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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|


mescalineeyes said:
Seriously though, Alan Wake boasts some of the most life-like and realistic environments I have ever seen.
No joke. Folks bashing this game's visuals are the same folks that would watch a desert sunset and call it "too hazy" to be realistic. :D


Gold Member
Got mine today:



Chittagong said:

man the le for this is beautiful. i am so glad i was able to preorder it. i just did a couple of weeks ago. this game flew under my radar big time. it worries me that people are complaining about the graphics. i saw the quick look on giantbomb and the lighting looks amazing. i can just imagine what it will look like on my hd set.
legbone said:
man the le for this is beautiful. i am so glad i was able to preorder it. i just did a couple of weeks ago. this game flew under my radar big time. it worries me that people are complaining about the graphics. i saw the quick look on giantbomb and the lighting looks amazing. i can just imagine what it will look like on my hd set.

everything in the game looks from very good to amazing. unfortunately, it is marred by the low resolution.


It looks fine to me and I'm playing it on a projector. I didn't even know it ran at a lower resolution until I just read that. And I don't care at all.

The game is great so far. I've just finished the first chapter. Great atmosphere, decent gameplay mechanics, cool story and a really nice narrative. It's a success so far, IMO


Alright loving the game so far, just started chapter 3 but I've got one complaint. Somewhere in chapter 2 I ran out of ammo and there's no melee attack at all, so I had to try and run backwards dodging all the enemies until I made it to the next checkpoint. Was a tad frustrating! Apart from that I'm really enjoying it.


Benson said:
Alright loving the game so far, just started chapter 3 but I've got one complaint. Somewhere in chapter 2 I ran out of ammo and there's no melee attack at all, so I had to try and run backwards dodging all the enemies until I made it to the next checkpoint. Was a tad frustrating! Apart from that I'm really enjoying it.
I got that once in chapter 2 as well, maybe it even was the same spot and intended?
About this:
Was it the place where you see a taken walking behind a log and then the camera swings to a archway where you can see a lantern in the distance? There were 5 normal Taken and one big dude. I needed to ran back to the previous checkpoint and lure them into the beam. I did not manage to get two of them but I ran to the lantern behind the archway and managed to progress.
Got my collectors edition today, really enjoying the game so far just finished episode one had to turn it of as i've got an early start for work tomorrow and if i keep playing i wont go to bed :lol


Katana_Strikes said:
Had a peep at the LE today and it looked really cool. Gonna have a play later on.

So apparently MS won't be TV advertising this (in the UK). Instead it's going to be online advertised according to MCV.

Not sure that's the best way TBH.

That's crazy. Considering how well Heavy Rain did recently in the UK on the strengths of the TV ad, it's pretty bewildering. They could have produced something really quite special that played to the strengths of the game in a similar way.


just finished the game, took me 11 hours.
wow, what a ride. great visuals, great story (cant wait to find and read the missing manuscripts), f*cking awesome soundtrack, perfect controls. i still cant believe that this game was made by 40 people.

the bonus disc is awesome. great making ofs and docs.
Initial impressions:

Didn't really like the very start. Thought it would have worked better starting off for realz as opposed to the
. Just felt odd. The lip sync is absolute attrocious. What the bloody hell were they doing/thinking. Voice acting isn't great but it's passable for the most part. Character animation/models aren't brilliant. Some nasty texture work in places.

Environments are beatiful and feel alive with trees swaying etc. Lots of nice details/touches. They nailed the atmosphere. You really feel stranded and alone out there. It's quite scary and there's some nice freaky moments. The lighting/torch is great, again adding to fantastic atmosphere. The game keeps making think I'm seeing things but on second look it's just a sign post or something. :lol

But one more thing; Alan Wake... please STFU!

I'm just getting through Chapter 2 and starting to get into it now.


Just came back from the WORLD PREMIERE release event held in Helsinki, Finland. A surprisingly large amount of people showed up in the middle of a week, but everything went smoothly. A lot of Remedy developers were watching outside the line, and some even decided to buy some copies themselves, as they still haven't recieved their own copies of the game.

As advertised, Sam Lake and Mr. Wake himself (actor Ilkka Villi) were there to sign your copies of the game or a poster. I have to say, Villi sure does look a lot like Wake.

