Lee Chaolan
I was fortunate enough to find a pair of tickets to the watch party at The Q tonight, and to be down there with my daughter and then outside downtown afterwards...man, it was everything I ever dreamed of. And I think we behaved ourselves for the most part. I saw a cop car all fucked up but other than that all I saw was pretty minor stuff. It was mostly people of all ages, colors, creeds, whatever happy as fuck and celebrating with each other and feeling that weight lift up off of all of our backs. I gotta be honest, the last 2 minutes of the game were so surreal, it truly did feel like a dream, like I felt out of body or some shit lol.
Thank you, LeBron! Thank you Kyrie!
Goodnight Cleveland!
Champs, man!
So my sister went to the Q party too, couldn't believe that she said they didn't do anything on the court. No cheerleaders, scream team or all, since the Republican Convention coming.
That sucks, but still must have been hyped to be there!