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New mainline Zelda and Final Fantasy both releases this year - Which game do you look forward to most?

New mainline Zelda and Final Fantasy this year - Which game do you look forward to most?

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Last time this happened was in 2006 (FF12, Zelda TP) Well technically it happened in 2011 if you count jpn release of FF13-2.

Let the Battle of the juggernauts begin.



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Yeah, I'm not choosing. Both are my #1 and #2 top franchises. That's like picking my favorite child. I have both CE's pre-ordered.


Right now, it’s ToTK but FF might over take it if it ends up being as good as it looks. I haven't loved a FF game since the PS1 era but I’m hopeful SE can bring back the “magic” with this one.

What’s the point of a “neither” option? If you’re not interested in either game, don’t vote.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I don't have a PS5 and no longer plan to buy one, so, it's easily Zelda. Pre-ordered on Switch and plan to transcend with Yuzu.
I just hope they bring full scaled dungeons into the mix. it is arguably Zelda's strongest trait.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
FF16. First final fantasy I’m excited about (other than remakes) in a long time.

What they’ve shown of Zelda isn’t exciting me at all, though I do expect they are doing that on purpose (I hope)


Both will be amazing but I prefer FF. I just dig the setting and aesthetic more, but Zelda will probably be a better game, if that makes sense.


Tears of the Kingdom, but, as someone who was last really into Final Fantasy during ... hell, I don't know, maybe the 8 bit era, I have to say that FFXVI looks fucking incredible. If any game was going to win me back to the franchise, it's this one.


Gold Member
Why not both?

I'm excited about Zelda but have some concerns about it being too much like BOTW. I have concerns about Final Fantasy but I am excited about seeing if YoshiP can bring the single player entries back to greatness.


Final Fantasy because each entry is different from the previous one. It's like a totally different game with Final Fantasy slapped onto its name. It's also the flagship for JRPGs in general.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Final Fantasy XVI. I’ve been a fan since the beginning and this one looks fucking awesome.

I’ve played almost every Zelda game but never finished a single one. I always get bored halfway through and drop it.

But, FFXVI a little bit more because of plethora of reasons. Nostalgia (both franchises honestly here), far deeper and mechanically complex combat than any Zelda ever made or will exist in the future, a tongue in cheek to serviceable story/characters and world and so on.


Gold Member
I don't have a PS5 and no longer plan to buy one, so, it's easily Zelda. Pre-ordered on Switch and plan to transcend with Yuzu.
I just hope they bring full scaled dungeons into the mix. it is arguably Zelda's strongest trait.
why no ps5 for you my man?
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Mr Hyde

Final Fantasy hands down. Yoshi-P is about to bring the thunder. Zelda will be further down the road. It looks cool but FF is a major deal for me.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
why no ps5 for you my man?
No availability for more than a year. Eventually, I had saved so much I moved on to build a whole new PC, and, now we have PS Exclusives on Steam/EGS. So that is why I am skipping PS5.
The only way they could get me, is if they made Bloodborne2/Bloodborne Remaster Exclusive to PS5 forever.

To be fair, the money I had saved was also going toward a new GPU, but since that shit went to shit, everything turned into a new PC. So effectively I am PC/Switch. :messenger_sunglasses:


Zelda by far.
FFXVI is a pretty run of the mill action game.
Would be different If FF7:Remake launches this year.
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Final Fantasy, it looks like a major shift for the franchise.

Zelda looks like more of the same from BOTW
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Gold Member
I'm probably gonna buy both but i'm not hyped for neither of them, especially zelda that looks like a dlc that has to run on ancient hardware.
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Gold Member
Op should have included spidey 2 and starfield, the 4 remaining big games we have left for this year.


World’s Biggest Weeb
As a long time JRPG/ Final Fantasy fan who’s tried and failed many times to get into Zelda, can someone tell me what the appeal is?

I feel like the character growth/customization is uninteresting compared to real RPGs. Same with the story. Combat is much simpler and blander than real action games/ARPGs. There’s no interesting loot to find, at best you might find a heart container or rupees (and there’s nothing really interesting to buy with those). Dungeons are mostly “get some new item then use it to solve a puzzle in exactly the way the devs wanted you to”.

Is it all just nostalgia delivered in a very polished and charming package?


Final Fantasy for sure.
It's the most hyped I've been for a a new mainline FF in like 20 years. I like everything they've shown so far, combat looks like a ton of fun, it has that large scale epic scope I've been wanting to see in more games, the story has the potential to be one of the best in the franchise (at least compared to these past 20 years), I like how it's not open world and I like how it's supposedly "only" 35 hours for the main story which is the exact opposite of one of my biggest issues with modern JRPG's (the never ending bloat).

Tears of the Kingdom is probably going to be a very solid game and will probably have the more unique gameplay and interesting world design.
But nothing they have shown has really excited me, it's like they've gone out of their way to make it look like DLC. If we get a new trailer showing substantial improvements to gear, combat, enemy variety as well as real dungeons and good bosses I'll be hyped.
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