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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Wow why didn't they keep going then? Plenty of material. Thanks, I'll start reading.

Well, season 2 is already announced, so there is that.

How would season 2 look, actually? What to do guys think? Here is my take:

It would probably end after the battle with Stain, maybe 1 or 2 chapters later. I guess 8-9 episodes would cover the tournament arc, as well as the training week, if the anime keeps the current pace, with the last 3-5 (depending on episode number they do) being the Battle with Stain and the aftermath. That would leave the Boot camp arc for a potential third season and the rest up to 97 for a fourth season.
Season 2 will probably be 26 episodes (I refuse to say 2-cour, that's just silliness), so they'll probably cover the Sports Festival over the first half, and training/Stain in the second.


Season 2 will probably be 26 episodes (I refuse to say 2-cour, that's just silliness), so they'll probably cover the Sports Festival over the first half, and training/Stain in the second.

Do you really think that needs 26 episodes? That would be even slower pace than the first season. I mean, they adapted 21 chapters in season 1 (even if the first few are longer than the currents ones), but when does the Stain thing end? Around 50? 26 episodes just for that seems REALLY much.
Sölf;209134447 said:
Do you really think that needs 26 episodes? That would be even slower pace than the first season. I mean, they adapted 21 chapters in season 1 (even if the first few are longer than the currents ones), but when does the Stain thing end? Around 50? 26 episodes just for that seems REALLY much.

I don't know about NEED, but yeah, I think it could use 'em. People complained a fair bit this time around 'cause of the length, I think they'll go for a longer season.

Speaking of the pacing, it's worth noting that a lot of what got lengthened here was dialogue; the sports festival and Stain arcs have a lot more action, which won't feel like it drags as much.


I don't know about NEED, but yeah, I think it could use 'em. People complained a fair bit this time around 'cause of the length, I think they'll go for a longer season.

Speaking of the pacing, it's worth noting that a lot of what got lengthened here was dialogue; the sports festival and Stain arcs have a lot more action, which won't feel like it drags as much.

Ironic since he planned to finish the Sports Festival in around ten chapters but took longer because there was so much to cover.

Good chapter. One of the better All Might focused ones, but mainly because Kota could continue to be important for the plot.


Sölf;209134090 said:
Well, season 2 is already announced, so there is that.

How would season 2 look, actually? What to do guys think? Here is my take:

It would probably end after the battle with Stain, maybe 1 or 2 chapters later. I guess 8-9 episodes would cover the tournament arc, as well as the training week, if the anime keeps the current pace, with the last 3-5 (depending on episode number they do) being the Battle with Stain and the aftermath. That would leave the Boot camp arc for a potential third season and the rest up to 97 for a fourth season.

I think:

S2, 13 episodes
-Tournament Arc (8-9 eps)
-Stain Arc (4-5 eps)

S3, 24 episodes (two-cours)
-Exam mini-arc (4 eps)
-School Trip Arc (12 eps)
-Bakugou Retrieval mini-arc and ends with Ch.97 (8 eps)

I'll post some Jirou

Jirou is the best.
She looks like a Scott Piglrim character.


Hero Academia #98

oh man what a fun chapter

Everyone has their own room, but they are all showing them off in a friend;y competition


Chapter 98

Cementoss OP in the background, Aizawa spitting hot fire, Bakugou is so tsundere~, and holy shit the rooms

we're finally getting the school antics "arc", yesssss

Sölf;209375869 said:
Oh god, Mineta completely killed me. xD
not only that, but Mineta's room is as far as is possible from any girl's room


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Hilarious chapter. All those rooms. Now I want to see the horrors that lie in Mineta's room.
Dorm life is going to be fun.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Kind of disappointed they have their own room.

LMAO at Tokoyami resisting the girls trying to get into his room and his room being a Chuunibyou dream.

What was up with Bakugou doing that to Kaminari?

Man, Aizawa really went in on them. I thought most of the class didn't know, why did he say he would have everyone expelled but Bakugou (of course because he was a victim), Jirou, and Hagakure (Invisible Girl)?

Were they wearing Iida's glasses lmao?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Man, Aizawa really went in on them. I thought most of the class didn't know, why did he say he would have everyone expelled but Bakugou (of course because he was a victim), Jirou, and Hagakure (Invisible Girl)?

Jirou and Hagakure were unconscious and recovering after the camp incident, and Bakugo was captured.
Everyone else was complacent in allowing Midoriya and the other four to go find Bakugo themselves. Instead of stopping them.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Jirou and Hagakure were unconscious and recovering after the camp incident, and Bakugo was captured.
Everyone else was complacent in allowing Midoriya and the other four to go find Bakugo themselves. Instead of stopping them.

Oh, I didn't think everyone knew.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
DTL is furiously writing his new doujins now that Bakugou and Kirishima are dorm neighbors.


Oh, I didn't think everyone knew.

redriot said as much when they were visiting mido in the hospital.

ashido and ura are a naturally genki pair


I wonder if Kaminari or Mido's rooms are closer to the author's. lol. I kinda get the feeling he had a bunch of background material lying around he didn't want to go to waste


i really hope there's no traitor and it's just a villain with a sick-ass quirk

Were they wearing Iida's glasses lmao?

yeah they stole them after they visited his room. He's got spares! (They're probably just frames without the lenses tbh if uravity and ashido are wearing them)


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm going on lack of sleep right now so sorry for the questions guys. Figured it was to distract the class but wasn't sure lol.

There's forever going to be a conflict in this manga of "Be a hero, don't be a hero". And the adults have to try and keep their students safe while nurturing them into proper heroes. Wonder if Aizawa would have really went through with what he said. The All Might thing sounded like a bad excuse.


i really like that they build the last page as a intense reaction page but only mido gives a shit and everyone else is literally picking their nose or something

/edit omg hagakure trying to push toko out his doorway is amazing


Dorm life YEEEESSS

Disappointed they do not have shared rooms, it's wasted comedy potential.

Still, the rooms and the reactions were hilarious, from Deku's nerdiness about All Might, to Tokoyami being an edgy dark teen. Mineta is top tier as always.

Can't wait to see the girl's rooms, Jirou kinda blushing there at the end makes it suspicious lol.

Man having caught up with the manga now makes it impossible to wait every week!


Somehow I excpect the next few chapters involving a Danganronpa like Killing Game. I think the drom map is at fault.
So much Ashido this chapter. Can't wait to see her room, she don't give a fuck. I adored how Deku treated it so serious and everyone else was all "Whatever"

Tsuyu's concern for Eraserhead was really nice. As was everyone's horror at those 5 being at the scene of the fight.

I was laughing way too hard at Tokoyami acting all "Pfft whatever" then having to get pushed out of the way to get to his room. Then further laughing at Ochako and Ashido wearing Iida's glasses.

Good chapter. Really brought out a lot of the support casts personalities
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