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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 5 |OT| 100+ episodes and better than ever!

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Well damn, I make that post and it turns out we're getting an episode next week after all, despite it being Independence Day.

The synopsis doesn't support Trixie appearing, but still, I'm looking forward to it. Larson is writing this, so I'm sure it will be good.

I wonder if and how they'll address the fact that we see Twilight's schoolmates around all the time.


Synopsis for Amending Fences

Guess we're making up for Minuette not being in Slice of Life.

IIRC, Twilight was supposed to attend a pony's party (b-day?) during the season 1 opener before the whole nightmare moon thing. I wonder if she will see that pony again (I want to say the name was moon dancer, but can't really remember)?


Kills Photobucket
Episode 13: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep

Princess Luna enlists the Mane 6 to search for and locate the Tantabus, a magical force that threatens to turn the dreams of every pony into nightmares.

So much for that theory that it would be a Celestia and Luna episode. Can't have Celestia getting the spotlight in an episode...
I'm rather surprised that it doesn't seem to be a princess-focused episode, from the description. I was also hoping for a while for a story where Twilight has a nightmare and the others have to save her. But who knows, maybe the description isn't exact about what characters are involved.

Tantabus seems like it comes up in World of Warcraft, but the Google result I looked at didn't give any details. It was only two pages of results before I got to a discussion of that episode.
I'm not a professional ruler, but I wouldn't be inclined to declare war on a nation WHOSE RULER CAN MOVE THE SUN because of petty slights.

In reality every nation would be walking on eggshells around Equestria.

Jay RaR

Great episode! Lots of destruction and Pinkie nonsense makes for great entertainment!
Also based sheep and Gummy ftw! Also the war declarations seemed a bit dark for the show.

Can't wait for next episode, but no new teaser made me a bit annoyed.

Tantabus seems like it comes up in World of Warcraft, but the Google result I looked at didn't give any details. It was only two pages of results before I got to a discussion of that episode.

Apparently "Tantibus" means nightmare in Latin. So make that of what you will.


Everything is moe to me
I'm not a professional ruler, but I wouldn't be inclined to declare war on a nation WHOSE RULER CAN MOVE THE SUN because of petty slights.

In reality every nation would be walking on eggshells around Equestria.
Celestia is just a particularly strong unicorn.
just imagine what crazy nonsense the other species rulers can do.
Celestia is just a particularly strong unicorn.
just imagine what crazy nonsense the other species rulers can do.

So the entire land is under one large cold war scenario where every species leader could end the world using the forces of nature they control, over a petty disagreement.

No wonder everypony is neurotic.
I really liked "Party Pooped"! Or perhaps more accurately, while this episode wasn't as funny or emotionally satisfying as the best episodes, it took a lot of concepts I wanted to see--Twilight having princess responsibilities, Pinkie having to be responsible and actually feeling the weight of it, a look at relations with other countries--and did them well.

I was pleasantly surprised that they decided to go the route of Pinkie buckling under her responsibilities instead of first screwing up and then deciding to make up for it, like I predicted earlier. Pinkie's journey was pretty fun overall. I was also surprised and smiled at Pinkie failing to reach Yakyakistan and just sliding all the way back home. The way that scene was edited was odd, though. I would have had the entire slide be one scene instead of interrupting it with Twilight and the others in the basement. I also liked the gag of Pinkie doing all of these things off screen. I really like this presentation of Pinkie.

I liked the design of the yaks, and somehow, the gag of them getting easily upset and destroying everything didn't get old. I think it's because they didn't get big crowds of ponies involved, like in "Luna Eclipsed", so you instead had the Main Six trying to take it in stride. I really liked that they didn't present the yaks' rough and tumble lifestyle as being gross or undesirable. They could have easily had a scene of Rarity gagging at the yaks preferring to sleep on hay or something, but instead, all the jokes were about them being too picky. The young yak was cute, too.

Twilight in particular out of the non-focused characters was great, with even a crazy face comeback.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the series actually mention war.

There are some issues (that I more find amusing than upsetting), though. For one thing, why did they have the yaks come all the way to Ponyville instead of just meeting them in the Crystal Empire? And it's odd that sheep are being treated as non-sentient (when they spoke in season 1), including the oddly racist moment of Pinkie saying that she never thought she'd say, "Thank you, sheep!"

EDIT: I'm constantly getting surprised by my new avatar whenever I make a new post.
EDIT: Added a bit more about the yaks.
The moral of the lesson is to show Equestrian culture to yaks instead of just re-creating Yakyakistan. Welcome to International Diplomacy 101, Twilight.

