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New Paper Mario Interview (Leaving pure RPG to M&L, TTYD remaster is possible & more)


Watching it on Treehouse Live, I thought there was some funny and clever writing in there. I'm not sure how good the story as a whole will be, and I think the gameplay seems really unfocused, but I'll keep an eye on it.
There's a part in TTYD where you have to convince a renowned first mate to help you. You track him down and discover that he's a recluse and refuses to help. By asking around you find your way to the local tavern, where he's very well know, and get talking to the barman. As it turns out, the first mate was a legendary sailor, but blames himself for the death of his wife. While on a voyage a long time ago his wife became ill and ultimately passed away in his absence. Knowing that she was about to die, she wrote a letter to her husband, telling him how much she loved him and that she hopes he doesn't blame himself or his other love, the ocean, for her death. The barman held on to the letter, at first unable to give it to the sailor because of his grief. You take the letter to the sailor and he breaks down, before promising on his wife's memory that he'll not blame himself or the ocean any more. He joins you and you head out to sea on an adventure together.

For those of you saying people are being hyperbolic about how the Paper Mario series is now compared to how it used to be, it's moments like that we're mourning.
There's a part in TTYD where you have to convince a renowned first mate to help you. You track him down and discover that he's a recluse and refuses to help. By asking around you find your way to the local tavern, where he's very well know, and get talking to the barman. As it turns out, the first mate was a legendary sailor, but blames himself for the death of his wife. While on a voyage a long time ago his wife became ill and ultimately passed away in his absence. Knowing that she was about to die, she wrote a letter to her husband, telling him how much she loved him and that she hopes he doesn't blame himself or his other love, the ocean, for her death. The barman held on to the letter, at first unable to give it to the sailor because of his grief. You take the letter to the sailor and he breaks down, before promising on his wife's memory that he'll not blame himself or the ocean any more. He joins you and you head out to sea on an adventure together.

For those of you saying people are being hyperbolic about how the Paper Mario series is now compared to how it used to be, it's moments like that we're mourning.

Paper Mario is still deep, I mean green Toads live in the woods
There's a part in TTYD where you have to convince a renowned first mate to help you. You track him down and discover that he's a recluse and refuses to help. By asking around you find your way to the local tavern, where he's very well know, and get talking to the barman. As it turns out, the first mate was a legendary sailor, but blames himself for the death of his wife. While on a voyage a long time ago his wife became ill and ultimately passed away in his absence. Knowing that she was about to die, she wrote a letter to her husband, telling him how much she loved him and that she hopes he doesn't blame himself or his other love, the ocean, for her death. The barman held on to the letter, at first unable to give it to the sailor because of his grief. You take the letter to the sailor and he breaks down, before promising on his wife's memory that he'll not blame himself or the ocean any more. He joins you and you head out to sea on an adventure together.

For those of you saying people are being hyperbolic about how the Paper Mario series is now compared to how it used to be, it's moments like that we're mourning.
yeah but wouldn't it be way better if all those characters were multi-colored toads

and also if none of it actually happened and was replaced with a generic sticker puzzle instead


Well screw then I guess. You'd think they'd realize a series as big as Mario could have two spin offs in a genre ad wide was RPG but I guess they're insistent on making paper Mario into garbage. Not sure why they actually still make it though.


There goes most of my interest in the Paper Mario games. I wouldn't even mind something more akin to Super Paper Mario as I still enjoyed that, but i'm not a fan of where they're taking the series since Sticker Star, it's just not as charming or fun for me.

With that said though, i'd take a TTYD remaster for sure. TTYD is one of my favorite RPGs of all time.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Cool I guess this confirms that that it's time to also drop this Nintendo property because they are clearly not going back to TTYD formula and this was evident to me after Sticker Star.

Congratulations Nintendo you successfully killed off another one of your franchise for me.That just leaves me with Pokémon,TLoZ,DKC and Metroid.


