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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux

Ploid 3.0

Kandinsky said:
Sorry, the name's Sacan on Fairy :) , but nm I already did it, thanks to Fellix an awesome Darknight from Sandy :)

:eek: No way, you're in DarkSteelCircle LS now right? More and more GAF members are in that LS each day lol. <Hello> I'm not on it much because of the static and events in the other GAF LS. Wish we could just merge but I know Fellix enjoy putting those new LSmessages up daily lol.


Doro does not run TG...Rykoshet does. Doro organizes the TG Dynamis runs and owns our Dynamis-only shell, ThorzGirls, that's all.


Kills Photobucket
i've been debating with my LS as to if that's the 4th or 3rd region.
I dont consider promyvion a region :p

Im ready to get there. I just got my sky access, so now I can fight the gods with rest of my LS. So far on Promathia i'm up to chapter 4, beaten Ouryu. Got sacrium access, which was VERY nice as some gobbie bag 6 items drop there, so me and friends exploited the price on our server while they were still going for 400k each (down to 100k is now). the items drop other places, but we could get a dozen cloths and ingots in a few hours of formors. We're getting more of our LS up to that point, so we can take on Kermet and finish up chapter 4. I'd like to get to stop point before square introduces more content. Up to chapter 7 now.


Is the lower game still viable in FFXI? I've been thinking of making a new character, I'm about done with WoW.


Sure... A lot of people doing subjobs for various jobs and/or on their 2nd or 3rd or 4th main jobs... Lowbie areas are just as crowded as it always has. Although, lately, on Fairy, I notice there's just way too many mages around lv 35ish. So when I level my war I always get party invite even without flag up.

Inflation has gone a bit out of wack on some items such as leaping boots, emperor's pin and whatever +1 version of ubor items.


Ah, well that's good then.

The inflation had existed before I left, so that's not much of a shocker. I'll probably go back to my old server (as I doubt you fellows want lowbie cluttering up your LS) where I have a few million gil to at least build myself back up.

Mages are crowded huh? Darn, I kinda wanted to make a WHM again.

Quick question Ru: How about the high 40's to 50's zones? Maybe I'll hop back to an older job.


Not sure about 40s to 50s since I don't have any job in those levels. You are always welcome to come by Fairy to see how you like it. There are still some level 30-50 people who still haven't had much chance to contribute to the LS yet so they can help you with lowbie stuff. :p


Hop by Fairy if you want. I'm still leveling low jobs for subs and etc. I still need to do RNG, MNK to 30+, gotta get DRK up to 37, gotta finish leveling RDM, gonna do some SAM and DRG as well eventually too.


Sounds like a plan. I think I'll buy FFXI CoP for PC before hand though. Now that I have a fancy rig, take advantage of the extra pretties, I suspose.


You could probably hold back on CoP a bit unless you really want to jump into that. Although the update coming in a few weeks probably will unlock some Promathia missions for the entire story.


It's not useless but it's a tough deal to get through unless you got a lot of buddies to do it and the gil to get the gear for each level heh.


Shouta said:
It's not useless but it's a tough deal to get through unless you got a lot of buddies to do it and the gil to get the gear for each level heh.
Well, new characters aren't exactly millionaires ;b And starting in a new servers means not that many friends.


I think it's interesting how CoP was geared so much towards endgame players, but still has level limits. The missions are nearly impossible for new players to beat because they require expensive items and equipment as well as lots of fighting experience.

It's also messed up that 75% of the areas are meant for nothing but missions and farming. They didn't alleviate the levelling issues at all. Still, I quit the game, so don't take my criticisms too seriously.


Forces people to spend gils, level other jobs, etc etc just to get through mission means more playing time for those end game players.


I love the game, especially it's lore and visuals, and it's frankly the best team play MMO on the market, WoW isn't even fucking close in that regard.

But everything after the last few additions has just been...lazy. In specific, Promathia itself was a fairly lazy $30 mission pack.

It seems to me, after Dynamis and Ballista were added, they switched into "don't rock the boat mode, we're done". The general welfare of the game, along with the economy, is decaying, no new concepts (AFAIK) have been discussed, ect, even as a more "hardcore" player I can't help but feel the spirit of the game is dying.

In short, FFXI is turning into a less stupid version of Ultima Online.

"Relaunching" the game, making it more intuitive to play for newbies, along with adding in new concepts, a solid pack of new jobs and some fun new zones that are actually decent and easily avalible to EXP in would be nice.

