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NeoGAF Mafia |OT7| Make friends, then kill them (SIGNUPS OPEN, NEW PLAYERS WELCOME)


Mafia needs more bakers
Thank you :D

Anyone got any tips for a newbie? Played mafia before but not forum mafia.
I gotta remind myself to write more about this tomorrow.

Like a lot of people have said it's important to just get out there. Lots of new players feel intimidated, but don't be scared of making opinions and being heard. Worst thing that can happen is you'll learn how not to approach the game :p


Neo Member
I'm in for this. Have played loads of werewolf and resistance/avalon. Exicited to see how this plays out in forum.

Pronoun: He
Preferred game(s): playstation, pop, persona, vampires
Time-zone: EST


How many more until we can fill all 4 games?

The number you are looking for is 16, but I'm going to say 26.

To run all four games, we would need 78 players. I would like to have 10 subs if we're going to actually run four games, so 88 total. We currently have 62.


The number you are looking for is 16, but I'm going to say 26.

To run all four games, we would need 78 players. I would like to have 10 subs if we're going to actually run four games, so 88 total. We currently have 62.

Nope, this is the iron man season. No quitting or we send a real mafia hit squad to your house.


Yeeny was a sex addict role blocker in archer and did very well.

She doesn't talk about it because she might be sexually triggered again, so I guess I better do it for her.



1. Don't overreact to pressure. Literally everyone will get suspicion thrown their way at some point. If you are town, explain your reasoning the best you can and be honest. If you are mafia, keep in mind townies will always have some amount of doubt that you can exploit. Take a deep breath and respond without making the game about you. Best way to avoid a lynch is to find a better target.

It's hard to describe the feeling you get the first time town turns on you. When you are town, it's gut wrenching since you're so obviously town guys come on. When you're mafia it's enraging because it's usually for some dumb reason that shouldn't be a tell. Reading games don't really convey the emotional rollercoaster of mafia. You'll hate the game one day and love it the next. Just be aware of that going in.

2. Embrace being wrong. This game would be boring if you were right about who is mafia every time. Everyone is going to go after the wrong person. Post your thoughts no matter how unsure you are and don't hold back when you inevitably miss the mark.

This doesn't mean you should be unwilling to change your opinion, just that you should share your stance as it currently stands no matter what.

3. Pay attention to emotion, ignore meta. During your first game you'll be playing in a game where some people have a history you don't know. It can feel overwhelming at points, so just ignore it. Pay attention to how people are acting and reacting and go from there. The more you interact with others, the more you'll develop a baseline for each player. Sitting on the sidelines and watching your fellow players hash it out won't help.
To add to advice.

Even the vets make crazy mistakes and have terrible reads and are scum city sometimes. You'll be in a constant state of doubt and that's good. Don't trust someone just because they seem to have their head on tighter.

With that said, finding townies and trusting them is immensely important. A unified town can be terrifying for scum. I can't remember if I posted about 2.5 earlier or not but town killed the endgame because we decided to set some doubts aside we had about each other and just let victory happen.

This one is less popular but day one vote are important. In both games I've won and lost (often from seeming too scummy and being voted out in endgame) early day votes and gambits have been important. Keep track of where votes are every day, even if you need to write it down or make a spreadsheet.

Finally, yeah, I'm down with lynching Sorian midgame regardless of perceived alignment.

Edit for some but not all typos: Blarg is usually plotting even if what he pays is nonsense. I'm usually less drunk than my posts indicate. Cabot is the opposite. Not sure who is usually more drunk though.
One common thing people say when joining the dead thread is that they wished they went with their gut reads a bit more. I guess don't be afraid to go with that.


Always happy to have an opportunity to make a spreadsheet!

Thank you, I suspect I'll be in the dead thread before too long :p



1. Don't overreact to pressure. Literally everyone will get suspicion thrown their way at some point. If you are town, explain your reasoning the best you can and be honest. If you are mafia, keep in mind townies will always have some amount of doubt that you can exploit. Take a deep breath and respond without making the game about you. Best way to avoid a lynch is to find a better target.

It's hard to describe the feeling you get the first time town turns on you. When you are town, it's gut wrenching since you're so obviously town guys come on. When you're mafia it's enraging because it's usually for some dumb reason that shouldn't be a tell. Reading games don't really convey the emotional rollercoaster of mafia. You'll hate the game one day and love it the next. Just be aware of that going in.

2. Embrace being wrong. This game would be boring if you were right about who is mafia every time. Everyone is going to go after the wrong person. Post your thoughts no matter how unsure you are and don't hold back when you inevitably miss the mark.

