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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time




Did they ever explain how Minoru got through the exam? I know he's the smartest in the class and probably did the best on the written portion, but he had to have done something in the physical portion.

Also, how come they said that Deku just barely squeezed by on the written portion? I would have thought he'd be a huge nerd and done really well.


Did they ever explain how Minoru got through the exam? I know he's the smartest in the class and probably did the best on the written portion, but he had to have done something in the physical portion.

Also, how come they said that Deku just barely squeezed by on the written portion? I would have thought he'd be a huge nerd and done really well.

Well you didn't have to destroy the robots, only incapacitate them.


Did they ever explain how Minoru got through the exam? I know he's the smartest in the class and probably did the best on the written portion, but he had to have done something in the physical portion.

Also, how come they said that Deku just barely squeezed by on the written portion? I would have thought he'd be a huge nerd and done really well.

He used his sticky balls to stop the robots from moving, that gives him points.

Deku got nervous and also couldn't study as much as he could have wanted because he was doing his training regime with All Might to be a proper vessel. Remember he barely made it in time. Entrance exams in Japan are brutal, too. And its implied that the entrance exam is not only about hero stuff, but also normal academic stuff like english and math.


Yeah people tell me that the entrance exam is the toughest part of school in Japan; it would make sense for UA to be just as tough. Plus though UA is a high school, it has "college" features, like Uraraka's student housing or how no further education is implied for heroes and support department alike. That suggests it's more comprehensive than a normal high school, merging anime high school with comics college.

Edit: The more I think about it, the more I like the idea that UA is a cross between Japanese high school and Western college settings. The students even treat it like an important deal but in a non-exaggerated way, more like college than mundane high school
I just found the sketch of Shoujis face


Damn. I knew he could recreate limbs but not his head. Does that mean he can have two heads at once and if one gets blown he'll still live? Kinda cool


he recreates his mouth and eyes all the time, so I guess it's logical he can recreate his entire head. I would guess his brain resides in the mainplace though.
All Might's left punch was shallow and AFO starts a counter attack, but All Might uses all of his last energy for his real final punch

With "United States Smash" All Might gave up the last bits of OFA he had and defeated AFO

Everyone celebrates All Might's victory

The police forces arrive and chain AFO in the iron maiden

Standing as the Symbol of Peace All Might looks into the cameras, saying: "You are next!"

Deku thinks about the intent of his mission, to save Bakugou, and that it was successful

AFO is brought to prison without any trial

The guards are surprised AFO fought against All Might with his weak looking body

Stain is also in that prison

AFO thinks this can be a lesson for Shigaraki to grow by the new hate against All Might

Now it's time for Shigaraki to increase his number of followers


Prison break
arc when?


Last week we had fake text + real pics too. The style of the text spoilers matches the style of last week's, that weird fake spoiler writing.

not sure if that link is kosher btw
Last week we had fake text + real pics too. The style of the text spoilers matches the style of last week's, that weird fake spoiler writing.

not sure if that link is kosher btw

Ah i didnt know that, could be true...but it seems to line up pretty well with the images.
Still ill take out the img link


Chapter is out.
I'm sad that Horikoshi didn't have the balls to kill any hero for now. At the same time happy because Toshinori is really a great character.
Spoilers were right.

Honestly reading them i was kinda let down but reading this chapter i got legit chills. The "Your Next" parallels were so great. All According to Keikaku?

You misread our time to say farewell, and you lost your time to die.

I hope this is translated right cause i love this line. AFO is amazing.
So Moaradin and I were the only two to correctly guess all might wins both live without hedging our bets.

Great chapter passing the torch onto the next generation
Considering time kills all of us one day, I still declare my prediction as correct and thus proclaim Ashido to be Official Best Girl and Tsuyu to be Official Second Best Girl. Big Hands can be...I dunno, Best Girl Bro or something.

Best boy is of course Tokoyami.