I dunno if I'll attempt to return or not. I always refused to take place in a lot of the end game drama despite having two jobs parked at 75, and the lower/more accessable parts of the game were kinda fading away when I left.
With Promathia they made a decision to focus on story more than battles. I wouldn't call that lazy, it's just a different focus that some players happen to find less interesting.

One point is that until recently most of what they'd been adding, including Rise of Zilart, have been features and areas planned back in 2000. Now, though, their original plans are pretty much exhausted and they're having to improvise (already, only about 1/3 of Chains of Promathia is based on the original design from 2000). Also, the original director of FFXI (the creator of the Seiken Densetsu/Mana series, Koichi Ishii) quit after Zilart to concentrate on the new Mana game(s), so that may be affecting things as well.

Still, in the next few months a new region and new Conflict event type are being added, so the game's not quite dead yet.


It stems no real creativity nor features into the game, doesn't address any of the flaws or content droughts in certain areas, IMO, it's a pretty simplistic and thus, lazy, expansion.

Despite running off of prior scope and ideas for the game, it was superbly supported and had a lot of spirit until about the last few large additions last year.

Sounds to me like the director fufilled his duty to the series, left the team, and now you've mostly got a "by the numbers" live team in charge, who will likely mostly provide little more than unneeded (IMO) mission packs for the remainder of it's life.

I love the game, no, I adore the game. I just despise how they're letting it sink into a gradually unplayable state, and supporting it with truly medicore additions.

Of course, the way I played it helped shift where I wound up, so it's partially my fault.

What'd make me happy, is simply if they'd open up some new servers, and NOT allow migration. A fresh experience without the taint of gilsellers, a lack of the lot of the drama, ect. It'd be nice.

When all is said and done though, I just hope this performed well enough to warrant an FFXI-2 in the future.


Mages are crowded huh? Darn, I kinda wanted to make a WHM again.

Most of the mages I've PTed with as of late are just plain tag-along EXP sponges who put the bare minimum into performing their role. I think lots of people hung up on being a damage dealer switched to a job that could get them PTs before WoW came out, but they never switched back to being damage dealer because they found a job they could abuse for party invites. I was doing my first BRD AF the other day and grouped with a BRD that carried no more than three instruments total. I've kept the majority of mine - regardless of the level of use - since the beginning (+1s, no less).

DDs are actually getting more rare at the mid-to-high levels now, at least they are on my server. I'd complain, but that actually means good things for my DRG :lol

What'd make me happy, is simply if they'd open up some new servers, and NOT allow migration. A fresh experience without the taint of gilsellers, a lack of the lot of the drama, ect. It'd be nice.

Gilsellers will infiltrate all servers they can, its just inevitable. As for a lack of drama, just gotta find the right LS for taht and turn off all the shours in Jeuno.


Kills Photobucket
well, just hit chapter 5 for promathia. My LS is trying to get te "sea" ASAP when it comes out end of month.

Special Note:

In getting chapter 5 we saw a cut scene with diabolos. The way he showed up make it look like he will be a summon avatar at some point.


For the first time in a long time, I had to sit around and camp a spawn last night in WoW... not since my FFXI days have I done that; it really is a stupid idea when you get down to it... and I really think that if they had some instances for exp, HNMs, etc, that it would really fix the game up, playability wise.

as far as HNM instances go, they'd probably be a flagging system similar to dynamis, where the same person can't go in more than twice in 24 hours.

A few other changes such as expanding the conning range, like I suggested in the WoW thread, and having exp soloable for 1.5k per hour would do a lot to freshen the game up, without massive content changes or some such.

That said, the end game of FFXI is still incredibly broken, giving players only moderately challenging HNMs, but making the circumstances in which they're fought under extremely taxing (infrequent spawns, etc) in order to control the rarity of the end game items.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Zaptruder said:
For the first time in a long time, I had to sit around and camp a spawn last night in WoW... not since my FFXI days have I done that; it really is a stupid idea when you get down to it... and I really think that if they had some instances for exp, HNMs, etc, that it would really fix the game up, playability wise.

While I agree that FFXI needs more instance type battles (more Dynamis' are coming and a new "Diorama" are coming sooner or later), a lot of people tend to forget about BCNM fights. I've shunned these for the longest time, but I feel really sorry I did. Some of these fights are AWESOME, challenging, and can reward you greatly. Kind Behemoth, moderately challenging. The Behemoth BCNM? Whole different ballgame. =D

That said, the end game of FFXI is still incredibly broken, giving players only moderately challenging HNMs, but making the circumstances in which they're fought under extremely taxing (infrequent spawns, etc) in order to control the rarity of the end game items.

