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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)


It would only be an issue with people if they removed radar altogether, but changing motion tracker to sound-based radar would deter many complaints on both sides.

Ya hate motion tracker? Sound-based radar is an improvement.
Ya hate the idea of removing radar altogether? Sound-based radar is a fair compromise.​

It needs to be forced, and honestly I doubt many casual players would even notice the difference. Watch lesser skilled players play, they're oblivious to motion tracker a lot of the time. And then what about going up against more skilled players with motion tracker? Good luck having a fun time lol

I don't even hate the motion tracker... In fact, I loved getting sneaky kills in Halo 1-3 on people who relied on the motion tracker to locate the enemy...

What other l reason is there to crouch walk?


This is the most action-packed campaign footage I've seen.




The elite that kills him at ~1:45 has a carbine and a sword. Have they ever had sword elites that can change weapons?
I think they've been doing that since Halo 2... Right? Or did that start in Reach?

Maybe I should go through H2A again. :p


The elite that kills him at ~1:45 has a carbine and a sword. Have they ever had sword elites that can change weapons?

I can't remember the first halo to do this... I just finished playing throught Halo2 and it never happened (maybe I didn't let it happen), but I am almost certain I've seen it before...

Something tells me it was Reach

It's rare though...


Hopefully it wont pull a Halo 4 and there will still be plenty playing two months later when I get an xbox one for chirstmas

They've been doing a lot to ensure the player base stays with this one... The strong emphasis on e-sport in Arena should keep the hardcore... And the lore of RNG loot should keep the casuals...

The moderates like myself will be too busy going back and forth between the two to do anything else...

Ein Bear

The elite that kills him at ~1:45 has a carbine and a sword. Have they ever had sword elites that can change weapons?

Gun-wielding Elites have changed to swords in previous games, as a last resort kind of thing (the white Elites in Halo 2 immediately come to mind), but I've never seen one put the sword away and pull a gun out as far as I can remember.
It definitely looks better but its in no way a major step up.

I would never say they don't look good. I think Halo has always had a good look but you can just see the compromises they had to take to get to the 60fps. Animations look like H4 and the environments are so empty and lifeless. That stuff really stands out to me. That latest gameplay footage though makes the 60fps really sing with all your squad mates attacking on the map.

It is a major step up. The complexity of the geometry by itself is on a whole other level, and that's pretty damn obvious from some of the footage we have available already. Halo 4, as impressive as it still is, in its best moments still doesn't manage to come anywhere close to what we've seen from Halo 5 thus far. Halo 4 at best only has the illusion of being anywhere near Halo 5 due to an obviously very strong, and quite similar, art style.

What was pulled off mostly through smoke and mirrors in Halo 4, largely seems to become an actual reality with Halo 5. The lighting on display in Halo 5 puts Halo 4's to shame. Then there are the effects, which in terms of their quality and the sheer amount of them, also easily leaves Halo 4 in the rearview. They've gone ahead and achieved this impressive a visual look with playspaces that are so much larger and more complex, with so much more freedom and options at the player's disposal the likes of which the Halo franchise has never seen. That fact alone should greatly undermine any remotely serious attempt at a comparison to Halo 4. The kinds of things 343i achieved with this game are things in which they would've been easily forgiven for going down to 30fps, but they still aimed for 60fps, and they absolutely nailed it from the looks of things.
It is a major step up. The complexity of the geometry by itself is on a whole other level, and that's pretty damn obvious from some of the footage we have available already. Halo 4, as impressive as it still is, in its best moments still doesn't manage to come anywhere close to what we've seen from Halo 5 thus far. Halo 4 at best only has the illusion of being anywhere near Halo 5 due to an obviously very strong, and quite similar, art style.

