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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


I'm still interested in that he seems to think that Nana was the originator for 14A, but that was a single speech bubble dialogue, so idk if accurate


I'm still interested in that he seems to think that Nana was the originator for 14A, but that was a single speech bubble dialogue, so idk if accurate
Do you mean the line "as the person who fathered One for All, her hopelessness was embarassing"?

All for One was talking about himself as the creator of One for All, which he technically is. The rest is him mocking Nana as a particularly worthless successor to piss All Might off.


So I got too antsy waiting for the anime weekly and ended up just reading through the manga.
I'm around Chapter 66 now, and I really get people's issues with Bakugou now.

Honestly, his incredibly foul mouth was already starting to get on my nerves. This is a school, right? And yet he cant seem to get through a sentence without at least two "fucks" and the absolute worst he seems to get over it is just light ribbing from the classmates.

Now he's paired up with Izuku for this test VS All Might, and when Midoriya brings up the absolute common sense point that they need to focus on evasion and escape rather than fighting since their opponent is fucking ALL MIGHT, Bakugou cracks him across the face full-force with those big metal gauntlets of him.

His behavior isn't the "talented jerk" anime trope, he's just a full-on narcissistic psychopath with dangerous rage issues.
This isn't a "squabble between classmates," he just committed heavy assault!

Seriously! This kid shouldn't just not be in the Heroics program - he should be in juvenile detention!


Bakugo's language is turned up to 11 in the fan translations. It's straight up a creative decision on their part. The anime and official Viz versions don't have him saying fuck for every word coming out of his mouth.

That was honestly a big reason why I found him so annoying when I first started reading the manga. Not sure why they decided to take an already obnoxious character and make it much worse.
Bakugo's language is turned up to 11 in the fan translations. It's straight up a creative decision on their part. The anime and official Viz versions don't have him saying fuck for every word coming out of his mouth.

That was honestly a big reason why I found him so annoying when I first started reading the manga. Not sure why they decided to take an already obnoxious character and make it much worse.

Yeah I wonder how many people are having their view of him skewed by fuck heavy fan translations


it's a general fan translation thing, yeah

Japanese has a complicated system of rudeness vs. politeness depending on how you speak, speaking forcefully and bluntly comes off as rude. Bakugou doesn't swear, he just speaks rough.

This takes effort to translate to English, effort that professional translators can work around. Fan translators don't want to put in that effort or have the skills to deal with it, so it's approximated into swearing.


He didn't.

Reread the panel and look at Bakugou's face. It's surprised.

He hit Deku by accident while making a gesture.

Hmmm, I guess I could see that as a valid interpretation, with the panel after with his eyes shaded over, but then he launches instantly back into chewing Deku out while he's lying on the ground holding a face that just basically got hit with a metal baseball bat.

His total lack of remorse for hitting someone, even accidentally, in a way that could probably kill a person and willingness to continue yelling down at him while he's in pain on the ground make it so I don't even know if it possibly being an "accident" makes it better.

If it was on purpose, he's a malicious, physical bully that should be in some sort of rehabilitation program.
If it was an accident... He's still a dangerous loose cannon whose only redeeming quality seems to be how much he wants to be a "hero," even though he acts completely contrary to even the basic principals of the title.

He's not an "anti-hero" to me, he's just a straight up asshole who's ended up with a dangerous super power for someone who can't control their temper.


antiheroes are assholes. they're the same thing. the punisher is a fucking murderous jackass. there's no real dividing line other than their intentions.
I still wonder how you translate bakugou's "rough" lines without sounding corny and awkward for a teen.

I totally buy he'd be swearing.


you do realize this is the setting where a guy can shatter his arm and not die instantly of shock, right

I get that there's some "it's a superhero comic/cartoon/anime" to it, but has there ever been any canon commentary that human's in MHA have a baseline "durability" that's greater than normal?
I'm of the opinion that, outside of Quirks, these are normal humans with normal human reflexes, toughness and abilities.

I still wonder how you translate bakugou's "rough" lines without sounding corny and awkward for a teen.

I totally buy he'd be swearing.

Eh, you can have "rough" language with "rude" statements and lighter swearing.

Things like:

"Shut up."
"Cut the crap."
"Screw you."

There's a ton of ways to have a character speak "brashly" without jumping straight to "fucks" and "shits."
"Harder" swears like that really screw up the "school" setting, since peppering your language with "fucks" in a classroom should be something that gets you constantly "sent to the office."


In Middle School I used to swear like a sailor and I considered myself a mostly normal kid, but in Mexico that is fairly common, so I don't know how would it be somewhere else.

I do know that in Japan just any amount of rudeness is VERY rude.


Remember those fan-subs with Luffy swearing? I always found those weird, because Luffy is direct bat I can't see him swearing.


Bakugou is also pretty careful not to direct any of his more abrasive aggression directly at a teacher, you'll find


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Remember those fan-subs with Luffy swearing? I always found those weird, because Luffy is direct bat I can't see him swearing.

Some of the earliest DBZ fansubs had Goku cursing up a storm. It's kind of surreal when you consider how innocent he's meant to be.


Japanese doesn't really have swear words like we do, at all. You normally insult people by being impolite or sarcastically polite.
Japanese doesn't really have swear words like we do, at all. You normally insult people by being impolite or sarcastically polite.

Oh god my years of Japanese language study finally pays off.

There is no word for shit in Japanese, for instance, simply more vulgar/impolite ways of saying poop.




But my god can japanese be dirty. I'm so happy I got the book for dirty japanese words and slang.
in Medieval Japan, it was too embarrassing to explain how the "birds and the bees" worked

so they just had someone write down all the instructions and warnings and give it to the newly married couple


Huge Nickleback Fan
If i remember correctly Mineta (grape boy) say fuck in the original source during training. And yeah, IRL Bakugo probably swear a lot.


japan imported swear words from elsewhere but they don't reaaaaaally know how to use them properly, lmao

or; the story of a perfectly normal concert where the chorus to a perfectly low key and chill song was 'fuck you fuck you baby' and flipping everyone the bird


This chapter was so great so many

Also I am on team all might will
not die

We finally learned why endeavor has such a huge beef with all might as well
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