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Never played a Sonic game. Can I call myself a "Gamer" ?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
sonic4ever said:
Mario is way more Overrated as a character then Sonic :p

I was being sarcastic. Neither Mario nor Sonic, IMO, are overrated. :D



I'm not gonna argue about 2D Sonic vs 2D Mario. Like I said, they each have their different appeal. It's like comparing GTA3 with Gran Turismo...totally different beasts and totally different reasons why people play either game.

And thus you can't consider Sonic a Mario clone...because it would be a bad one at that. It's a totally different game in many respects. For example, many gadgets in Sonic require you to do something, and then the game will react (with it's own physics) to what you did. You don't see anything like that in Mario. On the other hand, Sonic's navigation through the levels didn't take much thought and pacing as it did in Mario, for some of the earlier levels all you have to do is push the pad towards the right and jump at the right times really.

Sonic himself had the appeal of a badass, and I don't know why. Maybe it was his character animations, which seemed far more lively than Mario's. Ie. go on an edge and you see Sonic frantically wave his arms to keep balanced. SEGA, or should I say Sonic Team, did a bad job of recapturing that attitude in the 3D versions. They tried, you could tell...but they could have done better IMO.


2D Sonic games suck. Don't compare trash like that to video game greatness like the SMB games.

Heroes is shit, too. SA had amazing graphics for its time, at least. It was entertaining, too. :p

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Meh I played a sonic game on the gamecube, it was soinc adventure 2 and it sucked BIG TIME!

2D Mario has stood the test of time!!!

2D Mario >>>>>>> Everything!


i dont understand what theres not to like about sonic adventure. the music owned, the voice acting was great, the story kicked ass, the graphics were next gen and the gameplay although different felt good. the only thing that hurt it sometimes was the camera but otherwise it kicked ass.

Trojan X


I love Sonic, I will always love Sonic! I think Sonic is the coolest video gaming character in the platform cutesy type game department, way more cooler than Mario. I think Sonic is the fastest gaming character on the planet. I remember when I first saw Sonic on the SEGA Pirate TV advert with the SEGA Ninja kid flying in the air after jumping on a bed and that truck driver guy. Nothing beats running on the loop-the-loop. Nothing beats running up walls and going absolutely chaotic (no pun intended for that 32X failure Choatic).


I adore Sonic and everything. I had a heart attack and a serious case of addiction when I first played Sonic 1; I skipped secondary school for a day playing Sonic 2 which I adored so much. What Mario game can beat the beauty of Aquatic Ruin zone for that stage was beautiful? I avoided purchasing Sonic 3 because I knew Sega plans about releasing Sonic&Knuckles so I wanted to get both titles to get the REAL Sonic 3. Then I remember seeing Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast for the first time, my gosh my head blew up!


All those Sonics, all that love, everyone loves Sonic to the point of remembering the infamous Sonic 1 cheat code (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, A+START)! But in the end of the day I am a gamer that is honest. So even then, even after the BEST of what Sonic has to offer even I have to admit that SUPER MARIO BROTHERS 3 is the BEST 2D platform game in existence.



Ramirez said:
You wanna talk about overrated,you talk about Sonic.

Sega's horrible attempt at an answer for Mario :D
You stupid boy, Alex Kidd was Sega's horrible attempt at an answer for Mario, Sonic was pure fucking gold. That is, the MD Sonics, the 3D ones are not the Sonic we all know and love. And don't get me started on Heroes.

Trojan X

Sonic Heroes was a side-line game until the next real Sonic games comes out just like Mario Sunshine was a side-line game for the next real Mario.

Now in answer to the first post... Yes you are still a gamer but you're not a gamer that know the works so yes you have missed allot. Like if I missed all those Mario games I know that I have missed allot.

Mario and Sonic though both are platform games they have their own unique styles but both Mr. Naka and Mr. Miyamoto both need to learn from each other. However, Miyamoto's recent efforts proven that he doesn't need Naka to learn and provide gamers an indepth and stylish experience.


Trojan X said:
Sonic Heroes was a side-line game until the next real Sonic games comes out just like Mario Sunshine was a side-line game for the next real Mario.
That'll be why they kept saying Sonic Heroes was "returning to the roots".

Trojan X

Heh, well they could have fooled me. The original Sonic Adventure root was the best way to go, they just have to do the thing properly that's all.
Holy shit.

There should be an I.Q. meter placed on this topic. Each sequential post is more retarded than the last. Amazing. Contrats, GA.



Mr_Furious said:
It replaced the traditional (and stale) life meter/bar/icon/etc and was a very welcome change to me because if offered a chance to recover from screwing up.
But Sonic did all that before YI..


