever comes. His whole thing right now is that he's got a God-given talent; sure, he works hard at it too, but he's been exceptional all his life. He needs to go through some character development before getting more power.

I do enjoy the problems people have with Bakugou being a hero and also a piece of shit when Endeavor exists as proof that they are not mutually exclusive. A lotta pros are shitbags or in it for money or fame.

I'd look at professional sports, too. Check out some of the shit NFL players get up to.
This all comes down to personal experience but, you can actually "separate" the attributes of a person. Maybe the guy was a big big douche, but still might have something worthy of looking up to, or that causes jealousy, like physical state, intelligence, etc. That's kind of the thing here.

Sure, but experience is going to lead to biases. People are multi-faceted, but you're not going to think about the time you saw them help an old lady across the street when they're beating your face in for no reason.

And i'd argue Deku cares for Bakugou because he knows deep inside he's just alone and miserable. Trying to "save" someone like Bakugou like that could be interpreted as some kind of masochism, but in a shonen manga the usual rule is never leaving behind someone because "power of friendship" or some shit like that.

Deku being kind and self-sacrificial to a fault is part of his character, and I know I can't expect them to go into the deeper implications and consequences of that (see Shirou Emiya) in an average battle shounen, but it still rubs me the wrong way.


Admiration is definitely not the right word. It's just that Deku sees the good in all people (which is a key aspect of a hero) but also badly desires and wants all the things Bakugou always had.

Recent episode really sums that up. He wants to kick his ass.
Admiration is definitely not the right word. It's just that Deku sees the good in all people (which is a key aspect of a hero) but also badly desires and wants all the things Bakugou always had.

Recent episode really sums that up.

Yep, it's less admiration and more, appreciation of what he can do, and envy.

I think after the A4O/All Might fight (I still don't think All Might dies here) they'll do a proper training arc when all of them realize just how weak they truly are compared to the world level threats like that.


Hmm just caught up with the recent chapters, and I have to say Bakugou remains being the best character in the show. I do kinda wish that Neito from the other class and the electricity guy from class 1A got more screen time, well at least give them more screen time than the midget. If any character should get hate it should be that guy.
Im surprised Bakugou has driven the Hero Academia discussion for anime fans, when I cant recall manga readers being that passionate about his character or driving discussion.

I cant wait for the current arc to be animated to see if views change
I think i like todoroki better, all his growth came so naturally, and what he is now is so satisfying.

But they're all so enjoyable. I can't believe i now expect this more than one piece each week.



I never noticed the character names in the PVs were done in superhero comic logo fonts. (Deku = Superman, Tsuyu = Avengers)

Deku: Superman
Bakugou: Captain Marvel
Uraraka: Incredible Hulk
Iida: The Flash
All Might: Uncanny X-Men

Kirishima = Iron Man
Tsuyu = Avengers
Mineta = Spiderman
Tokoyami = ??
Kaminari = Dr. Strange
Momo = The Infinity Gauntlet
Todoroki - ??
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