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NeoGAF DECEMBER 2009 Pick-Up Post! (Real pics or BAN!)


What did I get in december?


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Pics as soon as my iPhone stops being a dick. :(


Gloomfire said:

Best (worst?) pickup of the year?

Congrats on getting your life back! That game ate two years of mine. Best decision I had made in a long time.
Alright, got couple of pick ups, one is a good deal and the other is a STEAL!!!

Picked up Assassins Creed 2, will start playing after Christmas probably, busy with exams for now and got some travelling to do later.


Picked up Fallout 3 GOTY for $29.99. Great deal, couldn't resist:D


This is an interesting one. Was going through some of the old stock at a video store and I found this, picked 2 of these up for a dollar each. Got home, punched the code in, and worked just fine. 2 years of LIVE for $2, cant complain:lol I am talking about LIVE on the 360 for those wondering.




Played the first game and thought it was a nice interesting experience, couldn't resist picking the sequel up for 2 euros :D

Hopefully I'll get around picking Machinarium soon as well.


HUELEN10 said:
What did I get in december?


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Pics as soon as my iPhone stops being a dick. :(
Loking forward to those. As soon as I'm able to get a bigger space I want to give my current gameroom (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=17941002&postcount=1225) a complete overhaul. I've grown out of my current one, it's too cluttered and too..for lack of a better word...juvenile. I suppose a gameroom is in essence juvenile, but I want to inject some class into mine, not just random action figures everywhere.
eXistor said:
Loking forward to those. As soon as I'm able to get a bigger space I want to give my current gameroom (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=17941002&postcount=1225) a complete overhaul. I've grown out of my current one, it's too cluttered and too..for lack of a better word...juvenile. I suppose a gameroom is in essence juvenile, but I want to inject some class into mine, not just random action figures everywhere.

That's one awesome Zelda shrine. I actually just went into the opposite direction this weekend and boxed up a bunch of stuff. My gaming area looks so barren now. :/


I turned 21 yesterday! :D

From my folks:

From my girlfriend (it's sort of an inside joke between us):

We haven't been dating for that long so this is the kind of present I get :lol I still love it.


I am a horrible person, first thing I noticed in the pics was that you have a Dynex TV. Are the speakers really that bad? Otherwise, I hear they make good sets screen-wise for the price.


Ice bullets are the best method of assassinating someone. Their meltyness removes the weapon from the investigation!


Zelda ST (huge tin case edition), Dead Space PS3, R&C aCiT CE and Uncharted 2 CE / FF: Dissidia CE as a Xmas present for one of my friends. Hope he enjoys them.



Junior Member
Gloomfire said:

Best (worst?) pickup of the year?

LOL, I essentially did that. Took a hiatus from raiding, haven't logged on in weeks.

I should post the 360 backlog I've built up over the past year as my December pickups... SFIV, Raiden Fighters Aces, Dead Space, Assassin's Creed II, Dragon Age, Brutal Legend, Tekken 6, and on and on...


Junior Member
Blu_LED said:
I love how people are congratulating the WoW guy because he stopped playing the game.

It really is a huge pickup, if he's anything like me. I've played MMOs off and on for seven years, and I always keep buying console releases but never play them. It usually takes me a year to work through the console stuff I've already purchased when I quit an MMO.
Blu_LED said:
I love how people are congratulating the WoW guy because he stopped playing the game.

I knew guys in college who got kicked out because all they did was play Everquest (WoW didn't exist yet). Kicking an MMO habit may be a good thing for him.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
HUELEN10 said:
What did I get in december?


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Pics as soon as my iPhone stops being a dick. :(
Hope you get it working.. I love me some game rooms!


Worships the porcelain goddess
A bunch of people addicted to games giving a guy a pat on the back for quitting one. Strikes me as damn weird.
Urishizu said:
That sounds like a pretty good day! I'm surprised Sofmap beat Mandrakes prices though, as the one I used to frequent in Fukuoka always had the lowest prices out of anywhere I had been.

Great call on the Mos burgers as well, I used to love that place. Ah, the memories.

yea Sofmap's prices have been better than Mandrake AND Super Potato...
right now here in Akiba...everyone is pushing the famicom clone systems for 2900 yen ($33)
and all the famicom games are getting sold off for like 100-200 yen and people are buying them with no issues...

Even Gamers and Lamtarra's prices are steadily increasing...