There's a part in TTYD where you have to convince a renowned first mate to help you. You track him down and discover that he's a recluse and refuses to help. By asking around you find your way to the local tavern, where he's very well know, and get talking to the barman. As it turns out, the first mate was a legendary sailor, but blames himself for the death of his wife. While on a voyage a long time ago his wife became ill and ultimately passed away in his absence. Knowing that she was about to die, she wrote a letter to her husband, telling him how much she loved him and that she hopes he doesn't blame himself or his other love, the ocean, for her death. The barman held on to the letter, at first unable to give it to the sailor because of his grief. You take the letter to the sailor and he breaks down, before promising on his wife's memory that he'll not blame himself or the ocean any more. He joins you and you head out to sea on an adventure together.

For those of you saying people are being hyperbolic about how the Paper Mario series is now compared to how it used to be, it's moments like that we're mourning.

"Oh no, I got crumpled by that Shy Guy! Help me, Mario!"
So they changed it because Mario and Luigi? But it's on 2 separate fucking platforms! I can understand not having 2 RPG Mario games on a system but you don't. Fuck off! I'm so upset.


I mean I understand the reasoning. More than one Mario rpg series is kinda redundant. The Mario and Luigi games have also been great aside the last one.. I'm willing to excuse it based on the next pure Mario & luigi game
I mean, idk, I'd even be fine with Paper Mario being in the Super Paper Mario style if not the Thousand Year Door one, but I'm not liking the newest direction Paper Mario is going


I can still play TTYD on my Wii, but if it was remade with the art style of Colour Splash, I'd probably get a remaster of it. CS looks gorgeous, and if the only way to get new RPG Paper Mario is remastering the first two games, I'm in day one.


There's a part in TTYD where you have to convince a renowned first mate to help you. You track him down and discover that he's a recluse and refuses to help. By asking around you find your way to the local tavern, where he's very well know, and get talking to the barman. As it turns out, the first mate was a legendary sailor, but blames himself for the death of his wife. While on a voyage a long time ago his wife became ill and ultimately passed away in his absence. Knowing that she was about to die, she wrote a letter to her husband, telling him how much she loved him and that she hopes he doesn't blame himself or his other love, the ocean, for her death. The barman held on to the letter, at first unable to give it to the sailor because of his grief. You take the letter to the sailor and he breaks down, before promising on his wife's memory that he'll not blame himself or the ocean any more. He joins you and you head out to sea on an adventure together.

For those of you saying people are being hyperbolic about how the Paper Mario series is now compared to how it used to be, it's moments like that we're mourning.

This was one of the many seminal moments in TTYD. Absolutely class.

It's a shame we may never go back to stuff like that.
I just don't understand why the Mario & Luigi series didn't just remain a handheld series and Paper Mario stayed on consoles.

Then would it have really even mattered if they were both RPGs?

If you're gonna change Paper Mario into something else then why even bother? Just spend that time making something completely different because you're just annoying fans of the changed series with that crap.

Make a f**king Metroid game instead. >_>
Watching the stream, it felt weird they were "stuck" using just regular Toads.

The circus group of 5 green Toads, for example, could have easily just had a different sprite than other Toads to let you know these were story influencing NPCs. Or not even Toads at all. There wasn't really a reason they had to be generic green Toads, since they've already written the characters for them and they have unique, story driven dialog.


I figured as much. Unfortunately I've just never been all that into the Mario & Luigi games.

No more Paper Mario for me (unless it's that remaster, obviously).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I will say, the E3 trailer for Color Splash looked good. The humor is never an issue with these games. I just wish the traditional formula was back :(


Is Nintendo the only game company that will directly tell the fans to **** off at risk of their game going straight to the bargin bin? Lol, the hell has gotten into them lately.

Edit: Then with Zelda they actually listen to fan critisim.


This is just bad news. I didn't expect them to just outright dismiss what we want. However, there is a silver lining with The Thousand Year Door HD. That could be our last chance to send a message.

If there's even the slightest possibility of it happening, I think it's worth raising our voices on Miiverse and other avenues, perhaps during the release of Color Splash.
As much as I plan on getting Color Splash, this really only fuels my thoughts that Mario and Luigi should be in this spot instead.

