Oh, and maybe just fucking modkill people instead of replacing them?
Let's go full epicmafia and just let people selfdestruct at any point. The pacing will be so much quicker!
Oh, and maybe just fucking modkill people instead of replacing them?
This wouldn't have worked at all in Batman. Both Flux and Kark were under fire and active when they dropped out. If they suddenly went silent that would have been really weird and could have messed a lynch.
It will always be hard to replace someone when the game is a couple of days old, especially if you didn't follow it. I never really felt caught up in MGS and that game had less than 130 posts.
A nice way of holding onto notes (I used the PMs in Volcano Island as a faux thread for notes) could help if they exist. I think for replacements it can be good just to get in there and start playing. A momentary break can help, but I don't think it's really possible to fully "catch up" especially when you're reading everything in retrospect and missing the timing. Carpe diem so you can at the very least play in the present and don't be afraid of being a bit stupid in your questions.
Moderator's notes could be quite objective. Like page numbers where days start and end, who were lynched and killed in order, moderator announcements (like the day effects in God's or Sorian's vote, but in a shorter format), possibly some visualisation of where votes went and role claims.
For a replacement it is really hard to keep track of everything. In MGS I kept forgetting who died when by what. Day effects and role claims can be faked, but they're so obvious I don't see why a mod souldn't mention them unless no one or very few noticed them. The moderator never confirmed my haikus in NV, but they weren't a secret. Same with the chat bombs in LB which would be really hard to look up in retrospect. Fake claims that should be mentioned (as claims obv unless they have flipped) would be like CzarTim's one shot cop in DR.
Should a mod do this though? As a replacement, you can just ask in the thread: hey, what happened? and other players can help you out. Sure, there will be some degree of subjectivity in those responses, but things like "who died when" are check-able facts that players can't try to twist.
I think there should be a time limit for replacements: Day 2 at the latest. Any time after that, anyone who needs to be replaced is mod-killed.
The game wasn't very big, but I still had fun in MGS where I subbed in at N3/D4.I think there should be a time limit for replacements: Day 2 at the latest. Any time after that, anyone who needs to be replaced is mod-killed.
It could be a pain with some work flows, but the moderator already has a lot of the stuff needed. One could maybe add the flips and day starts/ends into a Google docs document as the game progresses and copy that to the replacement. Being an online document other co-mods could append it.Should a mod do this though? As a replacement, you can just ask in the thread: hey, what happened? and other players can help you out. Sure, there will be some degree of subjectivity in those responses, but things like "who died when" are check-able facts that players can't try to twist.
I think there should be a time limit for replacements: Day 2 at the latest. Any time after that, anyone who needs to be replaced is mod-killed.
I somewhat agree, but then you run into issues where RL comes up, and now town is in LYLO (or they lose).
But what if those players are scum or a very important town pr? Do you buff scum/town to compensate for that? Or do you let the game be decided because of someone getting busy in RL and getting modkilled? That sucks for the people that DID put in a lot of time into the game and now lose because of that.
Modkilling should be an option cause we want to discourage it throughout the community, but we focus a lot on individual games instead. If people think they can drop from games without repercussion, they'll continue to take the easy way out.
Modkilling should be an option cause we want to discourage it throughout the community, but we focus a lot on individual games instead. If people think they can drop from games without repercussion, they'll continue to take the easy way out.
inactive players should be modkilled in the game, and in real life
True, I am not saying mod killing should never happen. In the end the mod created the game and knows best how the game is going and if a modkill would ruin it for the other players or not.
Can I get into the Matrix6 spec thread now?
One of the mods on OG will get you when they see this. More discussion has taken place in the discord spec channel than the thread there though.
What issues?![]()
It seems better now, but the text server was being very laggy, and when I logged out to try logging back in, it didn't want to let me in for a while.
Seems better now, though.
Question: what's a good scum/town player balance, and what's a good number of players?
So I know Crab has his guide that he gives out to the mods here and there, but I thought about putting together a bit more specific to GAFia, based on the lessons I've learned through myexcellentstoriedslipshod career as moderator/mentor here.
This guide covers roles, balancing, priority of actions, win conditions, voting, replacements, and a few other things, and it's still being worked on, but for the most part it's got the main information in there.
I posted it in Discord, figured I'd throw a link here as well.
If you have any comments, feel free to post them here or PM me on GAF or Discord.
Gafia 2 will be starting signups very soon. (Not yet, you animals!)
I'm waiting on final approval on the text for the invitations, and speaking with a local artist about some of the artistic choices, and once all of those are settled, we'll be ready to go!
Gafia 2 will be starting signups very soon. (Not yet, you animals!)
I'm waiting on final approval on the text for the invitations, and speaking with a local artist about some of the artistic choices, and once all of those are settled, we'll be ready to go!
Thanks for making all the arrangements Retro <3
Are we going with a band or DJ? Or perhaps just some good ol' fashioned public lynching as entertainment?
Thanks for making all the arrangements Retro <3
Are we going with a band or DJ? Or perhaps just some good ol' fashioned public lynching as entertainment?
Gafia 2 will be starting signups very soon. (Not yet, you animals!)
I'm waiting on final approval on the text for the invitations, and speaking with a local artist about some of the artistic choices, and once all of those are settled, we'll be ready to go!
I really just want someone to get themself as a role.
Will there be an open bar?
That's the only answer I need
Band. The singer is apparently famous over in Europe, maybe Nin or Burb have heard of him. Gerhardt something?
I hope I get to give the 46 hour toast!
Finally Batman and iZombie season is over for me. I'm still looking for someone to consult regarding my game, preferably someone that knows Vampire the Masquerate:Bloodlines. Not necessary though.
Also helpful if the person is fluent in Spanish. Don't ask. It totally makes sense.
Holy crap, forgot about iZombie!
Also, I neither know anything abut VtM:B or speak Spanish but if you want an opinion from somebody from the perspective of someone unfamiliar with the flavor, hit me up!
That's not going to be a fun timeI may need a replacement for Gods. Anyone interested? Please PM me.
I may need a replacement for Gods. Anyone interested? Please PM me.
Guys, stop posting shit in the prisoners dilemma thread, it's no talking phase right now
It was an accident :C
preferably someone that knows Vampire the Masquerate:Bloodlines.