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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Holy shit.

Ochako had the look of someone NTR'd.

Only in a manga like this will we already be getting to the test directly from training. Holy shit this manga is a breath of fresh air compared to the rest.

Frog girl with her hair like that looked weird.

lol at Ochako floating when she gets emberassed.

I lmao'd when the guy hit his head on the floor.

WTF at there being a competing school with U.A. I'm going to call bullshit on that one.

And new students which will lead to less development for Class B lol.


UA being the only great school for heroics is more unbelievable than there being other schools on par with it, especially since this is a nationwide exam.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
UA being the only great school for heroics is more unbelievable than there being other schools on par with it, especially since this is a nationwide exam.

They made it seem like U.A. was like Super MIT for heroics.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I feel like UA is MIT for heroics, and the other school is Harvard. Everybody knows MIT as the legend, but Harvard is on-par in reputation.

I wonder if they would have the same level of tournament as U.A. had. If this was real life Deku would have been watching that school's tournament videos as well as his own senpai's that we didn't see. But comics.....


We about to get a Chunin Exam!

Also some of the characters and this chapter especially remind me of character entrances from Haikyuu.


OMG Ochako floating when embarassed is simply too cute...

I hope Horikoshi goes on developing their relationship soon instead of waiting till the end of the series like most shonen does.




Rapid Response Threadmaker
If Deku is like Naruto, he'll end up with the
big boobied girl that comes from an established family.

So he'll end up with Yaoyorozu.


OMG Ochako floating when embarassed is simply too cute...

I hope Horikoshi goes on developing their relationship soon instead of waiting till the end of the series like most shonen does.
since Deku reminds me of Sena from Eyeshield21, where Sena and Suzuna didn't appear as official couple, i can foresee this happen to Deku too. Readers will see Ochako shows sign of affection but there won't be any romantic scenes (dates, etc). Or maybe Ochako will always stick around Deku but he will be too busy doing his duties as a hero.
Ochako is just too adorable.
Deku training out in the dark was also pure and nerdy one of the reasons i love him as a protag

Also seeing All Might reflecting on his state.


Ngl i really like monomas outfit

Shinsou still no where in sight

New guy reminds me of Tanaka and nishinoya from haikyuu.

Hyped for whats to come.


Ready for upside down Deku/Ochako Spiderman kiss
I feel like Ochako will confess to Deku soon, by this arc or the next. It's developing too fast to be strung out forever.

Anytime I hear of Midoriya Ochako, I still just think of the plot of them being together for a bit and then realizing both have feelings for someone else ----> Ochako/Bakugou Midoriya/Todoroki.


Heroism is a public profession, so there's no secret identity stuff. All for One probably ensured that when he controlled society.

All Might's hidden form is a clever twist on the idea, and it's played straight with Nana sending off her son to live with the Shigarakis.


Oh, Sena/Suzuna was one of the best shounen romances, yeah.

I'd give the same award to Deku/Ochako if Horikoshi actually makes it happen soon instead of near the end of the series.


Its pretty clear that Ochako really has fallen in love with Deku, and I do love their ship, but I think we need Deku to get time to also realize his own feelings about her.



if there's a kiss, Deku will thought that he is floating due to happiness but it's actually Ochako's power affecting both of them.

I think we will get a time skip and get a subtle hint of them dating instead.
Maybe other class A student will start dating before Deku...
I can already tell you the first battle test or whatever is going to be Deku's opponent going "He only has punches!" and getting kicked in the jaw in a splash page.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Hope horikoshi is able to somehow top the bravest and most epic love declaration ever: hinata to naruto in shippuden.

Let's not compare Naruto 'romance' to other manga, its just grounds for derailing really.

On the topic of Deku and Ochako though, i think we've been beaten over the head with Ochako's feelings enough, we can already tell that she's in love with him already, but i also feel like her feelings of weakness are showing as well, because she wants to be equal with him and is falling behind, which to her is a failure considering how much she admires him, hence why she is so conflicted as well.