I agree and disagree for the most part. HNMs camping can get old, and can get boring, but these a lot of them, so you can mix it all up. I do like the competition in trying to grab a spawn, as long as it stays clean. However, there's still so much shit to do in the game as a lvl 75 MNK that I haven't even touched. Especially quests (while I accomplished gigantic quests such as Black Belt, Lu Shangs, and more, that's still tons to do) and crafting. Crafting is all levels of course, but still, it's really fun.

Eh, I've kind of made a rediscovery of the game personally, and I'm having fun again. ^^ Yeah, there's still problems and gilsellers and blah blah. But, fact is, moneysellers will invade everygame (Click here if you think I'm lying) nowadays, soooo...yeah. Take the good with the bad I suppose. Hopefully this new patch will help us out with some much needed additions.


Worships the porcelain goddess
DrForester said:
well, just hit chapter 5 for promathia. My LS is trying to get te "sea" ASAP when it comes out end of month.

Special Note:

In getting chapter 5 we saw a cut scene with diabolos. The way he showed up make it look like he will be a summon avatar at some point.

My LS trying to hit Al'Taieu ASAP as well for all the phat l00t...

Which I think is a terrible wrong way to go about it personally, but who knows. ..

I wouldn't doubt Diabolos being a summon..someday. However, who knows. I know he does have a connection with Dynamis, so I think that'll be explained sooner or later..hell, I wouldn't doubt Al'Taieu being FULL of "Terrestrial Avatars" (Diabolos being the Terrestrial Avatar of Dreams...) personally. We'll see.


Gil sellers won't really make a difference in WoW. The way the economy is setup kinda negates them, and is pretty fucking brilliant really.


Kintaro said:
Eh, I've kind of made a rediscovery of the game personally, and I'm having fun again. ^^ Yeah, there's still problems and gilsellers and blah blah. But, fact is, moneysellers will invade everygame (Click here if you think I'm lying) nowadays, soooo...yeah. Take the good with the bad I suppose. Hopefully this new patch will help us out with some much needed additions.

You know, I'm starting to think these gilsellers are eventually just snuff themselves out. The MPK antics between the two gilseller companies in Kuftal Tunnel these days are getting out of hand, you can practically go document the drama that unfolds and share it with the GM now.

The last update thankfully put the career gilsellers in Ordelles out of business, least on my server. The Stroper Chyme spawns are so spread out now its impossible to monopolize them, which is great since Archer Rings and Sniper Rings have become very reasonably priced.


I think I may be done with Final Fantasy XI.

Nothing wrong with it, just there's so many other games I can play.

I really wish SE had a "store your character" system for like a couple bucks a month. I don't want to have my character deleted. Sometime I'll want to go do the rest of the PM's and ZM's.

Plus I spent so much hard work on things, especially having like every quest done and my goldsmithing 64 (with sunglasses). I don't want to lose it, but I also don't want to pay $15x4 every year to make sure it doesn't get deleted.


Kills Photobucket
Kintaro said:
I'm now at 200+ Byne Bills for the 1st stage of my Relic Weapon.

Half way to 1st base o_O


You'll need 6,200 in currency for number 3.

Sqaure hates you, they hate you very much.


...Just picked up FFXI. Any recommendations for starting race/job/continent?

Probably go with a Hume until I learn the ropes.


I'd recommend Warrior or White Mage to start because those are the two most versatile subjobs in the game and they'll give you an idea of how to do the basics for other classes. They play prominent party roles at early levels though and you might be dying a little too much if you're not careful. In that case, Black Mage might be a good idea as long as you don't overcast your magic on mobs in parties which you should be starting around level 10/11 (maybe a little earlier). Do get a Great Axe if you can with Warrior though =P.

Ploid 3.0

I remember how stupid I looked with war at 14 and never picked up a Great axe or a axe. Ended up skilling it in a LS exp party :(.


New fishing system! I might actually take up fishing again.


The fishing system is scheduled for some major improvements.
Here is an outline of the changes you can expect to see.

* New action-oriented system

-The rod will begin to shake wildly when something takes the bait.

-Countering the movement of the rod will reduce the stamina of your intended catch.

-A catch is best reeled in when its stamina is close to zero, so much more attention is required when compared to the current fishing system.

-In accordance with these changes, fishing skill will rise at twice the rate of the current system.

* Strengthening of lower-level fishing rods

-Lower-level rods such as the willow rod will become much more durable.

-Other new characteristics will determine the type of rod best suited for catching certain types of fish.

* Increased effects of fishing skill

-The method for comparing fishing skill and the level of the fish will be improved, making it easier for those with higher fishing skill to catch high-level fish.

