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Never played a Sonic game. Can I call myself a "Gamer" ?

I never liked Sonic, never ever. I tried te Genesis one, I guess it was the first, but hated it..

since then, I kept avoiding Sonic games...

so.. umm .. did I miss alot ? lol


In my opinion, there's a game everyone's played, even if it's not EVERYONE. Like Tetris. Super Mario Bros.

But I don't think Sonic's one of them.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
In my opinion, there's a game everyone's played, even if it's not EVERYONE. Like Tetris. Super Mario Bros.

But I don't think Sonic's one of them.

Good point. Sonic is very, very close to being one. But not one of them.


The Adventure and Heroes series are completely different games than the 2D ones, that require different skills and present different challenges, so even if you didn't liked the older ones you could give them a chance.

IMO the 2D ones were fantastic, and for the rest of them, SA was relatively good but now is completely dated and its flaws are curedly exposed, SA2 is the best of them without a doubt (gameplay wise, since I acknowledge SA1 maybe has better art and a more "classic" mood), and Heroes is a big disappointment, the worst "main" Sonic game ever.


jcjimher said:
The Adventure and Heroes series are completely different games than the 2D ones, that require different skills and present different challenges, so even if you didn't liked the older ones you could give them a chance.

IMO the 2D ones were fantastic, and for the rest of them, SA was relatively good but now is completely dated and its flaws are curedly exposed, SA2 is the best of them without a doubt (gameplay wise, since I acknowledge SA1 maybe has better art and a more "classic" mood), and Heroes is a big disappointment, the worst "main" Sonic game ever.

SA1 is far worse than Heroes. Heroes is basically Sonic 3 in 3D with character switching


belgurdo said:
And Billy Blade is the best, correct?

I don't know what the fuck Billy Blade is, but Heroes is pure shit. In basically every regard. Naka should be punched repeatedly in the face for it.
almokla said:
not for more than 5 minutes .. no ..
So you've disregarded an entire franchise of good games based off 5 small minutes of gameplay? Even if you didn't like Sonic 1, there are much better sequels out there and some 3D efforts are worth checking out as well.[/talkingtoawall]

Personally, I can't see how you (or anyone) could totally and completely hate a game like Sonic 1. Hate is such a strong word :(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Suerte said:
2D Sonic > 2D Mario.

No. NO WAY IN HELL. There's no way that's ever going to fly. :) Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and Super Mario World are the best 2D platform games ever created. FACT.

Now the 3D Mario games are a different story. :p I had more fun with Sonic Adventure than I ever did with Mario 64.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Lyte Edge said:
No. NO WAY IN HELL. There's no way that's ever going to fly. :) Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and Super Mario World are the best 2D platform games ever created. FACT.

Now the 3D Mario games are a different story. :p I had more fun with Sonic Adventure than I ever did with Mario 64.

... I find the Sonic Adventure games to be nowhere near the quality of the 2D sonics.

Mario 64, on the other hand, is my favorite mario platformer.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Suerte said:
2D Sonic > 2D Mario.


I found 2D Mario games to be fun, but for some reason I enjoyed Sonic games more. I don't know why, was it the sense of speed? Or was it because the games were simple but still challenging (some of the boss battles). Sonic 3 still remains as my favourite 2D game of all time.
Lyte Edge said:
No. NO WAY IN HELL. There's no way that's ever going to fly. :) Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and Super Mario World are the best 2D platform games ever created. FACT.

Now the 3D Mario games are a different story. :p I had more fun with Sonic Adventure than I ever did with Mario 64.

Agreed on all points.


If you've missed out on Sonic's 2D games, you might as well tell everyone that you've totally missed out on the 16-bit generation.


Lyte Edge said:
No. NO WAY IN HELL. There's no way that's ever going to fly. :) Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and Super Mario World are the best 2D platform games ever created. FACT.

Now the 3D Mario games are a different story. :p I had more fun with Sonic Adventure than I ever did with Mario 64.

I think the exact opposite. 2D Sonics > 2D Mario, and 3D Mario > 3D Sonic

The first part is debatable. It really depends on what type of gamer you are. Sonic's main appeal was the predictable and understandable physics engine that applied to Sonic. Going up and down hills, bouncing off of things, you have control over the physics and that in itself was a big part of it's fun. Mario was more of a platformer in the sense that you had to time yourself through the levels, kill bad guys to help get through the level...more of a proactive game, while Sonic had you re-act appropriately.

But the latter part, the 3D games...it's not so debatable :)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Fight for Freeform said:
If you've missed out on Sonic's 2D games, you might as well tell everyone that you've totally missed out on the 16-bit generation.

Uh, not really. You either missed out on Sonic or you missed out on Mario. Very few people experienced both the Genesis and the SNES. You picked your side, you were happy.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The thing about Sonic is that all the games are pretty much the same thing. Game play is the same; only a few moves were added, and it's the levels that kept changing. With Mario, every game played differently, the look of the game changed, etc.

GaimeGuy said:
Uh, not really. You either missed out on Sonic or you missed out on Mario. Very few people experienced both the Genesis and the SNES. You picked your side, you were happy.

You can say that most people had one or the other, but pretty much everyone playing video games played both Mario and Sonic. Those were the two of the biggest game series during that era.


In my opinion, there's a game everyone's played, even if it's not EVERYONE. Like Tetris. Super Mario Bros.

But I don't think Sonic's one of them.

I never played Super Mario Bros.


Lyte Edge said:
The thing about Sonic is that all the games are pretty much the same thing. Game play is the same; only a few moves were added, and it's the levels that kept changing. With Mario, every game played differently, the look of the game changed, etc.

Exactly. Even though I get the appeal to Sonic games, I never found them REALLY good platformers. Good yes but I don't think I ever bothered beat a single Sonic game.
JC10001 said:
Mario 3 > any Sonic game.
> any other platformer, EVER!


Mr_Furious said:
> any other platformer, EVER!
What's up with the Baby Mario loop-the-loops and the 'get hit, lose item, scurry and retrive item before it disappears' gameplay?


You just need to play Sonic...kinda like the Howard Stern thing, no matter if it's not your cup of tea you just have to try becuase people talk about it.

XS+ said:
What's up with the Baby Mario loop-the-loops and the 'get hit, lose item, scurry and retrive item before it disappears' gameplay?
It replaced the traditional (and stale) life meter/bar/icon/etc and was a very welcome change to me because if offered a chance to recover from screwing up.
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