Also, i think we've had more than enough Ochako ---> Deku, we need more Deku --> Ochako to even things out, and more mutual moments together as well, either in battle or down time to advance their relationship and understanding of one another


I'd love if the rest of the class to discover Ochako's feelings and try to set them up, you know, like it happens in many high school classes.

It would also be nice to see a shonen protagonist end up in a relationship pretty early in the story for once, and see how it develops.


I'd love if the rest of the class to discover Ochako's feelings and try to set them up, you know, like it happens in many high school classes.

It would also be nice to see a shonen protagonist end up in a relationship pretty early in the story for once, and see how it develops.

What worries me is that early on relationships are usually exploited for drama, they are rarely left on the background as a curiosity, it always gets either central focus or villain bait (Captured significant other, reason for entering dark side, etc).

I liked how MHA has managed it so far because it feels like the natural way teenagers go through it. They start by been curious, then attracted, then try to deny it because its easier to believe you don't feel something for someone else because you are afraid of been rejected or losing focus on your own personal goals. I really liked that the other girls not only quickly caught up to Ochako's infatuation, but also teased her about it and toned it down when they realized Ochako was not ready to talk about it. Also, I'll love if the girls start developing their own ships (I think Mina is going for OchaXIida), because that is classic highschool chatter.

As I see it this is going to stay on the background for a bit more and its going to fuel Ochako to become a better person worthy of Deku (In her mind), but also for herself (As we saw when she faced Bakugou, she seems focused on been self-reliant). Deku meanwhile is too focused on inheriting All Might's will to the point that she might neglect Ochako a little bit, and we also have to figure out if he still has an inferiority complex and girl-shy. He gets along well with Ochako but we need him to earn her, too.


It's become beyond cliché to say this chapter had everything, but man, this chapter had everything.

New guy reminds me of angel densetsu
I actually think Ochako is trying to sort her feelings for Deku out because right now it's probably more akin to respect or admiration and she likes his belief and how hard he struggles and dedicates to being a hero and because of all that when someone asked her if she liked him or whatever she looked at it and was like "Do I?" and wondered if those feelings meant something more.

Edit: OMFG Trojita I spat out my water.



The Ship wars are going to be great.

I find it interesting that neither Mei nor Tsuyu are actually interested in Deku in THAT way, at least for what's been shown. Usually in this Shonen shows a few girls have shown some kind of interest in the MC by now.

I see mentions of Seven Deadly Sins, but there we have giant girl who also has a crush on Meliodas, so far in MHA is just Ochako with Deku.
I really hope there's no "twist" to them. Just her being conflicted with her emotions is a good enough subversion of the usual "I'm not blushing and go nyaaaa when you're around" stuff.

And yeah, hopefully they end up together sooner rather than later. It'd make things more fun.


Well with Tsuyu, if she wants to be your friend she wants to be called by her first name. Her first time talking to Deku she tells him to call her Tsuyu. She wanted to be friends from the get go and she's pretty chill with him. But you really can't tell what she's feeling unless she says what's on her mind and she's pretty blunt about it. So who knows.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Deku just got a bump in popularity. Anytime a girl shows interest in a guy, the other girl's will be looking at him also judging him as boyfriend material. It's the rule of manga.

It doesn't hurt that Deku is absolutely fucking ripped under his clothes.


Deku just got a bump in popularity. Anytime a girl shows interest in a guy, the other girl's will be looking at him also judging him as boyfriend material. It's the rule of manga.

It doesn't hurt that Deku is absolutely fucking ripped under his clothes.

And the fact he's a total fucking badass.


Well with Tsuyu, if she wants to be your friend she wants to be called by her first name. Her first time talking to Deku she tells him to call her Tsuyu. She wanted to be friends from the get go and she's pretty chill with him. But you really can't tell what she's feeling unless she says what's on her mind and she's pretty blunt about it. So who knows.
Maybe instead of the usual MC with a harem, we will get Tsuyu with her own harem since she's the mature partner/sidekick.
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