Sounds good, but at least if we both get the World Passes we can play together, and that is our main goal. He has played before, so he at least knows a little he had a level 10 monk about a year ago. But we might be calling on you for some help

As for the link shell that would be sweet, we are going to just go fiddle around with everything to see how it all works and stuff, I'll keep checking back every time and again, let us know when this World Pass can be done.
He doesn't know what server he is on, or how to check but his PlayOnline account is Sarpedon and his character name is Yeshua right now, he is a little short guy (the name starts with a T) and a black mage, most likely he will keep it the same when we switch servers. As for me, I'm not sure yet. I'm think Elvaan and Warrior, but as for a name, I don't know.