Xam's role should be that he gets modkilled if he hasn't roleclaimed by the end of day 2.
too lenient.
Xam's role should be that he gets modkilled if he hasn't roleclaimed by the end of day 2.
too lenient.
do it like Sorian in VI, within first 3 posts or modkilled.
Alternatively, has to be faster than Flux's claim in Love Boat.
People still hate me for this.
Nah, it was on a very small network. Werewolf was quite popular on IRC years ago, I believe there was a public eggdrop script people used (Uno and trivia too).Any chance this was on #fluodome?
Xam's role should be that he gets modkilled if he hasn't roleclaimed by the end of day 2.
Nah, it was on a very small network. Werewolf was quite popular on IRC years ago, I believe there was a public eggdrop script people used (Uno and trivia too).
So Crab is banned for three months, or until May 11th, according to our math.
For now, if you have any questions that can't be resolved by your game runners, please direct them to YesNOnoNOYes or myself.
Crab gets banned on purpose so he doesn't have to deal with us
I hope I get to appear in the gafia game again either as a player or a role like last time
you know what sawneeks, lay off my lover over here.
He loves the cheese. Don't hate on him or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or else I....uh.....errr....
Me as a neutral lyncher who's goal is to lynch you makes so much sense!
Just pretend she is talking loudly in the bathroom of a bar, and do your thing!
Also, shame on you Cabot for being in the girls bathroom!
So I have good news and bad news, folks.
The bad news is that I'm not going to be hosting the Undertale game this season after all. I know, I know, it's tragic, but I'll keep it in reserve for a future mid-season.
On the upside, guess what I got in the mail today!
Admit it, guys, I make games a lot more interesting
And I was pretty damn good in the ONUW game
I don't know what that meme is
OkIt's just showing my disdain.
I am full of disdain.
Not the only thing you are full of...It's just showing my disdain.
I am full of disdain.
Just pretend she is talking loudly in the bathroom of a bar, and do your thing!
Also, shame on you Cabot for being in the girls bathroom!
But...I was talking to you. Why are you AND Cabot in the ladies room?
I still need to join, smelly doge3 new steam group members in 1 day! We are now only two members away from the magical number of 50 members! And that all thanks to cabot his chat orgies!
Roy thinks it's less gay if we do it in the ladies.
he's so self-loathing. It's our foreplay.
3 new steam group members in 1 day! We are now only two members away from the magical number of 50 members! And that all thanks to cabot his chat orgies!
I just hope the roles are different from last time. No repeats.
Can I be Xam, and every time I vote it automatically votes someone that isn't guilty?
It's just showing my disdain.
I am full of disdain.
You're not wrong.I thought you were full of gin.
Bowlie came in with that amazing gif and a pocket full of dreams, then left dead and looking at gross pictures of deep fried food.
What a saturday
Bowlie, that gif was incredible. Thank you for that. It was so fucking apt that TWE was von Karma. I started playing Helldivers and WTF, TWE was the author of that very reasonable OT!
Can I be in Steam group pls
Bowlie, that gif was incredible. Thank you for that. It was so fucking apt that TWE was von Karma. I started playing Helldivers and WTF, TWE was the author of that very reasonable OT!
Can I be in Steam group pls
Bowlie, that gif was incredible. Thank you for that. It was so fucking apt that TWE was von Karma. I started playing Helldivers and WTF, TWE was the author of that very reasonable OT!
Can I be in Steam group pls
Y'all should come to Brazil and share that culinary technique with us. It's a win-win, you get either a tasty food or an amazing fire spectacle.
And I can't stop watching it dance.
here![seven-seven parallelism]
It's an open group, so you can just join
PS4 or PC?
I just bought a big DLC bundle for the PS4 version, need to hop back in
Speaking of Helldivers I played a bit with some friends yesterday. And apparently I learned that they LOVE friendly fire.
Speaking of Helldivers I played a bit with some friends yesterday. And apparently I learned that they LOVE friendly fire.
We're early days yet, and my girlfriend uses the shotgun. LOVE indeed. Well, it's only happened thrice-- twice from her and once from me.
How about a nice cup of liber-tea?
Did non of you guys ever played Magicka, or what?
Freeze frame the end of that GIF and you can catch a glimpse of cabot's private life.