I have been pretty resilient and my only video game hauls have been

gameboy advance - 1000 yen
Starfy- 500 yen
Rockman Zero 2- 500 yen
Club Nintendo Game and Watch DS Vol 1- 1500 yen... (since I can't get one for less than $20 off of ebay)

Today is my last day in Japan!!! : ( and I plan to go ALL out...

more posts will follow
HUELEN10 said:
What did I get in december?


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Pics as soon as my iPhone stops being a dick. :(

for the love of god
PLEASE borrow some digicam. iphone pics would ruin your efforts.

I really want to see your room on good looking photos.
eXistor said:
Loking forward to those. As soon as I'm able to get a bigger space I want to give my current gameroom (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=17941002&postcount=1225) a complete overhaul. I've grown out of my current one, it's too cluttered and too..for lack of a better word...juvenile. I suppose a gameroom is in essence juvenile, but I want to inject some class into mine, not just random action figures everywhere.
I would love to see some new pics of your room.

Good to see Vivi is still around, I love to have contributed just a little bit to the room. :)

Neo Samus

Got a chance to post pics of my wife's Laptop. Hope you enjoy.



the thing a s an hdmi port!

I love the full size keyboard. SO nice.


I changed her wallpaper for the pics. LOL! Her normal wallpaper is of Edward and Bella kissing from twilight and/or new moon

I'd say it's not a bad laptop for $450 USD.


Farore said:
But the box says 1000W :O ...

I seriously don't know what the "W" stands after "500"... :p

but he said he set the volume half way!

bad joke attempt is bad :p



Sadly, I do not have a digital camera. I have a 35mm, but that would take too long to process, now would it! :D Didn't want to buy a digital camera either, because for all I know, I might get one for Chanukah (Happy 5th night BTW my fellow JewGAF!).

Getting these pics was also a pain because my iPhone was being a real dick. This screen just popped up on it, even though I did not have a passcode at the time. Thankfully, the problem was resolved, though I must say that my wallpaper has never been more apt. :lol Anyways...


Here is a shot of the entrance of the room. As some of you may know, the TV is a Sony WEGA Trinitron KD-34XBR970 CRT, which makes it a great TV for all-around gaming. :D The stand it is on is an Ikea BESTÅ JÄGRA stand with casters. Below the TV, is my Falcon and a DVD Recorder. The purpose of the DVD recorder is twofold in that it not only is there to record game footage with the proper cables plugged in, but all 240p systems like the NES and SNES are hooked up to it to get rid of a tearing problem that happens on my TV with those low resolutions. Passed-through, it is good to go!

Here we have the drawers open. As you can see, it is filled to the brim with controllers, extensions, and more controllers! All of them, have been opened, cleaned, polished, and lubricated. Remeber, a man can NEVER have too many GCN controllers, and I plan to collect more! (Isn't there someone on GAF with like 20 of those things? If you are reading this, I envy you!)

To the right of the HDTV is a walmart TV stand which is used to hold the consoles. It is good because it was cheap, it is sturdy enough, it is light, and it gives all the consoles an unmatched level of ventilation. An open-eneded environment like this also ensures that my consoles will remain dust-free. Regardless, they are all cleaned and polished on a weekly basis. To the left, you can see an old Linksys Router with Tomato Firmware (Well, you can't actually SEE the firmware silly! :lol) on top of the cable modem where I get my 8 Meg broadband. To those that think the speed is low, keep in mind that around these parts, it's the highest you can get. :( Still, I am very happy with the connection it gives me. The consoles on the stand are all 5 generations of USA Nintendo, a PS2, a PS3, and a Dreamcast. The NES' front has a sticker on it for now, but will be cleaned off and replaced once some water decal sheets arrive. It will be re-branded as something custom by me, for that system will have a Famicom disk system attachment! I'm working on the thing as we speak, and I can't wait to show you the NES with disk system once it is done.

Here we have some switchers for various things as well as the EVIL SEA OF WIRES! Fuck me. :(

Now for the latest addition, SHELVES!




On these shelves are my entire GCN, Xbox/360, PS1/2/3/P, Wii, DS/i, Dreamcast, NES, and N64 collections as well has all my BD/HDDVDs. Everything has its own case, except cartridges for now, and has been cleaned, and re-surfaced if necessary. I know that compared to probably the majority of GAF, it doesn't look quite that big, or special even, but that doesn't take away from the work and effort, and as cheesy as it sounds, love put into it.