What was pulled off mostly through smoke and mirrors in Halo 4, largely seems to become an actual reality with Halo 5. The lighting on display in Halo 5 puts Halo 4's to shame. Then there are the effects, which in terms of their quality and the sheer amount of them, also easily leaves Halo 4 in the rearview. They've gone ahead and achieved this impressive a visual look with playspaces that are so much larger and more complex, with so much more freedom and options at the player's disposal the likes of which the Halo franchise has never seen. That fact alone should greatly undermine any remotely serious attempt at a comparison to Halo 4. The kinds of things 343i achieved with this game are things in which they would've been easily forgiven for going down to 30fps, but they still aimed for 60fps, and they absolutely nailed it from the looks of things.
I hope you are not serious.
I hope you are not serious.

Damn right I'm serious. How the hell can you look at those crazy ass open map layouts and claim anything other than what I said?

See here's the problem with some of you guys: you don't know when to make up your minds. One moment Halo 4 is criticized as this corridor/alley shooter that countless people on here have been claiming for years since it released. Now all of a sudden, as a new Halo is on the way, people are actually trying to state with a straight face that what's present in Halo 4 is at all comparable to what we've seen in Halo 5 so far?

I should be the one asking if you're serious.

Someone should gif/webm that part. All those sweet explosions, dat constant framerate.

343i made all the right technical decisions with this game.

Holy fuck, the moment he tries to shoot a rocket at the hunter but his other hunter buddy knocked a crate in the way. Halo is the BEST.

Holy shit, it really does look like that other hunter was protecting his buddy by sending that crate flying to protect against the rocket attack!

Okay, this is a really nice touch. I don't think I've ever noticed something like this before. Usually they already come charging at you with the sword, or they take it out after receiving a sufficient degree of punishment. This, however, looks like he simply noticed the incoming close range threat and switched to the best weapon for the job.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
343i made all the right technical decisions with this game.

It really seems like they did. Even the sound design seems next level (I'm not talking about the score, but rather the sound design as a whole -- it really accentuates the gameplay more than any other game I can think of).
It really seems like they did. Even the sound design seems next level (I'm not talking about the score, but rather the sound design as a whole -- it really accentuates the gameplay more than any other game I can think of).
Yeah the guns sound very weighty and powerful.

The absolute worst was halo 3's AR. I felt like shooting pellets out of a plastic dollar store toy


343i made all the right technical decisions with this game.

It's looking like they made a lot of good decisions in general with this game. Well other then rocket launcher change. They seem to be nailing technical stuff based on what we've seen so far and the campaign looks to be epic and open again. The only real thing I want to see on a technical level is how long weapons remain in singleplayer. I hope 343 have increased that to be more in line with older Halo games. Hated how soon weapons disappeared in Halo 4.
It really seems like they did. Even the sound design seems next level (I'm not talking about the score, but rather the sound design as a whole -- it really accentuates the gameplay more than any other game I can think of).

Yeah the guns sound very weighty and powerful.

The absolute worst was halo 3's AR. I felt like shooting pellets out of a plastic dollar store toy

The weapons sound quite nice indeed. The improvements made to sound design in Halo 4 was also one of the things I enjoyed most about that game. I loved hearing the Chief's louder than normal footsteps and armor movements as much as I did, especially when he began to sprint. I also enjoyed the promethean sound effects.


I started watching more Halo 5 footage and continue to observe something going on with the animation. In all of the footage it looks like after a certain distance the character models have reduced frames of animation. Spartans look weird and stilted as they walk and the Covenant look a little jittery. It looks really bad. Its like something out of a PS2 game. And maybe its not exactly 'less frames of animation'. But they all look bad and jittery at a distance; it is not the case with bipeds within - what I'm guessing is - 25 feet of the player. Maybe its an LOD technique to reduce load?

Look at the Spartan walking towards the player in this 3 second portion. It looks perfectly fine.


Now look at this Spartan behind the wall. His character model doesn't move as fluidly (as seen in the link above) until the player chases him around the corner and gets close to him.


I've noticed this in the campaign videos as well. I first noticed it with the Jackals.

You can see it here as well. Look at the Spartan going up the stairs. He's animating like a bad 3D-rendered 2D sprite (think Donkey Kong Country).

