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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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When it comes to 8K 120fps GT trailer I really dont believe it was rendered in real time. However I think 10TF Navi GPU should run some games at 8K 30fps, and especially with checkerboard rendering and VRS.

Here's radeon 7 running games at 8K. Some games run at 30fps and nearly 60fps on Titan RTX.

Imho, I wish for devs to target 4k max instead of going for 8K and sacrifice visuals.

Because a Forza@8K instead of developing it at 4K and upgrading their lacking lightning model and materials is the last thing I'd want


You sure about that because history says other wise, its great they have new acquisitions but it hasnt been proven yet, also I bet the majority of playstation games not only score better but also outsell the xbox ones
Yea, I'm sure lol. It's pretty clear to everyone paying attention what their strategy is going forward. They need a constant flow of diverse content to keep people subscribed to Game Pass.
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Imho, I wish for devs to target 4k max instead of going for 8K and sacrifice visuals.

Because a Forza@8K instead of developing it at 4K and upgrading their lacking lightning model and materials is the last thing I'd want
Agree, but it looks like PS4 games at 8K should be possible on next gen consoles because radeon 7 already can run some PS4 games at 8K 30fps.
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The Hellblade 2 and Everwild trailers were jaw-dropping. Grounded looks like a fun and unique AA game. DIdn't State of Decay perform really well lol? If we're going by what Osiris said it sounds like Xbox is going to have an awesome launch lineup. Xbox has 15+ studios now and we're already seeing the results of that.

You contradict yourself, you talk about Osiris when he says that Xbox will have a good catalog of games, but then you say that Xbox is going to be more powerful, when Osiris says that ps5 will be more powerful .... you only believe the part that interests you. You use the information of your interest



But keep trying to push that price up to make it look bad.
Power - Series X
Price - Lockhart

Not exactly rocket science


Said a guy who vote nextgen console (ps5 and series x) will only sport 5,8 teraflops knowing that even Xbox One X itself which came out in 2017 are already at 6 teraflops

All your credibility just get thrown out of the window with that statement

lol, i subscribe to expect the worst, hope for the best. however, as a random poster on a forum, everyone should ascribe zero credibility to me.


You contradict yourself, you talk about Osiris when he says that Xbox will have a good catalog of games, but then you say that Xbox is going to be more powerful, when Osiris says that ps5 will be more powerful .... you only believe the part that interests you. You use the information of your interest
I said 'if" lol since people like to rely on Osiris for info here. Truth is we don't need Osiris to know that Xbox is going to have a solid launch window lineup. Even Matt who very rarely shows excitement towards Xbox said he's excited about what Xbox is doing.
Sony will be more willing to take a loss because of one console approach. Cheaper PS5 with similar specs will be a massive win.
They may be more willing, but if the consoles are pretty much on par, MS is going to have to take that into the equation. Are they really going to want it to be $100 more if it's not seen as the truly premium console?
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Gold Member
Sony will be more willing to take a loss because of one console approach. Cheaper PS5 with similar specs will be a massive win.

That's completely possible (and I remember the PS5 no RT thing coming from that Github doc but only the most hardened of fanboys tried acting like that part was true; logical assumption was that RT wasn't tested therefore no need to list it in the specifications). But here's the other half of the coin: the vast majority of early adopters are hardcore and core console gamers...the very same types that often frequent forums like this, and watch the rumor/leak videos on these next-gen systems.

So no, all this stuff isn't reaching Suzan or Timothy who work at the office, but then again, Suzan and Timothy usually aren't the early adopters. It's people like "TehPowah3293", who posts their gaming rig and hangs out online talking about games, hardware, graphics etc. . And to those types, these rumors/leaks (and the narratives that form around them) matter.

If you want proof, look no further back than late 2012/2013 when those terrible XBO rumors/leaks started popping up. Was MS being quiet because they had some master ace card up their sleeve to play at just the right moment? Or were they quiet because they knew on some level that stuff was true and they were looking for an opportunity to frame it to their advantage?

We saw what they did and we know what happened afterwards.

Now I'm not saying Sony's in anywhere near that type of situation; other than a potential power deficit all else surrounding PS5 is relatively positive (and even the power deficit, if it turns out true, isn't too big a deal at least for me personally. And Sony could be clever in how they address it by indirectly addressing it). However, just like MS back then, Sony's just kind of...staying quiet and not debunking anything, when they know the people talking about this stuff are more or less the first to buy these new systems. So that at least tells me that Sony might be conceding to these things being true, and they're just waiting for the opportunity to frame the discussion in a way that mitigates the deficit as a talking point.

If I were Sony in such a position, that opportunity would be the PS Meeting next month, and I'd simply put out some damn good-looking gameplay footage showing off hardware power and clever artistic talent of 1st-party studios. Let the games do the talking. MS's done a lot of good with XSX so far but they've yet to show an actual in-game play segment (probably because they're waiting until E3). If Sony comes out at PS Meeting with, say, a live playable demo of GT8 on a near-final PS5 retail unit, controller visible, and it's visually stunning, then they don't HAVE to talk about the specs. They can simply shift the narrative to gameplay showing off the visuals. It's a clever way to turn a potentially negative bullet point (hardware power vs. XSX) into a positive.

But this idea that Sony's got some McGuffin of a super-powerful, super-hidden hardware beast just waiting around to "gotcha" Microsoft...I think it's time to give up that fantasy. Patterns are playing out for Sony right now the same way they did for Microsoft going back late 2012 into 2013. The big benefit in Sony's case is they aren't shooting themselves in the foot with absolute dogshit decisions in ill-informed "TV TV TV, hey did we mention we have a Halo TV series in the works (that never came out)! $150 Kinect albatross camera!!!" messaging.

So overall, the narrative for Sony and PS5 right now is nowhere near as bad as things were for Microsoft and XBO leading into the start of this generation. But right now, in terms of hardcore/core gamers and early adopters, who do factor hardware power into the mix, it seems like MS has the advantage and it's very likely going to remain that way. But as we all know, power isn't the only thing that matters and that's where we're more or less certain Sony will excel and where many are very curious/interested to see Microsoft truly get competitive in again.
The same DRM rumors began plaguing Sony surrounding the PS4 after the Xbox One reveal. However, Sony didn't immediately say "No, the PS4 does not have DRM". