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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Ok, taking bets, this is going to be a close one.

The winners of this bet are going to be allowed to select Best Girl and Best Boy of the series and will be featured as such in the OP. Everyone who predicted right gets a vote.

You can pick several of this as long as they don't contradict each other, you get a point per correct guess, and lose a point per incorrect guess.

a) All Might wins.
b) All for One wins.
c) They draw.

a) All Might survives, AfO dies.
b) All for One survives, All Might dies.
c) They both survive.
d) They both die.

Also, in case there is a dilemma of what means to "win" or "lose", it reefers to the fight itself, as in who beat the crap out of the other the hardest. So it can happen that all might wins and dies, it can happen that both win in the sense that they both successfully fulfill their objective, but that won't count in this case. And surviving means surviving the fight.

So you either select a winner or claim they draw, you can't choose them both to win or both to lose.

You submit your bet like this.

Bet: a,d

For the new page.


y'know since Deku becoming a giant beefcake like All Might isn't going to happen, he's going to end up looking more like Nana, who's normal superhero muscular
I'm going to go with:


Though it'll be c,c immediately after the fight. (evil dude will escape and live just long enough to pass on his powers)



But fuck this chapter was so fucking incredible.

Actually, my guess is that they draw, but All Might dies shortly after... on chapter 100.


Honestly, this chapter pretty much elevates the series to the next level, the villain went from sympathetic in the previous chapters to absolutely grotesque in this one, Horikoshi is just messing with my feelings.

Also I loved how they handled the reveal of Shigaraki's origin. It was pretty obvious from the point of view of the reader, since they did mention the name before, but the motivations and the way it was used by AfO to attack All Might mentally is just superb.


Honestly if I hadn't been browsing these threads a lot I never would've caught it. I don't really read manga so deeply unless I'm discussing it with people.


Cool touches, speaking of:

All for One pulls off his mask cables simply so that he can mock All Mght with the smile finger thing


All Might's final activation with his right hand has the same effect as Deku's first uncontrolled activation

Dat Tokoyami in the BG


thanks vol 9 cover, i had blacked out that darknight mcshadowbird had TEETH inside his goddamn BEAK.

birdman you're cool and all but PLEASE STOP GRINNING


Someone pointed out shigaraki and Nana have the same mole

Thought it was a nice touch though its weird some panels of his face have it and some dont.

I guess he forgets to add it, happens to pretty much everyone, although after this I won't be surprised they go back and fix it for future volume releases.

Nice touch too.


If Boku No Hero Academia keeps on getting better and better as it goes on... I think that it has the possibility of being top 5 manga of all time.
I'm betting a d on this one. He'll kill AfO, then will say a few words before dying. That resets the field for deku and shigaraki's future confrontations.

What would hurt, tbh, is how far from deku he is. If this actually happens and deku can't say goodbye, it'd screw me up pretty bad.

Also, that cover is incredible.


If Boku No Hero Academia keeps on getting better and better as it goes on... I think that it has the possibility of being top 5 manga of all time.
The best thing about the showdown right now was that the flow of actions leading up to here were completely natural. Surprise attack to kidnapping to rescue to a tear jerking brawl.
Some other manga would just say there's undisclosed big special fight in a certain moment of time like a few weeks or months to excuse a training arc or to cover all the characters that will be involved in the big moment. It works for some like sports manga but it used so often.
This didn't at all it got this in a chain of events that spanned just around mid-twenty chapters. Each one not being boring and feeling natural. All important information that lead to the recent reveal were sprinkled throughout in previous chapters creating genuine surprised and "ah-ha" moments.
In short, this manga is really fucking good.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Considering that even All Might thought that Deku was going to have to face AFO (and beat him in the future) I doubt All Might beats AFO even if it would be great if he did.

Edit: It was great how surprised and happy All Might was to see Deku and the rest of his students there unexpectadely to save Bakugou. Deku is the best protégé a hero could ask for. Obviously Kirishima gets mad props for persuading Deku to come, but when he asked, Deku literally had two broken arms. Go back to the panel when he asks, both arms are literally covered in bandages/casts and Deku was just told his injuries could be irreversible soon.

I'm glad the plan Deku came up with also involved Iida. Iida on the surface might not be the most interesting character, but he is a flawed hero trying better himself even against his nature.

He doesn't have the natural heroic spirit of saving people like Deku. His excuse that he would have saved someone like Ochako during the entrance exam was just that, an excuse. He was talking himself into thinking he would have done what Deku would have done in a real situation. He then felt like he needed to be in a different team during the cavalry battle so that he wouldn't continue being in Deku's shadow. Later he tries to get revenge against Stain instead of saving the incapacitated hero, having Stain dub him as a "Fake Hero". Iida agreeing to come on this virtual suicide mission was a big step.


If Boku No Hero Academia keeps on getting better and better as it goes on... I think that it has the possibility of being top 5 manga of all time.

Personal favorite, best shounen jump manga, or literally best out of all manga ever made?

Considering that even All Might thought that Deku was going to have to face AFO (and beat him in the future) I doubt All Might beats AFO even if it would be great if he did.

Edit: It was great how surprised and happy All Might was to see Deku and the rest of his students there unexpectadely to save Bakugou. Deku is the best protégé a hero could ask for. Obviously Kirishima gets mad props for persuading Deku to come, but when he asked, Deku literally had two broken arms. Go back to the panel when he asks, both arms are literally covered in bandages/casts and Deku was just told his injuries could be irreversible soon.

I'm glad the plan Deku came up with also involved Iida. Iida on the surface might not be the most interesting character, but he is a flawed hero trying better himself even against his nature.

He doesn't have the natural heroic spirit of saving people like Deku. His excuse that he would have saved someone like Ochako during the entrance exam was just that, an excuse. He was talking himself into thinking he would have done what Deku would have done in a real situation. He then felt like he needed to be in a different team during the cavalry battle so that he wouldn't continue being in Deku's shadow. Later he tries to get revenge against Stain instead of saving the incapacitated hero, having Stain dub him as a "Fake Hero". Iida agreeing to come on this virtual suicide mission was a big step.

I was hoping there would be some way to pass down AfO to someone else, so that Shigaraki could inherit it.


All Might and All for One dying isn't a reset, necessarily. The Symbol of Peace is a deterrent against all villains, the Villain Alliance would take time to regroup, but All Might's absence would cause crime in general to rise.
I dont think ive ever gotten this hyped for a shonen manga...maybe Bakuman... but still.

Horikoshis done really well in characterising AFO in these last 4 chapters. AFO imitating Nana was so great.

Obviously Kirishima gets mad props for persuading Deku to come, but when he asked, Deku literally had two broken arms. Go back to the panel when he asks, both arms are literally covered in bandages/casts and Deku was just told his injuries could be irreversible soon.



Personal favorite, best shounen jump manga, or literally best out of all manga ever made?

I was hoping there would be some way to pass down AfO to someone else, so that Shigaraki could inherit it.

I already think this is the best shounen jump manga after One Piece, but I'm talking about all time.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Ok, taking bets, this is going to be a close one.

The winners of this bet are going to be allowed to select Best Girl and Best Boy of the series and will be featured as such in the OP. Everyone who predicted right gets a vote.

You can pick several of this as long as they don't contradict each other, you get a point per correct guess, and lose a point per incorrect guess.

a) All Might wins.
b) All for One wins.
c) They draw.

a) All Might survives, AfO dies.
b) All for One survives, All Might dies.
c) They both survive.
d) They both die.

Also, in case there is a dilemma of what means to "win" or "lose", it reefers to the fight itself, as in who beat the crap out of the other the hardest. So it can happen that all might wins and dies, it can happen that both win in the sense that they both successfully fulfill their objective, but that won't count in this case. And surviving means surviving the fight.

So you either select a winner or claim they draw, you can't choose them both to win or both to lose.

You submit your bet like this.

Bet: a,d

Bet: a, b.
Well, at least i imagine AFO will survive longer than All Might


Ok, taking bets, this is going to be a close one.

The winners of this bet are going to be allowed to select Best Girl and Best Boy of the series and will be featured as such in the OP. Everyone who predicted right gets a vote.