I'm confused as to how people still think A4O is still going to be the big bad. The entire purpose of this arc was to transfer the weight of the old generation onto the new. All 4 One proved he's not just using Shigaraki to fuck with All Might, he legitimately is trying to make him into the person who will take his ideals into the future.

You're crazy if you don't think Deku/Shigaraki is the defining fight of this manga.

Just as a chapter, this was hype as fuck. The very stark pages of All Might guarding the dying flame and the frenetic explosion of linework in the burst of All Might PULVERIZING All For One with UNITED STATES OF SMASH. Incredible paneling and art direction. What's amazing is even after all that he had to show everyone that everything was going to be okay. He needed to stand up and raise that arm. If All Might fell after something like that, took the time to rest, it would break so much of what the world believes in. Reminds me of that Hitman issue where he talks to Superman and Superman relates to him about being unable to save that astronaut and seeing in his eyes that the universal truth of "Superman's here, everything is alright" dying and how important it is as an icon to people that they keep that truth in their heart.

Despite Bakugou still being a shit, this chapter was pretty amazing (coupled with the previous ones) in showing just how much he thinks of All Might and how subtle his expressions were when watching him win. Bakugou is an asshole but he'll never be a villain; he admires All Might way too much and All Might is his pillar just like everyone else.

Also, Snake-Hair girl cameo!

Something I really like is that the news crew did report that the casualties were going to be really high. You can't have something so defining as this without a loss of life to indicate just how landscape-changing this kind of battle was. Too many shows/manga/whatever pull "oh, we evacuated an entire city in 15 minutes so it's okay no innocent lives were lost" and as a result the battle often feels cheated in some way. But not this time. All 4 One didn't give them that time. Their attacks were too massive to be contained and people got killed. It gives so much more weight to their actions and the importance of what heroes do.

I do love the fact that All 4 One was essentially blind which explains why he didn't notice the kids at the site I guess. Add onto that Stain being shown to notice All 4 One being entered and that whole prison scene was well done. All 4 One is such a brilliant asshole. He knew that All Might had one chance to solidify Deku's growth and get rid of Shigaraki's hatred by dying and he missed it.

The You're Nexts in this chapter were chills-inducing.

I really hope they don't do a time skip. There is still so much more that we can follow when it comes to these kids learning to be heroes and a lot of them haven't gotten any development or time to shine for us to care for them when they make it as heroes or graduate. This manga moves at such a fast pace the majority of the time that in this one specific instance I want them to slow down and let the class grow over time and show them together more and more and see them develop. I don't want to just leap ahead to "Oh, now they're heroes" or "Oh, now they're seniors and are trained in their powers and all great friends"

I want to see that shit.


Considering time kills all of us one day, I still declare my prediction as correct and thus proclaim Ashido to be Official Best Girl and Tsuyu to be Official Second Best Girl. Big Hands can be...I dunno, Best Girl Bro or something.

Best boy is of course Tokoyami.

I'm confused as to how people still think A4O is still going to be the big bad. The entire purpose of this arc was to transfer the weight of the old generation onto the new. All 4 One proved he's not just using Shigaraki to fuck with All Might, he legitimately is trying to make him into the person who will take his ideals into the future.

You're crazy if you don't think Deku/Shigaraki is the defining fight of this manga.

Just as a chapter, this was hype as fuck. The very stark pages of All Might guarding the dying flame and the frenetic explosion of linework in the burst of All Might PULVERIZING All For One with UNITED STATES OF SMASH. Incredible paneling and art direction. What's amazing is even after all that he had to show everyone that everything was going to be okay. He needed to stand up and raise that arm. If All Might fell after something like that, took the time to rest, it would break so much of what the world believes in. Reminds me of that Hitman issue where he talks to Superman and Superman relates to him about being unable to save that astronaut and seeing in his eyes that the universal truth of "Superman's here, everything is alright" dying and how important it is as an icon to people that they keep that truth in their heart.