They had a LOT of Collector's Editions for sale, but didn't sell all of them probably because of the absymal price (79,90€) compared to other stores. I decided to grab the regular edition since I preordered the Collector's Edition for 39€ but won't probably get it on launch date.

Some pics:




I arrived 4mins before midnight... so my spot was the last in line :lol


Some swag: "I am AWAKE" T-Shirt, Alan Wake keychain, flashlight and a poster signed by Sam Lake and Mr. Wake (Ilkka Villi) himself.


Been playing for about 5 hours straight, just hit Chapter 4.

This is one of the best games I've ever played, without a doubt top five of this generation. Just amazing.


I've not managed to play that much this evening - about 3/4 of the way through Episode 2 I suppose.

Eh... I dunno. The story's not bad and all (the writing itself is typical game stuff, but at least the story is interesting), and it's made me jump a few times (I am a total wuss) but it's a bit repetitive even already - run through dark woods, kill some bad guys, kick a generator or two. Plus it commits the cardinal sin of making me stand around while the game sets the scene - putting the controller down while you listen to a radio broadcast or watch a short TV show is a bit boring.

I don't think I've given it long enough to be fair, but it's a bit like Dante's Inferno turned out to be - competent enough, but a bit dull.

Also, the facial animation is truly terrible, like, atmosphere-ruiningly terrible, which is weird since the characters' bodies are nicely animated. Biggest problem with the game truth be told.

(graphics-wise, I can't say it's wowed me. It looks like most Xbox/PS3 games look to me - shiny and new, but a bit like everything else.)


BluWacky said:
(graphics-wise, I can't say it's wowed me. It looks like most Xbox/PS3 games look to me - shiny and new, but a bit like everything else.)
the game looks like no other game out there, thanks to the fantastic lighting. no ther game has better lighting, that alone makes it look unique.


derFeef said:
I got that once in chapter 2 as well, maybe it even was the same spot and intended?
About this:
Was it the place where you see a taken walking behind a log and then the camera swings to a archway where you can see a lantern in the distance? There were 5 normal Taken and one big dude. I needed to ran back to the previous checkpoint and lure them into the beam. I did not manage to get two of them but I ran to the lantern behind the archway and managed to progress.

Yep that was the spot, if it was intended then it's a crappy design choice!


I was -and still am- more impressed with Killzone2, honestly. I also dig the lighting engine of Little Big Planet, though it's an entirely different beast...


I just finished chapter 1.

I havent been blown away visually like this since Uncharted 2. This is up there with the best, not seen lighting like this (i played GoW3, Killzone etc). This game is the most atmospheric game i've experienced, your literally suffocated by the detail and nuances. Theres so much to take in. When you see shadowy human silhouettes making thier way towards you covered in mist and parting foliage as they negotiate paths you will be amazed. Seriously this was unbelivable.

As for the game itself, im finding it to be very spooky, im not playing this with a bunch of people around me, i got the 5.1 on loud, turned off the lights and by the end of chapter 1 i was a wreck. And the camera, the way it leans and pans over Alans shoulder is wonderful, again a small addition but it helps to dramatize what Alan see's.

Amazing so far, the story telling is so well done. I echo everyones dissapointment with the lip syncing in some parts. What the hell.
Finished the game tonight.

The game is good, really good. A classic Remedy game. Like Max Payne meets Stephen King, Lost, etc.

Graphically it's a mixed bag. Night-time sequences are incredible, daytime ones are meh: ugly textures, everything's blurred, flat and unpleasant to look at.

Despite all of that, it's been one of the greatest gaming experiences this generation, for me.

It's the overall package that makes this game unique.

Oh, video compression is bad, ugly, unbearable at times (because cutscenes are wonderful).


Finished it a couple hours ago. I'm still extremely excited, but I'm pretty sure it's going to remain one of my favorite games of all time. Brilliant and beautiful from start to finish.

I want more games to use the "episode" format. They're around the same length, so I could more or less schedule for how long I'm going to play and knew when to take breaks without ruining the pacing.


