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New mainline Zelda and Final Fantasy both releases this year - Which game do you look forward to most?

New mainline Zelda and Final Fantasy this year - Which game do you look forward to most?

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Is it confirmed for this year?


There are rumours of September/October release.
Final Fantasy 16 hands down.

Zelda is overrated as hell, and the sequel is still forced to run on ancient hardware that barely could run Zelda BotW. No thanks, Nintendo, get with the times.
FF13 ran on ancient hardware and still looks fantastic to this day. Super Mario World 2 ran on ancient hw and it's still one of the most beautiful looking games.


Zelda, it's my favorite series of all time. Strangely I don't feel almost any hype from FFXVI. I just don't really like the art style or gameplay of it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Was it that hard to have a "both" option too? Granted in FF's case it's more of a curiosity/hope for it as we've not see enough when even in the worst case scenario Zelda is bound to be about as amazing as the last one, just maybe not quite as fresh as it could be if they've not changed it up enough.
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FF13 ran on ancient hardware and still looks fantastic to this day. Super Mario World 2 ran on ancient hw and it's still one of the most beautiful looking games.
That's not what I was referring too when it came to ancient hardware. I specifically said the game was barely able to run on the Nintendo Switch. Yes, it's a good looking game and I never said it needs to look out of this world. But in order for me to enjoy the game it needs to run smoothly. Zelda BoTW got way too many passes despite it having so many technically issues and shitty fps.
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I love that Final Fantasy keeps things fresh with each entry. There could be a case to make 4,6,7,8 and 9 some of my favourite gaming memories of all time. Admittedly the franchise lost its way a bit especially with 13, but the FF7 remake showed me they can still recreate magic.

Zelda games started feeling too stale with a similar template that had been used since LTTP. While there were exceptions, BOTW was a much-needed change to revitalize the series. However, they lost me as a fan after Twilight Princess.

So my vote easily goes to FF.


Final Fantasy.

Don't really care about Zelda, especially on Nintendo's current hardware. I'm sure I'll still get the game and never finish it.
Zelda 4 sho based on the quality of output of recent mainline entries of both franchises.

But maybe squeenix is due for a win at last. will give it a go also, fingers crossed

Naked Lunch

Cant get excited for Zelda anymore.
Its the same shit over and over and the games are so easy a baby could play them.
The best Zeldas are all in the past - no contest. When I want my Zelda fix - I just revisit a classic.

FFXVI seems to be trying some new things - has a serious storyline for the first time since XII - and truly looks like a next generation game.
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There are still a few reservations I have about XVI, but overall it looks promising.

I’ll be flat out skipping BOTW 2 if weapon durability is a thing again, and since they’ve yet to confirm if it’s remaining or gone, FF easily wins my vote for now.
Zelda, because I was a big BotW fan but I‘ll also buy FF day 1. The new spin in the battlesystem seems too appealing not to try it and when I read it‘s „just“ 35 hrs long I became intrigued.
I'm not that huge on FF, but 16 looks like the next-gen experience of the year and it feels like something that's still full of surprises.

I was once huge on Zelda, but BotW had too many fundamental flaws imo, so a Nuts'n'Bolts expansion pack gives me little excitement.
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Zelda. Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild were disappointments to me, but I couldn't care less about Final Fantasy.


Gold Member
Zelda ToTK looks like BotW 2.0

FFXVI looks like a refreshing new entry in the franchise, with a promise premise and development team behind it.
I'd probably have more fun with BOTW2 but I just don't see myself playing it. Something about the Switch. I just don't like it whatsoever. I'll be getting FF16 though to be a part of the day 1 discussion. Will also be a good game for the 65" 4k OLED.


I'll be playing and am excited for both and think it'll be one of them that is GOTY.

Although I'm more excited by the idea of a mainline FF being good again (and it's looking it so far) opposed to more of the same from TotK.

