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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Tatooine - opening city
Alderan Middle School - Deku and Katsuki's old school
Mustafar Fire Department, on vol 2.
Dagobah Municipal Beach Park - beach cleaned up by Deku
Naboo Junior High, Shinsou's old school
Hoth City - city attacked by Stain and Noumu
Wookiees Mall - mall where Shigaraki meets Deku
Kashyyyk Ward - location of the Wookiees Mall
Kamino Ward - location of villains' hideouts
Endor Environmental Protection Center - on the back of volume 8

databook locations said:
Musutafu/Mustafar, location of UA
Coruscant Junior High, Todoroki's old school
Utapau Junior High, Shouji's old school
Geonosis Junior High, Tsuyu's old school

Edit: added some more

Horikoshi's a nerd, goddamn


it's the 22nd century. i bet a bunch of nerds got into government at some point and renamed all the cities after star wars shit


Huge Nickleback Fan
Rereading from the first time they got attacked by villain during training. Kirishima and Bakugo are the first one to strike the warp guy and also got transported together leading to Kirishima saying he will follow and believe in Bakugo. He also the first guy that ask Bakugo to be his teammates in chivalry battle during Yuuei sport festival... it was planned all along!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Im surprised Bakugou has driven the Hero Academia discussion for anime fans, when I cant recall manga readers being that passionate about his character or driving discussion.

I cant wait for the current arc to be animated to see if views change

I like how you used the word "passionate" to describe their reactions.

Never change DTL!
Rereading from the first time they got attacked by villain during training. Kirishima and Bakugo are the first one to strike the warp guy and also got transported together leading to Kirishima saying he will follow and believe in Bakugo. He also the first guy that ask Bakugo to be his teammates in chivalry battle during Yuuei sport festival... it was planned all along!

And when Bakugous initial hero name got turned

Kirishimas always been supportive of him👀
3DS fighting game dropped today and it's actually pretty well done. Only Deku and Katsuki available to start but you unlock through story mode.

Seems like Bamco learned from ASB lol
Ashido may be my favorite girl (nice cameo in that Froppy art by the by) but I ship Deku/Froppy fucking HARD. All in.

I also will regret saying this in a thread where DTL roams, and I know this is never going to happen, but if Bakugou x Kaminari became canon I'd probably jump out of my chair with a "fuck yeah"

Im gonna need some time to digest this

Since Nana is 7
All Mights real name is Toshinori Yagi = 8
And apparently the Ku in Izuku can be read as =9

Damn Horikoshi you bastard.

The relationship between Shigaraki and AFO is Uncannily similar to All Mights and Dekus. I wonder how this is gonna end

All Might is Turning back but AFOs breathing instruments are also broken so hes gonna have to make a quick getaway as well.

Im guessing All Might is gonna push himself to the absolute limit to try and finally stop AFO but he'll still get away leaving All Might for dead or possibly in the weakest state hes been yet.

Also Ganbare Mt Lady ;__;

The damage caused to the city is not gonna look good for UA


If All Might dies, AfO better go with him. Maybe teleport himself to give All for One to Shigaraki and then dying in the process. I do not want to see him going against Deku. Pass the torch Sensei.



Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I'm envisioning a double-torch pass. AFO told Deku to defeat OFA. Maybe OFA can be transferred over as well. Maybe Shigaraki has to put the finishing blow on his boss to retrieve it.


Yeah this confirms Deku is the 9th user. Also his clothes white stripes look like a nine:


And the Death Flags are to high for both masters to survive this battle, the destruction of the city was acknowledged and the kids are still there to watch it all.

9 chapters to go until chapter 100.


So Bakagou is finally safe. AfO's teleportation quirk is pretty scary depending who he fights and who is near him. He teleported Gran Torino so he knows him.



All for One turned out to be an amazing villain, didn't he

He's going to be an even better villain when we find out he gave Shigaraki the quirk with which he killed his parents with and then took him under his wing to raise him as his successor.
Now that's fucked up.


He's going to be an even better villain when we find out he gave Shigaraki the quirk with which he killed his parents with and then took him under his wing to raise him as his successor.
Now that's fucked up.
I totally think that's what happened too.
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