Neo Member
For those who have beaten it and those claiming its one of the best games they've ever played... what do you feel about that ending? In my opinion, there was no satisfactory conclusion as Remedy said there would be and honestly, the story was the main driver after the combat lost it's luster at Episode 4. Sure it's solid as hell and fun, but you fight the same monsters over and over, in mostly the same environments. The lighting is what gives this game the impression of beauty.

Oh, and if you're an action gamer at all, please for the love of god play it on Hard instead of Normal. It's an easy game in general but at least on Hard you may die from combat a few times instead of just falling off of cliffs (and no, I'm not just talking about that ending :D ).

I'm not entirely thrilled either that they lock out some seemingly important manuscript pages until (at least) the second playthrough. There's roughly ten pages in the final episode, all in a row, you can't read unless you play AW twice. I just don't have that kind of time.


Ive not seen one advert on tv or in newspapers for far in the uk for alan wake it seems MS have sent alan wake to die, remedy are most likely regretting gping with MS as punlisher right now :-(


modeps said:
For those who have beaten it and those claiming its one of the best games they've ever played... what do you feel about that ending? In my opinion, there was no satisfactory conclusion as Remedy said there would be and honestly, the story was the main driver after the combat lost it's luster at Episode 4.
I love Twin Peaks and later parts of the game were filled with "Twin Peaksy" themes, so the ending made me very happy. I was satisfied.
Depending on where the DLC episodes go, I might start appreciating the ending even more.

modeps said:
Oh, and if you're an action gamer at all, please for the love of god play it on Hard instead of Normal.
Dying here does nothing but break the flow of the story. "Normal" isn't hard at all, but the combat is still exciting and challenging when it needs to be.
If you want less repetition, hard isn't the way to go.


Benson said:
Alright loving the game so far, just started chapter 3 but I've got one complaint. Somewhere in chapter 2 I ran out of ammo and there's no melee attack at all, so I had to try and run backwards dodging all the enemies until I made it to the next checkpoint. Was a tad frustrating! Apart from that I'm really enjoying it.
Wait until you try the game on Nightmare difficulty. You straight-up don't have enough ammo (or time) to kill everything. Instead, the strategy changes entirely into how you use light sources, slow enemies down, dodge, and ultimately make your way to save points. Very different game.

When I played through on Normal difficulty, I only ran out of ammo once in the whole game. But on Nightmare difficulty, it happens almost non-stop. And I would guess it happens about half the time on Hard, but I haven't tried it.

I get the strong sense that this was the way Remedy envisioned the game being played (less shooting, more light manipulation). On Normal, the game relies much more on traditional shooter mechanics/strategy. And rather than call it "Easy," they called it "Normal" so folks wouldn't get pissed when they couldn't play the game like a shooter on "Normal" difficulty. Of course, now one of the big complaints from some critics is that it plays too much like a traditional shooter. I wonder if those critics would think the same thing if they played it on a higher difficulty setting?

modeps said:
For those who have beaten it and those claiming its one of the best games they've ever played... what do you feel about that ending?
Not the best game I've played, but definitely the best of 2010 (so far). But the ending is the weakest part of the game for me. For a game that is driven by its story and was paced so well throughout, the ending was too much too fast. And for a game that relied so much on subtlety and on the power of suggestion, the ending was too self-indulgent and over-the-top.

They really should have gone for a much simpler, more understated ending sequence.


That sounds a bit frustrating conman, hope I can play the 3 remaining episodes on hard. While I died a lot in EP 2 - I have done much better in EP 3, except
against the poltergeists under the train and that possesed locomotive-thing. Those parts were the most frustrating. You can not move or dodge but keep getting hit.


Impressions time:
- about to finish Episode 2
- playing on a 50´ 1080p Plasma, 360 set to 1080p

- The game looks absolutely fantastic - at night that is. Daytime is OK, but the video sequences are a full step behind. Characters look stiff, plastic, and the surroundings dull in those.
- But like I said, the night looks absolutely stunning. Best fog and best lighting ever.
- I can´t understand the criticism of no memorable moments. From the little I played, already
the second lumber camp in Episode1 with the swaying logs and the fight for the platform on Lovers Peak in Episode2
stand out.
- Storywise the game is everything I hoped for, and more. Thats how you drive a narrative.
- You can walk off the beaten path, but sadly it doesn´t make too much sense to go exploring. Even the collectibles are usually too close to main path.
- I´m playing on hard, and for me it is hard from time to time. Plan your advance, use your power gadgets, know where the next light source is.
- Is it scary? Well, there was no particular moment where I jumped out of my skin, but I got a constant feeling of unease. And some really markable heartrate jumps.

