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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


You can call up their customer service to retrieve your password and Playonline ID if you still have the CDkey information.


Finally got all my stupid Content ID crap taken care of, in the midst of the first patch after install:p I assume it's still on Fairy right.


Going to start WAR and work to RNG. I just wanna shoot stuff!


You don't have your character anymore? Did you try doing the "Welcome back to Vana'diel" campaign to recall it?


Well, I can try getting you one tommorrow. If you want one then. I'm gonna hit the hay early tonight so I just logged off.


Wow, I'm surprised how many faces I recognize! Glad to see the LS has stayed intact for the most part:) Now to start the long climb to a Subjob, then to RNG. Should be a fun time, still a fun game:)


This new fellowship quest looks cool:

You can summon an NPC to party with.
He gets experience and levels alongside you, and apparently shows up in new equipment every so often. This along with the improved exp off weak mobs is going to make soloing a lot more enjoyable. I think they're really going all out to get back some players now. We're seeing some of the best updates ever in the past couple of months.


Supposedly, EP and DC mobs are going to get a minor XP boost per kill which makes them more viable for soloing.

Rawk Hawk

More XP for the easier mobs... Yes... My plan is falling right into place... How much of a boost? Say I would get 36xp, what will I get now?

Either way Tokyo and I couldn't get on just now, are they updating?


Server maintenance all day today 8am pst to 12am the next day. They're physically moving servers and etc supposedly on top of adding the update.

Rawk Hawk

Dang it, I just got back from vacation and took today off of work to play. That sucks. But if it's done at 12am pst, here on the East Coats we won't even be able to play till 3am, awesome. Oh well, I'll see you guys on tomorrow then.
Here are a couple of shots I took of the lines for the NPC quest NMs on my server:




Sorry for not censoring names, but that's just too much for me to handle at the moment. :lol Plus no one here knows what server I'm on. I waited around 8-9 hours to get the entire quest complete if I'm not mistaken. What a doozy.


Kills Photobucket
I've done one of the hat quests so far. The Yag one apparently requires fully leveld bone and goldsmith subs in addition to very high cloth craft. Finaly got mine crafted.

On a much happier note, me and some friend became the first people on our server to beat the last CoP BCNM. Won't go much into the fight, but it is very very fun. It's not nearly as hard as other CoP BCNM fights. This one almost seemed to be made just to entertain the people in it. It's also the greatest BCNM arena they've made so far.Will go back and rewatch the cut scenes for pictures, but I did snap this one of the BC area as it pans back at the end. Was very nice, stars above the fight, the world circling below (That's quifim at the bottom of the picture).


In the end, COP comes out to be.....
Goes to Chapter 8-4
13 BCNM battles
17 NM Fights
TONS of running arround


DrForester said:
I've done one of the hat quests so far. The Yag one apparently requires fully leveld bone and goldsmith subs in addition to very high cloth craft. Finaly got mine crafted.

I tried the Gobrin Hat NM's with 8 people....not a very good idea.
Rawk Hawk said:
More XP for the easier mobs... Yes... My plan is falling right into place... How much of a boost? Say I would get 36xp, what will I get now?

Either way Tokyo and I couldn't get on just now, are they updating?

Duoing buffalo we used to get like 12-15 I think? Now we get like 20-25ish lol


I've received 10 exp for killing stuff that doesn't even register on the challenge scale... and that's with my fellowship NPC out.


Looks like the 360 beta will happen before the console is released, with the final 360 version shipping this year. That's incredible news.

I guess a new expansion will be announced around the time of the 360 release with a release date of next spring. Can't wait to see what they add this time. New job classes are definitely needed!


New job classes and avatars are almost definitely in the works.

Interesting tidbit from the interview is SE may not release the next expansion commercially, but make it available as a download. I sure hope SE upgrades its file update system, if the servers are getting hammered for a day every time there's a version update, I shudder to think what a downloadable expansion is going to do.

Silent Death

lemme get one or two licks
Jonnyram said:
They had a survey on Famitsu's website for which jobs people want. It seems Blue Mage was very popular :)

Wasn't the Blue mage time related spells, such as haste and slow. Also I thought I read when the second expansion came out the Square had said they couldn't impliment any more new classes due to some limitaion in the game engine.


No Time Mage was the one with haste and slow.
Blue Mage learns the skills from monsters.

The main reason they haven't added new jobs is because it would be hard to balance with existing jobs (see Ninja & Dragoon for opposite extremes). They are talking about having jobs that play totally different to current jobs. Blue Mage would certainly fit that description.


Cant wait to see 12000 Blue Mages at dunes ¬¬, Jonny weren't you the one saying that no new expansion was coming, with bets and stuff? :p

New Avatars... {yes, pleas}.
New Jobs... {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass}.


Kandinsky said:
Cant wait to see 12000 Blue Mages at dunes ¬¬, Jonny weren't you the one saying that no new expansion was coming, with bets and stuff? :p
No bets, but yeah, I really didn't believe a new expansion was coming after what I was told. I guess I was misinformed ;)


Kills Photobucket
They real;ly need to get the new Avatars out.