Inside the wooden box are over 60 GB/C/A games that will be kept there safely for the time being. Why is this? The answer is that I am waiting for cartridge cases for these games, as well as any future games and N64, NES and SNES games to come in the mail. I am also waiting for Orange DVD cases to arrive so the DC collection, which is still growing, can be re-cased.


Re-cased titles look great on the shelf, and protect the game, as well as the original cardboard box and manual (when available). All of the original materials for re-cased games, along with boxes for systems and the like, have been carefully dusted, sorted, and stored in a safe location, so no worries about any of that!


Calendars and SMG figurines. Random and nice. :D

Posters and the like are still on the walls, but will be replaced in the coming weeks and months with fewer,newer posters, as well as framed game art. I am also in the process of getting a cinderblock that says "RARE SUX" on it, as well as a picture of Iwata, all for the lulz. Fridge is where I keep my Root Brewskies, and the table is for my laptop, or fighting sticks [on order Markman ;)]. Old office chair as well as a beanbag are there, so I can choose depending on the mood. Since my room is like an office, dedicated only to studies, text, and work, I wanted this to be the opposite, and I think I have accomplished this task. My room is for me, the bureaucrat, while this room is for me, the gamer, a private sanctuary. I know it isn't too much to look at, but I am happy, very very happy. The good news as well is that everything in wired in such a way that in the future when the CRT croaks (All CRTs must die eventually, especially big ones), I can just get a DVDO Edge, an HD Fury, and a 40 Inch LCD HDTV with a VGA port! That way, both current, AND classic gaming shall live on! :D Now, off to FINALLY update my backloggery account, and thus starts the hard task of listing all my download games in it! :lol

I work hard. I play hard.
Awesome room dude, good work.

How of interest why are you Gamecube games upside down? At a guess I'd say you seem to be anal about which direction the spine text is, whereas having the boxes like that would personally probably inspire the same feelings in me :lol


randomlyrossy said:
Awesome room dude, good work.

How of interest why are you Gamecube games upside down? At a guess I'd say you seem to be anal about which direction the spine text is, whereas having the boxes like that would personally probably inspire the same feelings in me :lol
What do you mean upside-down? The GCN games are right-side up. I think all the games are.
HUELEN10 said:
What do you mean upside-down? The GCN games are right-side up. I think all the games are.

Have I been living a lie? To me the console name/logo is always on top on all consoles. Or is it different in the US, for Gamecube at least?

The way those spines are there the front covers would be upside down if you pulled them out.

Yes Boss!

randomlyrossy said:
Have I been living a lie? To me the console name/logo is always on top on all consoles. Or is it different in the US, for Gamecube at least?

The way those spines are there the front covers would be upside down if you pulled them out.

Huh?! Maybe other regions are different.

I just posted this image in another thread:

Just checked my Gamecube games, they are the same as the other consoles with the console Logo/Name at the top.

What a random and odd difference.



Awesome room, you must tell me how/where your getting those cases and artwork for the GBA games. I knew DS cases can hold GBA games but with the original art? AWESOME!!
JSnake said:

what the fuck is this

Already explained if you actually read the post.

HUELEN10 said:
Getting these pics was also a pain because my iPhone was being a real dick. This screen just popped up on it, even though I did not have a passcode at the time. Thankfully, the problem was resolved, though I must say that my wallpaper has never been more apt. :lol


randomlyrossy said:
Just checked my Gamecube games, they are the same as the other consoles with the console Logo/Name at the top.

What a random and odd difference.
I like it at the bottom myself. To me, it signifies the GCN's motto of "BORN TO PLAY" because the spine is all about the game first!
comedy bomb said:
Dude, you have to keep us updated with this project!
Can do, and WILL do! :D
JSnake said:

what the fuck is this
Why, obvious proof that you didn't read my post of course. :(
Same stand. Whaddup!

Used differently, but definitely the same one, noice! It's a great little stand! Would buy again, whenever I get more classic consoles! :D BTW, LOVE your shelves. :3
DeVeAn said:

Awesome room, you must tell me how/where your getting those cases and artwork for the GBA games. I knew DS cases can hold GBA games but with the original art? AWESOME!!
The site http://thecoverproject.com has everything you need and then some, with links on where to buy not only DS cases, but universal cart cases!
DeVeAn said:
Thanks a lot!!

What quality paper should I use? Any recommendations?
I use this with a photo print cartridge in my printer. Gives professional results!
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