* Other changes

-Everyone will gain a new "fishing instinct."

-The "instinct" of those with higher fishing skill will be more accurate.


lacks enthusiasm.
The AH in the 3 starter cities always cost money to put things up, it just wasn't a lot (and still isn't depending on what you're selling). Jeuno is the place now to rape you on taxes.


XMonkey said:
The AH in the 3 starter cities always cost money to put things up, it just wasn't a lot (and still isn't depending on what you're selling). Jeuno is the place now to rape you on taxes.

No I'm pretty sure that the starter cities as well as Kahzam never charged for putting stuff up. I started back playing in December and noticed Kahzam was charging. i thought they did that to get the people who would ride the ship to Kahzam to put up item versus putting them up in Jueno and getting charged the tax. I just made it back to Bastok and found out that they are charging there as well.


Shouta said:
All 3 Cities ALWAYS charged but it was a nominal fee.

I don't recall being told that if I put up something that it would cost me such and such. It used to be you hit sell then the item then input the price and it would kick you back to selection screen. Now it tells you it will cost this much and ask you if you still want to put it up. It didn't do that on the release day of the game.


Yeah, the message is different now (due to a recent update) but trust me, they have always charged a fee in Sandy, Windy and Bastok.


Shouta, I don't want you to think I've abandoned the game. Just been even busier than normal lately, should hopefully be back on in the next week or so. Really appreciate your help thus far.


Shouta said:
Yeah, the message is different now (due to a recent update) but trust me, they have always charged a fee in Sandy, Windy and Bastok.
This is true. That's why I always felt bad for the poor new players that put stuff up at AH for -3 gil profit.

It's a very minimal fee, though.


Kills Photobucket
List of stuff comming in patch

All Worlds Scheduled Maintenance (Feb. 23)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

*The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Thank you for your patience.

[Affected Period]
Feb. 23, 2005 from 9:00 to 12:00 (PST)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]

- New Chains of Promathia missions will be added.

- The new region "Lumoria" and the new area "Al'Taieu" will become accessible.

- Many new quests centered in the Chains of Promathia areas will be added.

- Major improvements will be made to the fishing system.

- Bargain-priced multi-tickets for barges and manaclippers will become available.

- New routes and times will be introduced for Carpenters' Landing barges.

- Mannequins will become available for purchase.

- An NPC that will store artifact armor as a key item will be introduced.

- The limit for adjusting existing abilities using Merit Points will be raised.

- Additional categories will become available for the use of Merit Points.

- Shields will reduce the amount of damage taken instead of negating all damage.

- The white magic spell Banish will inflict more damage on undead monsters.

- The white magic spell Banish III will become available.

- A new job trait for white mages will be added.

- A new job trait for samurais will be added.

- Logging will become possible in the Misareaux Coast.

- Logging results in the Lufaise Meadows will be adjusted.

- There will be additions and changes to some of the items required to fulfill guild contracts.

- A new key item called "Alchemic Ensorcellment" will become available for purchase with alchemy guild points.

- The number of guild points required to purchase the key item Anima Synthesis will be reduced.

- The number of categories available for search comments will be expanded.

- NPC chat filter settings will be refined.

- Various other fixes.

Can't wait to get to sea. We're goign to make an attempt at the "super BCNM" on the airship tonight in Chapter 6. 45 minute time limit. 3 BCNM fights one after another, should be a fun time.

Sea is not going to have to many people in it for quite some time. The amount of fights and running arround is just insane. Pick up parties jsut arent going to cut it. The fights are fun though. Chapter 5 is like chapter 3 where the road forks in 3 different paths, except each path has more fighting. There's a fight with 3 Mithra in a HUGE BCNM area in Boneyard Gully. Fight in Bearclaw Pinnicle where you have to beat a snow bomb in 45 seconds or it explodes (it explodes you will loose whether you live or die). Then there is a moblin fight that it's like a Mini-Kirin fight (And after fight you meet moblin NPC that speaks in l337). Overall i'd say chapter 5 alone is probably bigger than all the missions of Zilart put together.


Kills Photobucket
BCNM, kirin, quadev god. Already 3 ways to get it.

I do think R3 prices are outrageous. I hit 70 a little over a week ago, and if we hadnt gotten drop of kirin i never would have bought it.


lacks enthusiasm.

How are they different from current battlefields?

-An orb is not required to enter an ENM quest battlefield.
-No experience will be lost when KO'd within these battlefields.
-Characters succeeding in an ENM battle will be rewarded with large amounts of experience, as well as unique items.


Interesting...hope there isn't a really lame catch (although there probably will be).
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