Despite Bakugou still being a shit, this chapter was pretty amazing (coupled with the previous ones) in showing just how much he thinks of All Might and how subtle his expressions were when watching him win. Bakugou is an asshole but he'll never be a villain; he admires All Might way too much and All Might is his pillar just like everyone else.

Also, Snake-Hair girl cameo!

Something I really like is that the news crew did report that the casualties were going to be really high. You can't have something so defining as this without a loss of life to indicate just how landscape-changing this kind of battle was. Too many shows/manga/whatever pull "oh, we evacuated an entire city in 15 minutes so it's okay no innocent lives were lost" and as a result the battle often feels cheated in some way. But not this time. All 4 One didn't give them that time. Their attacks were too massive to be contained and people got killed. It gives so much more weight to their actions and the importance of what heroes do.

I do love the fact that All 4 One was essentially blind which explains why he didn't notice the kids at the site I guess. Add onto that Stain being shown to notice All 4 One being entered and that whole prison scene was well done. All 4 One is such a brilliant asshole. He knew that All Might had one chance to solidify Deku's growth and get rid of Shigaraki's hatred by dying and he missed it.

The You're Nexts in this chapter were chills-inducing.

I really hope they don't do a time skip. There is still so much more that we can follow when it comes to these kids learning to be heroes and a lot of them haven't gotten any development or time to shine for us to care for them when they make it as heroes or graduate. This manga moves at such a fast pace the majority of the time that in this one specific instance I want them to slow down and let the class grow over time and show them together more and more and see them develop. I don't want to just leap ahead to "Oh, now they're heroes" or "Oh, now they're seniors and are trained in their powers and all great friends"

I want to see that shit.
This post deserves a slow clap.


Ok, taking bets, this is going to be a close one.

The winners of this bet are going to be allowed to select Best Girl and Best Boy of the series and will be featured as such in the OP. Everyone who predicted right gets a vote.

You can pick several of this as long as they don't contradict each other, you get a point per correct guess, and lose a point per incorrect guess.

a) All Might wins.
b) All for One wins.
c) They draw.

a) All Might survives, AfO dies.
b) All for One survives, All Might dies.
c) They both survive.
d) They both die.

Also, in case there is a dilemma of what means to "win" or "lose", it reefers to the fight itself, as in who beat the crap out of the other the hardest. So it can happen that all might wins and dies, it can happen that both win in the sense that they both successfully fulfill their objective, but that won't count in this case. And surviving means surviving the fight.

So you either select a winner or claim they draw, you can't choose them both to win or both to lose.

You submit your bet like this.

Bet: a,d

And here are the results!

Meffer A, and A.

striferser a, b.

Moaradin A,C
BassForever A/C

cntr: a,d
Jintor a. d
Grexeno a,d
kewlmyc ad
Harmonic. a.d
nintendoman58 a,d
SalvaPot a,d

Kansoku b c

ShadyPenguin B,D
Jarmel B D

Elfforkusu c,a
WhiskerFrisker C, A.

Pappasman c, c
Lunar15 c,c
Dedication Through Light C,C

OniBarubary C,D.
Puruzi c/d
Poodlestrike c, d


Our winner are... Moaradin and BassForever! Congratulations!

Voting is easy, just mention here who is the Best Boy and Best Girl. If you have a different choice, that is fine too, since we will feature them BOTH in the OP! One will be featured for the next 30 days, and then replaced by the other choice. By then we can make another bet to decide the next winner.

Also you are free to choose what picture, fanart or gif to use to feature your choice on the OP, as long as its not:

1) Lewd.
2) In poor taste.

Cute pics? Funny pics? Cosplay? Fair play.


Well, I'll gladly eat crow. I was totally wrong about how this fight ended. I wonder what will become of All Might now that everyone knows his true form and I assume he can no longer use his powers.

Also the art in this chapter was amazing. This whole fight was pretty amazing.


Well, I'll gladly eat crow. I was totally wrong about how this fight ended. I wonder what will become of All Might now that everyone knows his true form and I assume he can no longer use his powers.

