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NeoGAF Plays Mafia/Werewolf |OT5| Ma5ia Harder (Sign up in thread to play!)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


Give Sorian the L
Look at my cleverness



I feel the strong urge to sneak in a 13 player mid season game, I feel we lack smaller games this time around. But I don't want to be that guy... being disgraceful and making every mod in line angry, ultimately screwing our community.

Hey Kark, can we start early pls? ;)


Oh snap I better sign up if mid seasons are starting soon!

Pronoun: Female
Preferred game(s): Gods, Batman, Wrestling in that order
Time-zone: EST


There is one theme I want to make a mid-season game on at some point in the future (not now, obviously). However, I might consider taking someone else to co-mod it, assuming they know the source material.


I had a random idea the other day for a Battleship mafia, where players ride together in different-sized boats and try to hunt scum submarines


Coppa/Steve was working on an OG vote script. Coppa, what sort of tag was that looking for?

Steve is working on one too?! That bastard.

Mine works via the code tag, since it makes it more readable to players than the bolding did (and it's easier to parse)


I had a random idea the other day for a Battleship mafia, where players ride together in different-sized boats and try to hunt scum submarines
Hey, I already got a bomb game ready for prime time. Players must change rooms each night, and scum targets rooms, not people.


If every player who has an idea would Create the damn game aswell. We would happily playing until 2018. Sad 95% of those games never get made :(. Don't tease us!!!

Seriously I hate teasers.

GAFia players tend to erase something that is not even real in the first place.

Sorry for being a bummer.

the wire will run in season 9 at least that's realistic

Have fun with my awesome wwe game everyone.
so i can only assume that the Gods mid season game will be based off of the instant classic Gods of Egypt right?

Sure, I always base my games on some 13%-on-rottentomatoes movies.

Seriously tough, the game isn't even cosplay. But it's themed. Full of myth and dreams and supernatural stuff. But it's not cosplay.


I've been messing around with a Fargo game for a while but I had some new ideas for it so I'm changing to a more suitable theme, although it doesn't really matter in the first place. I need to check some balance stuff but it's largely done. I'll see where we're at once the three currently planned games are done.



I've been messing around with a Mega Top Model game for a while but I had some new ideas for it so I'm changing to a more suitable theme, although it doesn't really matter in the first place. I need to check some balance stuff but it's largely done.

If Retro is Iron Man, would this make Crab War Machine since he got banned?

Hmm I actually had Evilore as Iron Man, some other GAF mod as War Machine, and Retro as Captain America (goes rogue and creates Outer GAFIA). But mods vs. players could work as well.

Anyone want to take a side?

GAFIA 3: Civil War

Coming Soon™


Hmm I actually had Evilore as Iron Man, some other GAF mod as War Machine, and Retro as Captain America (goes rogue and creates Outer GAFIA). But mods vs. players could work as well.

Anyone want to take a side?

GAFIA 3: Civil War

Coming Soon™

Whatever side Cabot isn't on.
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