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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

New chapter should be out today, right?
Thursdays normally

asking again because sad :(

where did the Kaminari = Traitor Theory come from? :eek:




fleurs n'est pas britannique
Not to say I wouldn't love it, but I'd be more excited by the twist if someone didn't already do something very very similar in another manga.
Blue Exorcist- Shima being a member of the Illuminati


Hatsume being set up as the Q of the future hero team, huh. Power Loader seems like a cool guy.

Dekumom costume callback c:


An armor-piercing shell move!

His shoes got even cooler.


Great chapter.

Hatsume is quite the girl i must say.

They're all developing cool moves, and i totally called Tokoyami's because that's what i would have done too, same for Deku, really can't wait to see some cool fights.

AND HOLY FUCK MINETA IS THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN, i love how everyone focused on that lol.


Mineta aside, other neat things:

Todoroki using both sides simultaneously, Shouji replicating multiple body parts on the same arm, and Jirou getting glove speakers?
Tokoyami so damn edgy lmao.
He even has a choker.

Meis gonna move up in the next jump character poll.

Excited to see everyones new moves.
Dekus legs are so fine. That pose at the end was so good.
Whenever All Might looks proudly at Deku i always get teary.


Yo, Mineta. What the fuck? Why am I even suprised.

Cool chapter. Deku becoming even more badass. I like basically all upgrades, they are really interesting. I can't wait for the next big fight!


The "suit that breaks your back" and "thrusters that slam you into the ceiling" were things that happened during the Iron Man movies


random theorycrafting:

The Principal is the modern respected leader of UA, but he used to be a lab rat experimented on by humans.

So is Nedzu actually really old? Modern society respects all the weird looking people like Nedzu or Shouji, but what about the world right after the apocalypse, where quirkless users were X-Men-like minorities?
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