Can´t wait to go home and play more. Thx Remedy, it IS what I hoped for!


I have a love/hate relation with this game. It's an absolutely brilliant game and im really enjoying it, but on the other hand i can't wait to finish it and be over with it.

Ep3 spoilers.
Episode 3 dragged on for way too long. I really got tired of the whole dark forest theme, and the same combat over and over again. Thank god episode 4 was awesome (and much shorter).
But some twists in the story are just plain stupid. Beginning of ep3 (if i remember correctly) he waits until nightfall for the kidnapper, and then he can't kick in a simple wooden door to get back to his car, is he retarded?
Ep6 spoilers.
Yesterday i came to ep6, the dude is 3 steps away from the well-lit room, and he fucking turns around to go to the crashed helicopter, arggg *rage.

The story and atmosphere are above almost any game i have played, but the gameplay is way too much of the same, although there are some awesome bosses/set pieces.


conman said:
Wait until you try the game on Nightmare difficulty. You straight-up don't have enough ammo (or time) to kill everything. Instead, the strategy changes entirely into how you use light sources, slow enemies down, dodge, and ultimately make your way to save points. Very different game.
And that is fun for you? I hate it when i have to run for enemies, they are way faster, and if they don't catch up with you, you get 15 axes in your back.

Hard is perfect, there was one time where i ran out of ammo on ep2, but that was because i missed an ammo resupply. Felt really stupid not to have an melee attack then.


Hammer24 said:
Wait - you´re a writer, and you want to melee some possessed freaks with scythes, axes and whatnot?! ;-)
The dude can hold a flashlight and shoot a shotgun with one hand at the same time, but swinging a knife is too much? When you run out of ammo, you are simply fucked. It is almost game breaking, since it is very hard to run out multiple enemies.


Hammer24 said:
Wait - you´re a writer, and you want to melee some possessed freaks with scythes, axes and whatnot?! ;-)

Love this argument.

He can't sprint for more than 2 seconds without getting tired because he's a writer, he can't have a melee attack because he's a writer but meanwhile he's walking in the middle of the woods killing dark creatures while holding a big flashlight and a hunting rifle at the same time.

What is more likely, a writer that has good endurance or knows how to swing a knife or a writer that can shoot a gun with very good accuracy while holding a flashlight at the same time? :lol


It´s not about what he is able to do, it´s about what is the best solution. What would you do when you do not have a gun - attack the axe-swinging dude with your fists or run away to safety?

Trickster said:
Is this game open world in the same manner as deadly premonition is, or is it a linear game like max payne games?
The latter.

Edit: Huh, somehow, the last two episodes of Bright Falls are out on machinima.com


NHale said:
... but meanwhile he's walking in the middle of the woods killing dark creatures while holding a big flashlight and a hunting rifle at the same time.

Well, his lovely wife is missing. To what lenghts do you go for some sex, hmm?


Hammer24 said:
Well, his lovely wife is missing. To what lenghts do you go for some sex, hmm?

I would definitely be able to run for more than 2 seconds or swing a knife, that's for sure.

Holding a gun and a flashlight while shooting with high accuracy certainly not, since that's not a matter of will but skill. You don't learn skill when you are desperate, more often than not you lose it.
Cant0na said:


alan wake and max payne sitting next to each other. COME TO AMERICA

i wanna get my shit signed by Max Payne too[/QUOTE]
:lol that's cool
Can I ask those with the LE edition, is it letterbox friendly? I am hoping mine arrives today, but not sure if it will arrive with the postie or via courier (I'm in U.K for what it's worth)
state_vector_collapse said:
Can I ask those with the LE edition, is it letterbox friendly? I am hoping mine arrives today, but not sure if it will arrive with the postie or via courier (I'm in U.K for what it's worth)

Nope, you'd need a big letterbox. It's about four inches thick
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