Overall this was a fun episode. I can understand the pressure of dealing with perfectionists, as well as having your first diplomatic duty. Also loved Pinkie's short story of getting a band with the Wonderbolts and touring Equestria in one afternoon.


Best face of the episode goes to Princess Celestia on the "Yaks no declare war!" line. "He said WHAT?" But she managed to almost keep a poker face. Almost.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Taking all bets on how many pieces of fan art we'll get with Twilight getting chased by giant quesadillas.


Taking all bets on how many pieces of fan art we'll get with Twilight getting chased by giant quesadillas.
Isn't that what Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep about?
Twi is tormented by constant nightmares of getting chased by giant quesadillas threatening to drip cheese on her.
Isn't that what Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep about?
Twi is tormented by constant nightmares of getting chased by giant quesadillas threatening to drip cheese on her.

... Taking bets on how much of said quesadilla fanart will now involve cheese dripping on Twilight in a lewd way.
It begins

What do ponies have on quesadillas anyway? I know there's the plain cheese, but that's just plain. Usually they have chicken or steak.

Also, I love quesadillas.
Another solid episode, full of great expressions, mostly from panicky Twilight and Pinkie. Pleasantly, wasnt annoyed by Pinkie this time around.


I didn't notice it before, but it looked like Cloudchaser was one of the Wonderbolts who rescued Pinkie. IIRC she was with Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt academy so it looks like there was some small continuity there.
I didn't notice it before, but it looked like Cloudchaser was one of the Wonderbolts who rescued Pinkie. IIRC she was with Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt academy so it looks like there was some small continuity there.

Yeah, there were a surprising amount of callbacks that weren't re-explained by the show or given too much attention--Twilight's breathing cool-down method, Twilight approaching her "Lesson Zero" face in one of the above gifs, the way Pinkie encountered Cherry Jubilee, Cadance appearing I believe for the first time in an episode not about her, princesses, or the Crystal Empire, etc. I don't think they even had Pinkie explain where she last met Cherry Jubilee.
Noticed a cute detail in the Twilight quesadilla gif in one of my previous posts. When Fluttershy is still reading out what Twiight likes, her face gets more serious at the end--meaning she was already reading the part about what Twilight doesn't like. She smiles again when Twilight speaks, but goes back to a serious look when reading the rest.

Anyway, YouTube captions. The third picture obviously refers to the last.

And... suprisingly, we don't have a name for the wolf monster. The best we have is Snowbutt McTwinkles, from the designer of the monster.
I didn't hate this episode. I mean, the yak designs were great but for one, I thought from the description a few days before said that Pinkie had already failed and she went on a journey to get her party groove back. And I just thought it was weird and out of place that she slides all the way back to Ponyville. Yeah, I know this is a cartoon with plenty of silly stuff, but this just seemed so different than the norm like it was a different show with wackier humor.

Again, not a bad episode exactly, just felt so oddly different.


I think this episode just took Pinkie's randomness to the the max which just made it... wierd. I agree about how she slid all the way back to Ponyville. I knew she wasn't going to get to the Yak city, but making her slide all the way back to her house in one go was a bit much.


I think this episode just took Pinkie's randomness to the the max which just made it... wierd. I agree about how she slid all the way back to Ponyville. I knew she wasn't going to get to the Yak city, but making her slide all the way back to her house in one go was a bit much.

It may be bit of a stretch, but I think the sled was referencing the scene of Clark Griswold using the new non-caloric silicon-based kitchen lubricant his company has been working on in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. :p


I think this episode just took Pinkie's randomness to the the max which just made it... wierd. I agree about how she slid all the way back to Ponyville. I knew she wasn't going to get to the Yak city, but making her slide all the way back to her house in one go was a bit much.
If it was any other pony, I'd have a problem with the "slide all the way back to Ponyville" resolution.
But it's Pinkie Pie. I turn my logic center off when it comes to anything involving her and just smile and nod.


What's up with the recent lack of preview clips and pics? Seems like Hasbro just suddenly decided to stop releasing any preview material about new episodes after Slice of Life. Why?
What's up with the recent lack of preview clips and pics? Seems like Hasbro just suddenly decided to stop releasing any preview material about new episodes after Slice of Life. Why?

I'm thinking it's a combination of:
1. It costs money to have places like Entertainment Weekly put up clips and they don't want to spend it.
2. They figured that people didn't like having preview clips due to not wanting to be spoiled, and thus this made it something they could cut back on.

Personally, I do prefer having preview clips, even if I don't watch them, just so I can get a general sense of the episode from people talking about them.
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