Also the art in this chapter was amazing. This whole fight was pretty amazing.

I'm thinking since OfA is gone from him now. He'll have to retire as a hero.
Despite Bakugou still being a shit, this chapter was pretty amazing (coupled with the previous ones) in showing just how much he thinks of All Might and how subtle his expressions were when watching him win. Bakugou is an asshole but he'll never be a villain; he admires All Might way too much and All Might is his pillar just like everyone else.

I do love the fact that All 4 One was essentially blind which explains why he didn't notice the kids at the site I guess. Add onto that Stain being shown to notice All 4 One being entered and that whole prison scene was well done. All 4 One is such a brilliant asshole. He knew that All Might had one chance to solidify Deku's growth and get rid of Shigaraki's hatred by dying and he missed it.

The You're Nexts in this chapter were chills-inducing.
Bakugou is a cunning kid and it seems like he noticed how Deku took All Night's message quite personally. I feel like Bakugou will connect the dots with Deku's seemingly super strength and All Might. Good stuff awaits! The thing with Afo, if he could sense vibrations, why didn't he sense the kids? They were literally shaking in fear. Though I guess his quirk isn't super accurate and he was preoccupied with the heroes on front of him.
And here are the results!

Meffer A, and A.

striferser a, b.

Moaradin A,C
BassForever A/C

cntr: a,d
Jintor a. d
Grexeno a,d
kewlmyc ad
Harmonic. a.d
nintendoman58 a,d
SalvaPot a,d

Kansoku b c

ShadyPenguin B,D
Jarmel B D

Elfforkusu c,a
WhiskerFrisker C, A.

Pappasman c, c
Lunar15 c,c
Dedication Through Light C,C

OniBarubary C,D.
Puruzi c/d
Poodlestrike c, d


Our winner are... Moaradin and BassForever! Congratulations!

Voting is easy, just mention here who is the Best Boy and Best Girl. If you have a different choice, that is fine too, since we will feature them BOTH in the OP! One will be featured for the next 30 days, and then replaced by the other choice. By then we can make another bet to decide the next winner.

Also you are free to choose what picture, fanart or gif to use to feature your choice on the OP, as long as its not:

1) Lewd.
2) In poor taste.

Cute pics? Funny pics? Cosplay? Fair play.
Dammit I lost. Best girl better be chosen.


Yeah I don't think there will be a time skip either. There is way too many things to breeze over with something like that.
Like the fact that All Might is done. We need to see the after-effects of that, and not like...a chapter. That needs some serious delving into.


One man, can you IMAGINE what the figures will look like inspired from this arc? Half-and-half All Might, Akira-armed AfO. Man they would look amazing!


Yeah, I don't think I want a timeskip and I don't think there will be one.
The aftermath for this is going to be huuuuuuge, and I want to see all of it.

The series is called my Hero Academia they aren't going to time skip to them after graduating

Plot twist: Timeskip to their graduation. All out war against Shigaraki. UA gets destroyed. Chaos everywhere.
Deku and gang defeat Shigaraki in a huge battle. It is over... yet only rubble remains and there are still more villains lurking in the dark.
With UA destroyed, Deku and friends build a new school to train the next generation.
He greets the young heros: "Welcome to my Hero Academia!"


When I was talking about the time skip I was thinking about half a year at max

I think we are getting the conclusion of the arc, MAYBE a breather chapter when the characters do something like going to the beach (lol), and then we are getting a montage with the rest of the semester, characters training, villains plotting, etc.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
That was hype as fuck!

Salute All Might!

I consider All Might an Honorary American.

I like how Bakugou looked at Deku as Deku was reacting to All Might's "You're Next Deku!". To me that is a possible bonding point.


I think we are getting the conclusion of the arc, MAYBE a breather chapter when the characters do something like going to the beach (lol), and then we are getting a montage with the rest of the semester, characters training, villains plotting, etc.

Yeah, that sounds actually good.
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