This doesn't mean you should be unwilling to change your opinion, just that you should share your stance as it currently stands no matter what.

3. Pay attention to emotion, ignore meta. During your first game you'll be playing in a game where some people have a history you don't know. It can feel overwhelming at points, so just ignore it. Pay attention to how people are acting and reacting and go from there. The more you interact with others, the more you'll develop a baseline for each player. Sitting on the sidelines and watching your fellow players hash it out won't help.

4. Lynch CzarTim early, he loves it.
Pronoun: he
Preferred game(s): PlayStation
Time-zone: EST

Pronoun: He/him
Preferred game(s): Persona
Time-zone: GMT +8

I used to play Mafia back in my drama class in High School. Everyone was terrible at it, but it was heaps of fun. Hopefully I'll be somewhat decent at this.

Pronoun: He
Preferred Game: PlayStation, Persona
Time Zone: EST

Hello, I would like to give this a try!

Pronoun: He
Preferred Game: PlayStation or Vampires, both sound like a good time
Time Zone: EST

A quick question: How does PM'ing work in this game on Gaf, Is it only used to confirm votes and interact with the mods? Of can it be used during the day to talk privately with others?

Eh let's do it. I've always wanted to try one of these games out (I've also been watching these games recently, so that's made me interested as well). I might just go for one game only right now

Pronoun: He
Preferred game: PlayStation
(You may list multiple games. We will assume they are listed in order of preference.)
Time-zone: AEST / Australian Eastern Standard Time

Pronoun: He
Preferred game(s): Vampires or Persona
Time-zone: GMT +5:30

First timer here. Never played mafia before. However I do play a lot of Town of Salem ranked games.

Pronoun: He
Preferred game(s):
persona, pop, vampire
Time-zone: CST


(I've never played this anywhere before)

Pronoun: Male
Preferred game(s): Persona
Time-zone: EST

I don't know how well it will or won't go but I'm willing to try it out and see. Seems fun but a bit intimidating reading previous ones with lots of repeat players.

Oh what the hell, i'm in

Pronoun: Male
Preferred game(s): Persona
Time-zone: EST

What the hell, this looks like a lot of fun!

Pronoun: Male
Preferred games: Any, I'm easy.
Time Zone: GMT

Pronoun: He
Preferred game(s): Pop, Playstation, Persona
Time-zone: PST

Played a bit of the board game versions of these social deduction games including The Resistance and Secret Hitler, but looking forward to trying out one here.

I'm in for this. Have played loads of werewolf and resistance/avalon. Exicited to see how this plays out in forum.

Pronoun: He
Preferred game(s): playstation, pop, persona, vampires
Time-zone: EST



I'm willing to host a game of Live Mafia tonight. all are welcome, newbs and vets alike.

It can be a pretty good way of introducing yourself to the community, and I'll be there to host in a soberly fashion.

I'll look at starting roughly 22.30PM GMT:


We use Discord for this, which can be found



Possibly. If I do it will be on my tablet with dogs in the background again.

Going ahead and planting that scum cover now...


Could be a good way to get a better feel for how it unfolds. I'll set a reminder in my phone and see if I can make it!


Couple more pieces of advice, that may seem contradictory, but really aren't.

1. Don't be afraid of dying, because you probably will. Lynch, night kill, whatever it is, your odds of surviving the entire game aren't super high. That's OK, though. Some people, (myself included,) will tell you that dying is the best part of Mafia, because you get to go to the Dead Thread, (which is hosted on Outer Gafia) and spectate the rest of the games with all the other dead players. This also (usually) means finding out who the scum team is, if you didn't know already. (Note: The mods usually won't spoil the game in the dead thread, but as the game goes on, either the players will figure it out, or a dead scum will reveal it.)

2. Fight to stay alive. There's a common problem in GAF Mafia that some people will see the tide turning against them, and then decide that they'll look scummy if they fight to stay alive, so they just go, "boy will you guys be sorry when I die." Don't do this. Fight! Your team, town or scum, is counting on you, whether they know it or not. If you really don't think that you can talk your way out of dying or redirect the threat to someone else, then at lest try to make your death worthwhile. Post your opinions on who is scum, if you're town. Let your team throw you under the bus if you're scum to make them look better. The only wrong choice when you're about to die is to do nothing.

3. Don't panic. Remember that you are playing a GAME. I talked earlier about fighting when you are about to die. One vote and a bunch of people talking about you does not mean that you are about to die. Stay calm. Some of our players are more aggressive than others. If Sorian, Squidy, or Darryl, (just to pull three totally random names out of nowhere) are coming after you hard, just take a deep breath, walk away from the computer if you need to, and then come back and react calmly. Again, Don't Panic.

