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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


More fanart!



lame as shit.

This power doesn't mean the user can necessarily process all the information they're receiving, or the thoughts they're processing any quicker or more efficiently than a normal human, though some users are likely able to; this power is about how many things the user can actively focus on at the same time.

i guess I could watch more tv shows at once than I already do. maybe actually get some language study in properly.

/edit I think it would be kinda fun to like do some sketches of us with these powers. lmao.


Bro you could run the world's greatest gambling operation. Watch every sporting event on earth at the same time, make bets on all of them.

what's the use? I can only focus independently, my brain still doesn't have sufficient processing power to figure out what's actually happening. lmao.

need more required secondary powers to make this useful


fuck. i'm the scrub on this superteam.

this blows. I'm going evil if it means AfO can give me a way better quirk. see you suckers on the battlefield
Lock Manipulation

User can create, shape and manipulate locks and any other mechanical or electronic devices/items that can be used to fastening/securing doors, gates, lids, drawers, etc. in position and is released by a physical object (such as a key, keycard, fingerprint, RFID card, security token, etc.), by supplying secret information (such as a keycode or password), or by a combination


Guess ill be the most successful gentlemen thief ever or modern day robin hood

2nd try gave me Air Manipulation which was cool.
that's either a villain power, or you're gonna be the freaking best private tutor for kids cramming for uni entrance exams in existance

The transfer portion of it makes it seem like he'd still have to remove it from somebody to give it to the kids, so it's really a choice between Supervillain and Punch Clock Villain.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Shockwave stomp.

Man, that was lame. I guess i could stun several enemies at once and try to apply shockwave stomp to enemy body.


We're not thinking about this Plus Ultra enough. If Best Girl Class B Pres can be a hero with her rad but kinda lame giant hand power, and evil-looking mind control dude is still a cool kid, we just need to apply ourselves differently! PLUS ULTRA!


that's either a villain power, or you're gonna be the freaking best private tutor for kids cramming for uni entrance exams in existance

The transfer portion of it makes it seem like he'd still have to remove it from somebody to give it to the kids, so it's really a choice between Supervillain and Punch Clock Villain.

I don't wanna be a villian, I wanna be a hero :(

Is this what Shinsou feels like with his Brainwash quirk?


Just keep a small animal on hand at all times. When villains come, swap their intelligence with the squirrel.

Just beware of super-intelligent squirrels.

All Might Fighting in skinny mode with only his right arm muscled up

Wee see Nana Shimuras face in one panel flashback

The fight between AFO and All Might being Broadcasted from a helicopter apparently


All Might has tears streaming


We're not thinking about this Plus Ultra enough. If Best Girl Class B Pres can be a hero with her rad but kinda lame giant hand power, and evil-looking mind control dude is still a cool kid, we just need to apply ourselves differently! PLUS ULTRA!
I can move air away from a area to create a vacuum. My mobility is insane. I can do parkour and effectively fly. And I can be a pretty good fighter.


92 spoilers

>Todoroki contacts Deku and tells him that he and Momo safely escaped and are waiting at the station
>Bakugou says that this was the best solution and that he wasn't saved by them
>Deku: "Now all that's left to worry about is All Might."
>The previous female OFA user, Nana Shimura, is firmly in All Might's reminiscence and he gets angry when her name is mentioned
>AFO throws All Might into the sky and beats into him, telling him that Nana was a woman without the ability to defeat him
>Gran Torino catches All Might in the sky and a news helicopter is broadcasting everything
>People all over the country are watching this situation right now
>AFO says he hates All Might and wants to celebrate his death
>All Might is now deflated, but still standing firm as the Symbol of Peace
>AFO mocks All Might in the state he is now and reveals that Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson
>AFO is still mocking the deflated All Might, but he recalls an old memory
>"Do not lose... All Might... please... help me..."
>The people watching the fight are screaming with tears in their eyes
>Deku and Bakugou are also screaming at All Might to win, with tears in their eyes
>All Might is now alone confronting AFO, with only his right arm in the muscle form.

there are images. this is legit. it's not looking good.
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