I had no idea we had confession threads. Anyway, here's my confession never told to anyone else until now:
Back in middle school, I used to masturbate during a particular class because I was in the very back of the room and I'd often get bored. It was a stupid, but a combination of troubled emotions and a high sex drive got the better of me then. I always made sure to wear a large jacket to "hide" so I would never be caught. This went on for a couple of months until I simply stopped.
Fast forward to high school and I'm talking with my best friend and he brings up how a guy in my class apparently saw me masturbating in middle school. Immediately, I shot down the allegations, but in reality I was deeply ashamed and upset that my stupid act from years prior had been witnessed by someone.
From then on, I couldn't be around the guy without feeling like he was judging even though he's a pretty chill guy. I just hope he didn't spread the story around and simply told my friend because he knew we were friends.