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New PA!! teh funny! *Halo 2-related...what did you expect?*




You don't need to play Halo 2 to find this funny - it's just another in a series of "online FPS gamers are incompetent boobs or total cockmongers" jokes.
Jonnyram said:
I think it probably helps if you've seen Thelma & Louise, though.

Helps, yes. But I can not tell you how many times you hop into the passenger seat, (normally only when the gunner is full), and the driver just takes your straight into the heat of the battle and just stops.


:lol so true. It seems like the worst drivers are always the ones who take the vehicles. Either they drive off right away without letting their teammates get in, or they stop the vehicle right while someone is shooting at it.

What annoys me more, though, is the people who take the sniper rifle and completely suck at sniping.


Vormund said:
Damn this applies to Tribes Vengeance as well.



I remember in those Tribes 2 days with those huge flying transports, sometimes those vehicles can be packed full with people ready to go and then the moment the pilot flies out of base, he hits a mountain or something and the whole craft explodes leaving everybody stranded.


ElyrionX said:

I remember in those Tribes 2 days with those huge flying transports, sometimes those vehicles can be packed full with people ready to go and then the moment the pilot flies out of base, he hits a mountain or something and the whole craft explodes leaving everybody stranded.

That was my main reason to play Battlefield 1942.

Deku Tree

The second panel reminds me of letting an AI player drive your vehicle in Halo 2. Well it's not that bad, but in my experience the AI player drivers stink it up.


keep your strippers out of my American football
The funniest/saddest part is when you are playing CTF, you run in to get the flag, you come out and someone on your team has is driving away in the Warthog, leaving you stranded to die.

Funky Papa

This crap happens a lot in UT2004 too, indeed it happens so much it is not even funny. I always want to be the gunman, but it doesn't matter, some stupid will take the truck alone and will ram it into the enemy base just to end blowed away because of the heavy fire.

Onslaught is lovely but that fucking sucks, I actually like to man the gun turret :-/


I admit it, I'm a horrible Warthog and Banshee driver. But I'm a demon in the Ghost!

Get it? Demon? You have play Halo 2 to get it.
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