Fire Emblem Mafia!![]()
Oh yeah, I was working on this a while back!
If someone else wants to do it though, go for it.
Fire Emblem Mafia!![]()
You haven't signed up yetWHOAH forums Mafia? This sounds really interesting! Never really played it on a forum, but I definitely like playing Avalon and The Resistance IRL. Seems like a lot of games are going now though, so do I have to wait to sign up? Or fulfill any other conditions?
I don't think anyone doubted it was possible, just that it's less fun.
What do we do if this rule conflicts with the other gafia staple of Always be lynching Fireblend?
I feel like we may be establishing more tautological rules than are good for us, but I do like to blame Sorian...
WHOAH forums Mafia? This sounds really interesting! Never really played it on a forum, but I definitely like playing Avalon and The Resistance IRL. Seems like a lot of games are going now though, so do I have to wait to sign up? Or fulfill any other conditions?
What we do is have main season games, like Love Boat, PW, and DP (stop thinking dirty thoughts), and then we have mid-season games, which are normally smaller and take shorter to finish up. Then we do a season review and prep for the next seasonThanks everyone. I assume the next set of games would be Bloodborne, Danny Phantom, and Pirates vs Ninjas, since I see Love Boat, Phoenix Wright, and Disney Princess topics?
Being a replacement in an already running game def sounds intimidating, but I'll probably read through the currently running threads to see how things are.
That was my idea :c
You know I want to Ouro, but if I did then I couldn't play it D:I'm serious. It's like nothing you've ever seen before.
Didn't we discuss all this pre-season? I thought we came to some kind of concensus (that I've forgotten)
Also I think it's great that we have so many games in the pipeline or even ready to go, we should always have something ready for an unexpected gap in the schedule (though I get that it can be disheartening to be sitting on a game and unable to run it).
I honestly don't understand the rule with having no mid-season game while all 3 main season games are running. Just don't allow people to play in 2 games at the same time. Can anyone make a compelling argument why we shouldn't allow dead players to run a or play in another game?
I also am fan of "vote with feet" aka, just announce your mid-season games wildwest style and people may or may not sign up for it.
I honestly don't understand the rule with having no mid-season game while all 3 main season games are running. Just don't allow people to play in 2 games at the same time. Can anyone make a compelling argument why we shouldn't allow dead players to run a or play in another game?
I also am fan of "vote with feet" aka, just announce your mid-season games wildwest style and people may or may not sign up for it.
It's theoretically possible all main season games last the exact same length of time, or end the same week, while we'd have 40 or so people not playing who might be waiting for that arbitrary deadline to pass.
I honestly don't understand the rule with having no mid-season game while all 3 main season games are running. Just don't allow people to play in 2 games at the same time. Can anyone make a compelling argument why we shouldn't allow dead players to run a or play in another game?
I also am fan of "vote with feet" aka, just announce your mid-season games wildwest style and people may or may not sign up for it.
This all comes down to when S6 will start.I don't know about this honestly. We currently have so many games planned, that if you use that kind of wildwest voting, gamerunners may (justly) fear that if they wait a bit with proposing their game, someone will jump before them and they will not get to run it, which may lead to too much pressure of gamerunners to propose their games very soon.
This all comes down to when S6 will start.
It also doesn't make a ton of sense having no mid-season game while signups for the next main season are live imo.
Hey, if you are interested we can work togetherFlavour should be interchangebly. I chose Dragon Ball because Super is on air every week (what a time to be alive) and I expect a few new players to jump in here.
Fluff matters to me, but always should come in second behind the game mechanics. It's possible for me to change my flavour. I debated Doctor Who, but ultimately didn't feel comfortable, because I'm not up to date yet (just started Series 7) .
And it would be nice to have some kind of mechanism behind the mid-season selection. Just shouting and advertising loud enough isn't suitable for everyone. But I'm all in favour for letting the players decide what they want to play, because they are the ones that take part and should be interested in the game. No doubt this will lead to some games never happening, because they can't attract enough interest.
Maybe a simple vote is enough? At least give every willing moderator a chance to say "here is my game, we can play if you want" ~ but there has to be some kind of coordination, otherwise it's just the kind of shouting mentioned above. I tend to overthink such regularities...
Simply getting in line and let "first come, first serve" take place is a bad way to decide on which games to play and furthermore who gets to play them.I prefer RNG over this any time.
I was only joking, I had it as an idea before the last round of games but didn't do anything since effort, take it and run wild!
I mean, does somebody honestly NOT think that Yeeny her posting style is just a front that hides an evil creature that feeds on the anguish of others?
I was only joking, I had it as an idea before the last round of games but didn't do anything since effort, take it and run wild!
shocking RNH, 4 eyes are better than 2 german ones.
I read every post of Yeeny in Gortys' voice since Tales from the Borderlands. Perfect impersonation of her.
I read every post of Yeeny in Gortys' voice since Tales from the Borderlands. Perfect impersonation of her.
Does that mean (spoilers for Tales from the Borderlands)she will summon a giant vault monster soon?
(Continuation of spoiler)And we all get to enter her for a power rangers call back!
(Continuation of the continuation of spoilers)Who is going to be Claptrap?
you are all my golden gals
That could be an interesting theme. Nursing home residents want to lynch Blanche, Sophia, Rose and Dorothy because they took out life insurance policies on them. Deaths must appear natural to get payout.
Ouro teased (not seriously) a retirement home game once. One of the roles was an Alzheimer's patient that could have their role revealed to the thread by the moderator because they forgot what it was. Ouro gets dark with flavor sometimes![]()
I do not.
Poor Alejandra.
The celebrity that we need to bribe with tons of cash to return to us but the price of admission isn't exactly worth what we get? Ouro.
On this, can we replace in us the three UZ timezones South Tokyo time gmt+9. I spent most of my life in that country and those motherfuckers don't need three times. Network television only got two when i was growing up and that is literally catered to the lowest common denominator.
That fits perfectly!Nobody likes Ourob too!
Well GMT and CET aren't exactly indistinguishable either. I liked the old counter far betterAlways displayed the right time for everyone...It's magic.
Any reason we dropped those in favour of the colour cards?
The old counters were starting to get caught by different work filters for some reason. That's why GAF at large stopped using them. I think we just followed along. The important bit is seeing exactly how much time is left. A little math never hurt anyone.
Check it out, I'm dancing, I'm dancing!
I honestly don't understand the rule with having no mid-season game while all 3 main season games are running. Just don't allow people to play in 2 games at the same time. Can anyone make a compelling argument why we shouldn't allow dead players to run a or play in another game?
I also am fan of "vote with feet" aka, just announce your mid-season games wildwest style and people may or may not sign up for it.
Much like Nintendo though, Czartim has decided it's time to upgrade the NX. Soon, people will be able to line up for the nxU. Or something. Get Hype.
Much like Nintendo though, Czartim has decided it's time to upgrade the NX. Soon, people will be able to line up for the nxU. Or something. Get Hype.
NX2: Electric Boogaloo
I feel compelled to be in this game if it's a thing.
Much like Nintendo though, Czartim has decided it's time to upgrade the NX. Soon, people will be able to line up for the nxU. Or something. Get Hype.
NX2: Electric Boogaloo
I feel compelled to be in this game if it's a thing.
I should stress the "or something" part.
Ouro teased (not seriously) a retirement home game once. One of the roles was an Alzheimer's patient that could have their role revealed to the thread by the moderator because they forgot what it was. Ouro gets dark with flavor sometimes![]()
NXU or riot
Tim is a cool mod, would play again.