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New XBN: Halo 2 Single Player Revealed!


A huge article on the single player. 6 pages long, plus another 8 pages on good ole' Halo (even mentions ilovebees). Gives a little info on pre Halo2 and post Halo1 stuff, and about how there are 3 other MC's: Will, Fred, and Linda (from the books, I never read them). The demo they got to play started them out in a Pelican that gets swatted to the ground by "an awesome giant thing" that cannot be mentioned. They then had to secure a landing zone. Made it sound like a Black Hawk Down situation instead with a MC and covenant aliens. So after fighting off a few waves of covenant mixed with grunts, jackals, and elites, some new enemies are introduced. They are called drones, and they fly around over MC's head trying to snipe you from the air. They are said to be quick, but have very weak armor. The hunters are back too, except they don't die from one pistol shot in the back anymore, and their arm cannons have been upgraded.

The next chapter of the game brings you to a ginormous bridge that is said to be just jaw dropping. And over the bridge floats a massive Covenant cruiser that cast its shadow, covering the bridge. They mentioned how amazing the AI was now, and how enemies used buildings to hide from you and eventually ambush you with its fellow comrades. If you want a marine's sniper rifle you simply press X near them, and it is yours. They give you a sarcastic remark when doing this. Also, getting hunted by three ghosts was said to be pretty sweet. Now, back to the bridge level you are given the Scropion tank, which has been redesigned a bit, to role on across the bridge shooting at hordes of enemy covenants. But you do not necessarily have to use the tank to do this. You can walk the whole way across if you want. The Bungie guys have been trying to hijack the banshees, but they have not succeeded in that yet.

The article mentions some stuff about the way clans wll fucntion. The creator of the clan called the Overlord will make all decisions for the clan. He can make people staff or peons. Peons can only participate in clan matches, where staff can recruit people into the clan and boot people from the clan. Overrall, the multiplayer just seems amazing. You all should take a look at this XBN, it has a lot of goodies :D


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
EGM is some sh!t. Only advantage is that it's multi-plat.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i'm not talking shit about EGM. i just wanna know where they beat us so we can make XBN just as good.


chespace said:
i'm not talking shit about EGM. i just wanna know where they beat us so we can make XBN just as good.
Needs more Seanbaby columns!

And could you review PS2 games as well?


chespace said:
i'm not talking shit about EGM. i just wanna know where they beat us so we can make XBN just as good.

I was discussing XBN with a friend over the phone yesterday. The big gripe we both have: EA games get a free pass. He got the issue, I don't have it (I'll buy it on newsstands for the Halo 2 article).

He read the name of games I'd never heard of, and I could guess the score based on the publisher. Some hop'n bop sequel (Taz the Tazmanian Tiger 2 or something like that) - I asked what publisher it was, he said "EA", I said, "Then it got an eight." It got an eight. A similar game on same page - not by EA - "I'm guessing it got a five. Non-hyped non-EA games get fives." It was a five. We did this for about a half-dozen games.

We both loved XBN when it came out, but the reviews have gone wanky in the past year or so. Lots of EA ads, lots of EA specials, lots of great EA scores, despite some clear snaffoos. (NHL?)

Not trying to start a flame war or anything, but between myself, my friend and a few others I talk games with, XBN does not any credibility because of it.


Chili Con Carnage!

ffs, you can hire me and ill go through and change all the dates and $ signs so people think its a UK mag if you like.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
ty the tazmanian tiger 2 was reviewed by shane bettenhausen. he has plenty of reasons for giving the game an 8. why is everything such a fucking conspiracy?

and how quickly you forget i gave that last medal of honor game a 4. (EA actually met with us to discuss how they could make the next game better thanks to that score).

i'll say it now and i'll say it again: there are no moneyhats, there is no conspiracy. EA makes a lot of good games these days (but definitely not ALL games, ahem catwoman, etc.) that easily score in the 7-9 range. or have you all been under a fucking rock?

and if you're going to bring up madden vs. espn... well don't. it's just a matter of taste. :)


Yeah. I'm no EA whore, I don't own any of their games, but some of their games are pretty respectable.

Oh...I own SSX3 :) And that game rocks so hard!


The EGM article does have THE MEGASHOTZ~! though.

Somebody get Gaz in here to beat the fuck out of the Ty-hating infidels.



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Mr. Lemming said:
Speaking of EGM vs. XBN...

Is there any additional Halo 2 info in the EGM article that is not in the XBN article?

you'll just have to read EGM and see, won't cha?


chespace said:
you'll just have to read EGM and see, won't cha?

And when would we be seeing this? I'm a relatively new subscriber, I do not as yet have a handle on when the magazine usually arrives..


Speaking of XBN, wtf with my subscribed issue not being here yet?

One of my friends likes EGM better because it is multiconsole so it may not have to dig so deep into the shovel-worthy games to fill a review section.

I think right now, I like the art direction in OPM the best though. But that new MGS3 issue could just be an anomaly of great art direction.


Mr. Lemming said:
Speaking of EGM vs. XBN...

Is there any additional Halo 2 info in the EGM article that is not in the XBN article?


Xbox Nation's story in turn ties in with the November issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, which will have even more Halo 2 single-player action, so pick up both for the full story (or as much of the full story as Bungie is going to let anyone see).


Trasher said:
Yes, EGM>XBN by a mucho
I disagree.

Discarding the whole fact that XBN covers only one console, I find the articles to be quite in depth compared to those found in EGM. The actual magazine also looks much nicer.

It just seems a whole lot less general (a plus of covering one console, I guess). I typically learn much more in your average XBN magazine than I do in your average EGM mag (where things I learn are typically things I personally don't care about). I really don't care about what a celebrity plays, or the stuff I've read on the internet. Bring me good developpers interviews and you'll get my money. The issues of XBN I've bought did just that. I've been plesently surprised by the quality of it, especially since it's console specific.

But anyway, I really liked the GTA:SA issue of EGM. They should make all of them like it (and I'm happy that they brought back Final Word).
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