It is a major step up. The complexity of the geometry by itself is on a whole other level, and that's pretty damn obvious from some of the footage we have available already. Halo 4, as impressive as it still is, in its best moments still doesn't manage to come anywhere close to what we've seen from Halo 5 thus far. Halo 4 at best only has the illusion of being anywhere near Halo 5 due to an obviously very strong, and quite similar, art style.

What was pulled off mostly through smoke and mirrors in Halo 4, largely seems to become an actual reality with Halo 5. The lighting on display in Halo 5 puts Halo 4's to shame. Then there are the effects, which in terms of their quality and the sheer amount of them, also easily leaves Halo 4 in the rearview. They've gone ahead and achieved this impressive a visual look with playspaces that are so much larger and more complex, with so much more freedom and options at the player's disposal the likes of which the Halo franchise has never seen. That fact alone should greatly undermine any remotely serious attempt at a comparison to Halo 4. The kinds of things 343i achieved with this game are things in which they would've been easily forgiven for going down to 30fps, but they still aimed for 60fps, and they absolutely nailed it from the looks of things.

I completely agree with your points of improvement. Your absolutely right that those areas are definitely better but they aren't leaps. You can clearly see major concessions being made that make the visuals seem like a fully realized version of what they attempted with H4. Thats great but it isn't in any way a whole new visual benchmark. I think it looks great but it doesn't look amazing in any sense. Its not doing anything that puts it in a higher class compared to its peers. Me and you have talked about this before and you know my biggest issue with H4 is the Ai and the confined levels but for its time it was a gorgeous looking game. I'm not sure about the Ai in H5 but the level layout is looking extremely good so I really don't care if it doesn't look that much better than H4 since playing this with 3 other people seems like an amazing experience.
So it looks like it will probably be going gold this week then. Nice. I wonder how big the day one update will be. Also launch trailer tomorrow!!!!


Changing weapons in the franchise to energy swords is not new: Halo 2 did it.

Lose shields or get to point blank range = Ultra pulls out energy sword.

In this case however, that sword was pulled out ridiculously quickly and without the rage animation. He also changed weapons back to his carbine, which is impressive for an AI.

The more I pay attention to the AI the more I like it. I take my negative comments earlier in this thread...
I completely agree with your points of improvement. Your absolutely right that those areas are definitely better but they aren't leaps. You can clearly see major concessions being made that make the visuals seem like a fully realized version of what they attempted with H4. Thats great but it isn't in any way a whole new visual benchmark. I think it looks great but it doesn't look amazing in any sense. Its not doing anything that puts it in a higher class compared to its peers. Me and you have talked about this before and you know my biggest issue with H4 is the Ai and the confined levels but for its time it was a gorgeous looking game. I'm not sure about the Ai in H5 but the level layout is looking extremely good so I really don't care if it doesn't look that much better than H4 since playing this with 3 other people seems like an amazing experience.

Fair enough. I can definitely respect your opinion here. A fully realized Halo 4 doesn't sound too bad to me at all. It is my favorite of the franchise after all, so needless to say I was obviously already quite impressed with Halo 4 to start with, but to see where they've gone with Halo 5 while also maintaining such incredibly fluid performance with an art style that I truly enjoy to my very core, in a universe I absolutely can't get enough of, really gets me excited.

Just fathom the following line: We are playing as the Master Chief with the ability to actually command the legendary Blue Team consisting of Fred, Kelly and Linda!!! This still blows my mind.

And based on what I've seen, there is just about nothing preventing 343i from going as big as they want and absolutely nailing every part of Sparth's artistic vision for this game. I've already seen some pretty damn stunning campaign locations, the type that pretty much tell their very own story, and for me as a gamer has always enhanced my enjoyment that much more. I can only imagine what else they have in store for us. And with how they've described their heavy use of dynamic resolution, there's likely to be very little, if nothing at all, holding them back from giving us damn near any type of scene/level they desire.
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