I'm pretty sure it was El TopoMan, that is such a brilliant idea! I wonder who was so smart to come up with that!
He is smart, after all
I'm pretty sure it was El TopoMan, that is such a brilliant idea! I wonder who was so smart to come up with that!
Meta gafia should be an all-neutrals game. Every morning people who satisfied their win condition are removed from the game and the last one to do so is the only loser.
I'm pretty sure it was El Topo
He is smart, after all
The other day I contemplated a game where all the prior fake role claims are roles.
So half of the roles would be a bunch of different archers?
So half of the roles would be a bunch of different archers?
Ah, yes, the Gorlak, or "Smart Kitty Who Really Has An Unhealthy Obsession With Crabs" as we call him in America.Nah, pretty sure it was Gorlak!
You? A raging temper??? You are like the most apologetic person I know! If you accidentally get a small, insignificant detail wrong about someone you send them like 15 apologies!![]()
Sometimes you have to swing pretty far back in the other direction. Alcoholics don't typically go back to being social drinkers, either.
Spoilered for personal stuff. Skip if you don't care.
I've spent many years working very hard to get my temper under control, because I'm married and will one day be a father, and I don't want to be an angry or abusive husband and father. I don't want to subject my family to that. The anger is still there sometimes, but I control it, instead of letting it control me, as I used to do. Even my wife has never seen me get truly angry. Annoyed or frustrated, sure, but not angry. Never Angry. And she never will, if I have anything to say about it.
Hey guys remember when YNNNY hosted a game that was a 1 on the Crab scale?
Yeah, me neither.
He is smart, after all
Just Kate Archer!
Sometimes you have to swing pretty far back in the other direction. Alcoholics don't typically go back to being social drinkers, either.
Spoilered for personal stuff. Skip if you don't care.
I've spent many years working very hard to get my temper under control, because I'm married and will one day be a father, and I don't want to be an angry or abusive husband and father. I don't want to subject my family to that. The anger is still there sometimes, but I control it, instead of letting it control me, as I used to do. Even my wife has never seen me get truly angry. Annoyed or frustrated, sure, but not angry. Never Angry. And she never will, if I have anything to say about it.
Uhm, those banners you made for PW were amazing! They definitely didn't suck ass!
*runs away and hides*
You can blame Nin for those actually. What a scrub!
No no, I don't mean those awesome, self-crafted ones, I mean those ugly ass ones that were shortly used during night 1.
No no, I don't mean those awesome, self-crafted ones, I mean those ugly ass ones that were shortly used during night 1.
I did them aswell. You fucked yourself. But thanks :*
And FYI wwe is a 5/10 on the crab scale
Who knew this would become the theme to my gafia life
Still waiting ...![]()
I did them aswell. You fucked yourself. But thanks :*
And FYI wwe is a 5/10 on the crab scale
Wait, but Retro said he did those banners! What is going on here? What is this conspiracy???????
i still did not see anything from the DBZ game, the Game of thrones game, etc etc
Right now I'm thinking of a full-fledged main season game, but I can't host it right away without hosting a midseason game before, right?
Apparently I am just posting in gifs and memes today.
It was ready, but many ideas were already seen this season, that's why I withdrew the game idea.
Right now I'm thinking of a full-fledged main season game, but I can't host it right away without hosting a midseason game before, right?
Are you Kriegerwell, you can still host a main season game. Nothing stops the germans tbh. Look at me
I think Sawneeks called me Hawkeye once. I am still offended by that![]()
I am more than that I am the kriegerestAre you Krieger
LP, I had some ideas for a Civial War game as well. The Captain America stuff made me think of it again. Feel free to do it yourself though. No point claiming ideas just to sit on them.
Can a GAFIA mod make a board for Civil War?
Hmm now I'm kind of torn on the theme to use:
Option 1: Civil War story/characters. Players are Cap, Iron Man, etc.
Option 2: GAFIA civil war, inspired by the Marvel story/characters. Players are GAFIA members RP'ing as a Marvel characters. e.g. L_P as Retro as Cap.
Can a GAFIA mod make a board for Civil War?
Hmm now I'm kind of torn on the theme to use:
Option 1: Civil War story/characters. Players are Cap, Iron Man, etc.
Option 2: GAFIA civil war, inspired by the Marvel story/characters. Players are GAFIA members RP'ing as a Marvel characters. e.g. L_P as Retro as Cap.
Co-host? I'm only good at writing flavour anyway.
And now I keep tying "Civil" as "Civial".
Hey guys! Been out of the loop due to school, but I think I've gotten into enough of a groove that I can handle a Mafia game on top of everything else. Mind giving me spectator access for the current games as well as adding me to the list for any future games this season?
Damn game runners being allowed to edit. Making me look foolish.
I think nin is right and we have to do it !
nin, i think you are wrong
i still love this
this one is great aswell
but my favorite is this one
*death note playtest starts*
*intense fear and dread starts*
I really like this idea.
All of these link to the same place!
When's Wrafia happening?
the moment Yamcha is relevant again !
Wait, when was WWE mafia cancelled?
Oh you, i said it after you lost against me in Starcraft 2 / Diablo 2 PvP / Left 4 dead Versus aswell as Civ 5, You need to try harder mate.