It doesn't make sense that they have essentiallystripped down one of the TWO RPG series they even put on consoles, a genre that has been lacking on their consoles for 2 decades now. Yet they keep the one that is on handhelds, the systems that have a deluge of them.
"Oh, you want a game that plays like the old ones? Play a completely different series instead!"

I cannot get over how stupid that sentiment is.


If you're gonna change Paper Mario into something else then why even bother? Just spend that time making something completely different because you're just annoying fans of the changed series with that crap.
You have to understand that fans don't matter all that much. Or why would have Super Paper Mario and Sticker Star vastly oversold TTYD?


Again, I'd gladly double dip on a TTYD remaster, but I can't see myself getting Color Splash unless it hits $15.

M&L is fun, but again I'd rather the different experimentation happened with them. Hell, Partners in Time brought in some very weird characters that only occured in that game. M&L is simply better suited for risks. Paper Mario itself is already built on a gimmick with RPG elements; adding onto that only dilutes it into what we see in SPM, SS and now Color Splash


At least they're being honest and letting us know that the RPG style of the first two games is dead.

I'm never giving up hope
"Oh, you want a game that plays like the old ones? Play a completely different series instead!"

I cannot get over how stupid that sentiment is.

You know, this kinda reminds me of Sakurai's comments in the past about competitive Smash and Melee. He's said something along the lines of "well, if you want a super serious and competitive fighting game, why not go play something like Street Fighter?", which, well, doesn't exactly work because there's no official game out there that plays like competitive Melee.
Remember when Goombas, Koopas and Boos were just regular people living their lives like regular people? And it was only the dumb punk Goombas and Koopas who followed Bowser, and "bad" Boos were just doing it for a laugh.

I miss that. Probably my favorite part of the series was seeing enemies being good guys and normal people and not mindless fodder in an army. We got the see the other side of the various species.

The enemy Koopas not wearing spiked collars and sunglasses threw me off in Sticker Star and it still doesn't settle with me in this game.


Seriously, how does Nintendo say "you know, in Sticker Star, everyone hated the stickers-for-combat system, the lacking characters and writing in a game with far too many identical Toads, the absence of any partners or RPG elements, and such... so let's make another game that does all of those things again!" How did that happen?

Because it sold well, I bought it and abhorred it. But that sale counts just as much as someone who bought it and loved it.

I'm not doing the same with the new one, because even though I love how the game looks graphically, the gameplay just doesn't it for me.
So they've confirmed that the series is dead and never coming back.

It's upsetting, but I think we all pretty much knew it. What a complete fuck up.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Cool I guess this confirms that that it's time to also drop this Nintendo property because they are clearly not going back to TTYD formula and this was evident to me after Sticker Star.

Congratulations Nintendo you successfully killed off another one of your franchise for me.That just leaves me with Pokémon,TLoZ,DKC and Metroid.
Metroid huh? You're an optimist
Mario RPGs are pretty much done for at this stage. None of the recent ones have been very memorable.

Even though I haven't played Superstar Saga or Bowser's Inside Story, I don't think the Mario & Luigi series ever reached the heights of the first two Paper Mario games or even SMRPG. I often read massive praise for TTYD in particular.


Mario RPGs are pretty much done for at this stage. None of the recent ones have been very memorable.

Even though I haven't played Superstar Saga or Bowser's Inside Story, I don't think the Mario & Luigi series ever reached the heights of the first two Paper Mario games or possibly even SMRPG. I often read massive praise for TTYD in particular.

Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story are the highest praised entries in the series. Dismissing them is ignoring the majority of the argument in their favor, imo.

Paper Jam was weak, but it was still an RPG, and despite its shortcomings Dream Team introduced new characters en masse, so it's not really fair to call the Mario RPGs done even though they're (wrongly, I agree) axing Paper Mario.


Fool me once, shame on you, and considering this is a Wii U game, this is probably going to be Amiibo Festival levels of bombage.
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