4. Ask for help. If you are new, (or even if you aren't) you can always ask the moderators for help. We won't give you spoilers, but we probably will give you advice, as long as we can do it while still being fair to the other players.

5. Sign up for the Gafia Discord. We play Live Mafia and other live games together there, which can be good practice and also a good way to get to know other players so that you can read them better in the games. It's also usually the fastest way to reach a Gafia Mod.
Note - Discussing an ongoing Forum Mafia game with other players in that game over Discord is not permitted.

6. Let the Gafia mods know if there are any problems. The Mods are here to make sure that everyone has a good time, and that the games are run fairly (or as fairly as possible) for everyone. If you need to drop out of your game, we understand, life happens. PLEASE TALK TO US. We will help if we can, but even if we can't, it's a lot better for the mods to know that there's an issue than having to guess about it. I don't respond to PMs or Discord messages as fast as I used to, but my door is always open nevertheless.


2. Fight to stay alive. There's a common problem in GAF Mafia that some people will see the tide turning against them, and then decide that they'll look scummy if they fight to stay alive, so they just go, "boy will you guys be sorry when I die." Don't do this. Fight! Your team, town or scum, is counting on you, whether they know it or not. If you really don't think that you can talk your way out of dying or redirect the threat to someone else, then at lest try to make your death worthwhile. Post your opinions on who is scum, if you're town. Let your team throw you under the bus if you're scum to make them look better. The only wrong choice when you're about to die is to do nothing.

This is especially true if you're a vanilla townie, or a townie who's role reveal won't save you. GAFia meta shies away from majority lynches, so once you're on the chopping block you have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain by fighting back. Keep the conversation going; question everyone, and look at anyone who's trying to stay out of the spotlight or can't justify their vote on you. Best case scenario, you'll out a scum when you die or even prevent your own lynch. Worst case scenario you'll provide some fresh reads on everyone for future townies.


Maybe this should go to confession gaf, but who cares:

I think it's far more funnier to see new any players panicking than having calm discussions all the time. Get emotional, overreact and enjoy the overwhelming feelings!

You can only cherish the best moments if you thought you have to dropout five times and thought you don't have enough energy to convince this dumb town that you are indeed not scum again, but if you keep fighting it's totally worth it.
Remember that it's a game. Yes, some players will be unrelenting and downright mean, but Mafia is a game about lying and deception. At the end of the day though, the objective is to have fun. If you're not having fun, let a mod know. Some things in life are more important than Mafia (if you know what they are, PM me). I'm sure everyone agrees that your own personal well-being is more important than the outcome of a game. If your dropping out costs your team the win, that's fine. Stuff happens. We would rather end a game prematurely due to external circumstances than have a perfectly balanced outcome where none of the participants are happy.

That being said, there are rules and lines you shouldn't cross. No personal attacks or references to life outside the game (e.g. why is X player posting on GAF and not in the game when they said they'd be on a train). Mafia isn't an excuse to break forum or community rules. If you think your words go too far, don't post it.


Never turbo someone who hasn't claimed.

LP downright saw the majority on him and had the guts to tell us he'll come back in a few hours to defend himself shortly before deadline. Never seen something scummier. Totally worth lynching.


LP downright saw the majority on him and had the guts to tell us he'll come back in a few hours to defend himself shortly before deadline. Never seen something scummier. Totally worth lynching.

You were playing in a game where you knew two people were lynch immune. Read between the lines :p


Two more points of advice:

A) don't role claim until it is necessary. Even if you are the vote leader with 1 hour to go in the day, there is still a decent chance the votes will move to someone else without you having to claim. But do keep track of it and if it gets more hairy, claim.

B) If you are scum, always be thinking about your fake role claim. Make one as early as possible, and every night phase think: "if I really was this role, what would I have done?". It is immensely helpful to have that at the ready if you suddenly find yourself in a position where you have to fake claim a role. Having logical reasons for your presumed night actions will go a long way in having town believe your nonsense!


Maybe this should go to confession gaf, but who cares:

I think it's far more funnier to see new any players panicking than having calm discussions all the time. Get emotional, overreact and enjoy the overwhelming feelings!

One of my favorite moments to read was during the Ace Attorney game. I forget who it was, but someone was leading the vote and they just started posting nonsense trying to defend themselves.

They ended up getting lynched, but the next day someone edited their posts into an actual Pheonix Wright witness freakout and it was amazing!
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