A Zelda game on the new rumored system and it'd be a different story.
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Final Fantasy. It looks really amazing. I haven't played Breath of the Wild yet. I could always play that first on my son's Switch. Still waiting for it to become super cheap.
Final Fantasy XVI has my vote up to this point.

Anybody that's really following this game already know this will NOT be your typical Final Fantasy from yesteryear. This one is helmed under new leadership and very different talent adapting their skills to the Final Fantasy staple. The guys that brought us Tactics Orge, Devil May Cry/Monster Hunter, and Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward are behind this one, and are serving this meal up with a budget they've never had before, but all accounts suggest this game has had a very smooth development, save for Covid related delays, which already helps it stand out amongst it's predecessors. I'm expecting tight and engaging combat, and an interesting story on par with the Final Fantasy XIV expansions. The open zones haven't really been detailed yet, but considering we'll be riding Chocobo's across some of these landscapes, I think exploration will satisfy, and the devs are pushing hard to make every massive Eikon battle unique from each other, offering game-play variety specific to major story moments.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be a fun expansion on the Breath of the Wild formula. I'm expecting a retread on a lot of familiar ground and landscapes against familiar enemies. Unfortunately, I feel that will be what'll hold the game back from being greater, however. It's the same decent art style, the same bad voice acting, a likely forgettable story, and the exploration has us looking at landscapes we've already explored in Botw.

I think there is a lot we still don't know about either game though, so these thoughts are subject to change. Zelda might provide more new land to explore beyond what we can tell right now, and we don't know anything about dungeons yet, and little on any combat changes. Final Fantasy still has to show us its zones/hubs, RPG elements, and I'm curious how combat will bring variety over the long haul.


Honestly the last 3 mainline FF games haven’t grabbed me much despite my best efforts. BotW, on the other hand, is probably in my top 3 games of all time now.

So, Zelda. But I’ll definitely try FFXVI, it looks new and interesting

Lone Wolf

Haven’t played a FF since 6 But something about this one is attracting me. Looks like you get a dog companion as well? Zelda I never gave a shit about.


Neighbours from Hell
Zelda, not even close, and I say that as someone who has FF as my all-time favorite video game franchise. Which shows you how great of a fall my opinion on the series has reached.


I still don't have a PS5, but FFXVI for sure. Not planning to buy Zelda until the future Switch 2 remaster goes for under $20 in 2035.
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TOTK looks to be like a $70 DLC. Personally for me, the FF series last great game was VI on the SNES, with the last good one was X on PS2.

Jinzo Prime

I'm a huge Zelda/Nintendo fan, but I think I'm more intrigued by FFXVI right now. It's different from any other Final Fantasy game and that makes it interesting. Both will probably be great.
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Poll needs a both option if it's gonna have a neither option.
Anyhow, at the moment FFXVI is hitting all the right notes with me. Yoshi P at the helm is very reassuring.
Tears of the Kingdom... I might wait on if we do get new Nintendo hardware... The last video on it, lowered my hype a bit. I feel like they are holding something back about it. Like the actual mechanics. Im speculating that this will be a much more difficult game, which would be a good thing in my opinion.


I have a lot of respect and appreciation for Zelda. I fully expect it to review better. It just almost always lands with critics. Final Fantasy, though, just rarely fails to get me excited and so many of my most memorable story moments in gaming have come from it. After what I saw from the recent previews, FFXVI is just going to hook me.


I've heard Yoshi-P's supposed to be the shit, so I should be more excited for FF16, but my experience with the series is that it's been toiling in mediocrity for too long. I haven't been excited for one of their releases since 12.

Breath of the Wild on the other hand is on my short list for game of the decade. I'm a little anxious I'll be let down by it maybe being too much of the same, but I'm still looking forward to it, almost more than anything else this year.


I haven't enjoyed a mainline FF game this millennium, while BotW is my favorite game this millennium, so this is kind of a no-brainer for me.

That said, the TotK reveals so far have been pretty underwhelming. I feel like I've gone through the five stages of grief with the slow realization that the world map is the same...
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