You can pick several of this as long as they don't contradict each other, you get a point per correct guess, and lose a point per incorrect guess.

a) All Might wins.
b) All for One wins.
c) They draw.

a) All Might survives, AfO dies.
b) All for One survives, All Might dies.
c) They both survive.
d) They both die.

Also, in case there is a dilemma of what means to "win" or "lose", it reefers to the fight itself, as in who beat the crap out of the other the hardest. So it can happen that all might wins and dies, it can happen that both win in the sense that they both successfully fulfill their objective, but that won't count in this case. And surviving means surviving the fight.

So you either select a winner or claim they draw, you can't choose them both to win or both to lose.

You submit your bet like this.

Bet: a,d

Dude will cell-style self-destruct

I meant moreso how everyone watching will react. We already know that All Might is okay with killing him, and that even seems to be his goal, but we have an entire society that looks up to him as a hero and symbol of peace and is part of an institution that treats this like a job that people aspire too. If I was like 15 or what the fuck ever age they are and was devoting myself wholly to becoming a hero and All Might was the example of everything I want to be, and I saw him KILL a man on live television? That'd fuck me up. Hell, I'm 30 and that'd fuck me up. This society doesn't seem to have a loose idea of when it's okay to kill, it still seems pretty morally on "killing is bad"


I meant moreso how everyone watching will react. We already know that All Might is okay with killing him, and that even seems to be his goal, but we have an entire society that looks up to him as a hero and symbol of peace and is part of an institution that treats this like a job that people aspire too. If I was like 15 or what the fuck ever age they are and was devoting myself wholly to becoming a hero and All Might was the example of everything I want to be, and I saw him KILL a man on live television? That'd fuck me up. Hell, I'm 30 and that'd fuck me up. This society doesn't seem to have a loose idea of when it's okay to kill, it still seems pretty morally on "killing is bad"
He said he would take AfO to justice not kill him. And AfO is quite the sturdy guy. Dude took a SMASH punch right in the face.
Huh, it looks like I read a wonky translation or something cause I coulda sworn All Might said he was gonna kill him, whereas now that I'm reading back it looks like he was gonna take him to jail, justice, whatever. AfO did say "kill me again" though which is interesting.


Huh, it looks like I read a wonky translation or something cause I coulda sworn All Might said he was gonna kill him, whereas now that I'm reading back it looks like he was gonna take him to jail, justice, whatever. AfO did say "kill me again" though which is interesting.
Last time they fought, All Might ripped the guy's legs off and smashed his head in.


It read to me like All Might's objective was to capture him, but, as Gran Torino pointed out, AfO got under his skin last time too and he missed his opportunity to capture him, so I want to think he instead when on a rampage back then and beat the shit out of him, but this gave AfO enough time to escape.


If Boku No Hero Academia keeps on getting better and better as it goes on... I think that it has the possibility of being top 5 manga of all time.

"If _____ get better and better with time and never falters it will eventually become the best thing ever!" isn't as poignant a statement as you think it is :p

Anyway, great chapter is great. I don't know how you resolve this conflict without a death without feeling cheap or taking away all the stakes of the conflict but we are just going to have to wait and see how this all plays out.
All Might and All for One dying isn't a reset, necessarily. The Symbol of Peace is a deterrent against all villains, the Villain Alliance would take time to regroup, but All Might's absence would cause crime in general to rise.

Yeah, probably crime would rise, but my point was in getting this balance between the 2 youngest reps of Justice and crime. If AfO survives and is involved later in the plot, shigaraki tomura kinda loses any point as a character IMO. When you have this OP villain with thousands of quirks the focus would shift to him, and all the development and build up on Tomura would feel useless.

Both All Might and AfO need to get out of the equation. It'll collapse the hero society, so there'll be huge changes and world building dynamics (thus, keeping the plot interesting) and would also give some time to breathe for Deku and Shigaraki in terms of dealing with grief, dominating their quirks, etc.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
For those people that were hoping that Deku would bulk up like All Might



I think this was the gif you guys were looking for as a reaction to chapter 92



My lord I was a tiny bit bored when they were doing the whole rescue thing but man the series of events that have unfolded to this point has been amazing. Even if all might doesn't die I expect him to been in shambles, Deku having to watch the person he idolizes be nothing but a husk of his former self as he slowly dies over days/weeks.
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