XS+ said:
But Sonic did all that before YI..
If you want to get technical, Mario did it even earlier via powerups.

In some ways, I think Mario & Sonic really exemplify what makes Nintendo and Sega software great. Nintendo excells at exploratory, puzzle based console game design while Sega excells at reflex, mechanics based arcade game design.


Lyte Edge said:
The thing about Sonic is that all the games are pretty much the same thing. Game play is the same; only a few moves were added, and it's the levels that kept changing. With Mario, every game played differently, the look of the game changed, etc.

Although I agree with you in the aspect of looks (but remember, the real SMB2 is like SMB, not the DokiDoki Panic Dream Factory game + Mario protagonists that we got), I totally disagree with your assertion that all Sonic games play pretty much the same.

Disregarding the obvious differences that will come from 2D vs 3D Sonics, even among fans of Sonic games, likes and dislikes are highly contested.

For instance, I very much prefer Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Advance over their sequels. Whereas the 1st parts of both series is a normal platformer with exploration elements, the sequels tried to be more like a race to the finish. I also found their original variety of levels more charming than subsequent efforts.

The complete opposite holds true for the 3D Sonics. Most people like Sonic Adventure the best, but I despised the "Adventure" part of it. Heck, I wish it didn't have story at all. At least in Sonic Adventure 2, that was skippable. I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2's style of gameplay where there was more or less only one way to get an A rank, and it takes incredible amounts of patience and practice to achieve those A ranks. I had more fun with 1 Sonic/Shadow level in SAdve2 than I did with the entire SAdve1.
TheGreenGiant said:
sonic games are overrated. 5/10 for the entire franchise. DIE SONIC DIE!

VA in the Sonic Series are also the worst ever.

Your some Sega fan..like you claimed in the Past. No true sega fan would dismiss the whole Sonic series. I can understand some not liking the 3d sonics but the 2d were and still are great. Shoo, go away, nintendoBoy :D Viva la SONIC forever!


Trojan X said:

I love Sonic, I will always love Sonic! I think Sonic is the coolest video gaming character in the platform cutesy type game department, way more cooler than Mario. I think Sonic is the fastest gaming character on the planet. I remember when I first saw Sonic on the SEGA Pirate TV advert with the SEGA Ninja kid flying in the air after jumping on a bed and that truck driver guy. Nothing beats running on the loop-the-loop. Nothing beats running up walls and going absolutely chaotic (no pun intended for that 32X failure Choatic).


I adore Sonic and everything. I had a heart attack and a serious case of addiction when I first played Sonic 1; I skipped secondary school for a day playing Sonic 2 which I adored so much. What Mario game can beat the beauty of Aquatic Ruin zone for that stage was beautiful? I avoided purchasing Sonic 3 because I knew Sega plans about releasing Sonic&Knuckles so I wanted to get both titles to get the REAL Sonic 3. Then I remember seeing Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast for the first time, my gosh my head blew up!


All those Sonics, all that love, everyone loves Sonic to the point of remembering the infamous Sonic 1 cheat code (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, A+START)! But in the end of the day I am a gamer that is honest. So even then, even after the BEST of what Sonic has to offer even I have to admit that SUPER MARIO BROTHERS 3 is the BEST 2D platform game in existence.


Beautiful post, and echoes my sentiments exactly. Both games are true classics and the environments in Sonic were truly ahead of their time (Casino Levels). With Sonic it was all about what kind of crazy loop you'd go through next with spirals, tubes, ramps, jumps all of that stuff. With Mario it was the joy of discovery, finding that next secret, playing with that next suit.

In terms of pure character though, Sonic > Mario. While Mario has metal mario, Sonic has friggin


XS+ said:
Haha, I just played SMW and forgot you have to chase Yoshi around if you get hit..
Not only that but the item window drops your last powerup whenever you get hit as well.
TheGreenGiant said:
VA in the Sonic Series are also the worst ever.

atleast the Sonic Series HAS voice acting..where is the Voice acting in the Mario games..OH yes they have "it's me a mario". That sounds just as bad and kiddie as any Sonic game. Lets lay complaints about voice acting when Mario games start to use it on a regular basis.


sonic4ever said:
atleast the Sonic Series HAS voice acting..where is the Voice acting in the Mario games..OH yes they have "it's me a mario". That sounds just as bad and kiddie as any Sonic game. Lets lay complaints about voice acting when Mario games start to use it on a regular basis.
Mario Sunshine had plenty of voice acting... not that it's a good thing. :/

In the Sonic Adventure games, I usually keep things set on JP voice with english subtitles. That way I can't tell how bad the VA really is. :)

edit-Now that I think about it, Mario 64 had some voice work too in the intro (where Peach read the letter). I wonder if they'll be adding much voice to the DS release?
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