Chains of Promathia paved the way for 3 new Avatars (Diabolos, Bahamut, Phoenix). Now they just need to release them.


Is Phoenix actually in the game? I know there's lots of feathers and stuff, but I've not seen any screens featuring one. Also, the way you fight Diablos and Bahamut is not consistent with the rest of the avatars, so I'm not sure...


Kills Photobucket
Phoenix is never actually seen in the CoP story line, but his essance is there, and he is referenced countless times.

The reason the 3 of them can fit in is becasue they are 3 of the 5 Terestrial avatars. Carbunkle and Fenrir are the other two. So their presence can easily be added. And if they wanted to stay consistent with the story, they could make these ones only attainable once completing Chains of Promathia.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Shouta said:
Supposedly, EP and DC mobs are going to get a minor XP boost per kill which makes them more viable for soloing.

Zoinks, this will make a big difference sometimes when I'm leveling my BST...at least the DCs anyway. Some levels are kind of a strange middle ground where you can't hunt too many EMs or Ts and are stuck largely hunting DCs for a level. Good stuff. :)

Rawk Hawk

Just seeing if maybe in a week or so we can set something up to get the Sam AF1 weapon for me. Seeing as how it's for lvl 42 I've still got 5 levels to go, so no real rush. Plus Saturday I head back to college and once I'm there my PS2 won't be up and running for a couple days. So post up if you are willing to give me a hand and I'll check back in a couple days. Thanks guys. ^^

Rawk Hawk

Really Ploid? That would be awesome, I got my internet up and running today, playing Socom tonight, but tomorrow I should be around. If you are on I'll see what your up to, maybe in the next few days we can knock that off the list of things to do.


Finally got the game. Reading the manual right now. Anyone want to help me with a couple of questions?

It saids the world will be assigned to my character. So there's no way to get into a specific world besides world pass? I remember reading something about it long ago on how to bypass this, but can't find the info now.

I heard that some world are predominantly Japanese players and they're not too friendly towards players from other countries. Is this true? Which one should I avoid?

What are the penalties for dying?

Finally, it saids that 1 character per Content ID. Does that mean I can delete my characters anytime and replace it with new ones as long as there's 1 character at a time?



jiggle said:
Finally got the game. Reading the manual right now. Anyone want to help me with a couple of questions?

It saids the world will be assigned to my character. So there's no way to get into a specific world besides world pass? I remember reading something about it long ago on how to bypass this, but can't find the info now.
Well, you can reroll over and over until you get lucky, but that's about the only way besides WP that I know of. If you want a WP for fairy, I can get you one. For other servers, you could try requesting in various forums, else...reroll a bunch of times :\

I heard that some world are predominantly Japanese players and they're not too friendly towards players from other countries. Is this true? Which one should I avoid?
There are elitists in every server. :\ Just pay them no mind. I have no idea which server has the most jp players, unfortunately. And yeah, some japanese players will refuse to interact with NA players, but there are plenty of friendly JP players.
What are the penalties for dying?
There's an exp penalty for each death. Early levels it doesn't really matter much and latter levels have spells that reduce the amount of exp loss. Mid levels can be a pain in the ass if you die, but it can be recovered quickly with a decent pt.

Finally, it saids that 1 character per Content ID. Does that mean I can delete my characters anytime and replace it with new ones as long as there's 1 character at a time?

Yeah, you can delete and start a new one as many times as you want as long as it's only one character. You can create an additional character for a dollar more per month. A lot of people like to have an extra character to keep their junk and have 7 extra AH slots.


Without a world pass , you're created a characterl on a randomly chosen server. You can recreate your character to try for another server.

Some servers have a heavy Japanese presence. They're generally very nice unless you prove to be otherwise. If you can speak some Japanese, they're usually pretty nice about helping ya out if you can communicate with them.

Penalty for dying is a percentage of your XP (usually about 10% prior to level 60 where it caps out). You lose less if you get raised and there's some special enhancements you can put into place to additionally reduce lost XP. There's also multiple Raise spells in the game and the stronger ones reduce the XP lost by a wide margin. For example. I would stand to lose about 200-3000 points of XP if I died at my current level (74) however, if I get a raise III from a WHM, I will only lose 100-200 XP. You can also delevel if you're close to the previous level in XP. ON the flipside, there's no corpse retrieval at all and you do not incur any other penalty.

For one Content ID you purchase, you can make one character to it. So if you only buy one content ID, it means only one character. Any additional content IDs give you one more character (costs a dollar after the first one). You can erase your character any time you like and restart it if you have that content ID active.

Edit: Damn you Ror! 4 minutes faster than me!


jiggle said:
Thanks for the answers. that clears everything up.

Fairy is the server GAFers are on?
Pretty much. There are GAFers on a bunch of servers, but the "main" one is Fairy. Although, most of the GAFers that started the game have since moved on to other games, servers or Linkshells.


I think I love this game.

Kinda sucked that the first guy i was in a pty with logged off right after he got a rare&ex weapon, and left me stranded on a mountain top.

The experience with nicer players was so much better.
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