jiggle said:
Finally got the game. Reading the manual right now. Anyone want to help me with a couple of questions?
It saids the world will be assigned to my character. So there's no way to get into a specific world besides world pass? I remember reading something about it long ago on how to bypass this, but can't find the info now.
Well, you can reroll over and over until you get lucky, but that's about the only way besides WP that I know of. If you want a WP for fairy, I can get you one. For other servers, you could try requesting in various forums, else...reroll a bunch of times :\
I heard that some world are predominantly Japanese players and they're not too friendly towards players from other countries. Is this true? Which one should I avoid?
There are elitists in every server. :\ Just pay them no mind. I have no idea which server has the most jp players, unfortunately. And yeah, some japanese players will refuse to interact with NA players, but there are plenty of friendly JP players.
What are the penalties for dying?
There's an exp penalty for each death. Early levels it doesn't really matter much and latter levels have spells that reduce the amount of exp loss. Mid levels can be a pain in the ass if you die, but it can be recovered quickly with a decent pt.
Finally, it saids that 1 character per Content ID. Does that mean I can delete my characters anytime and replace it with new ones as long as there's 1 character at a time?
Yeah, you can delete and start a new one as many times as you want as long as it's only one character. You can create an additional character for a dollar more per month. A lot of people like to have an extra character to keep their junk and have 7 extra AH slots.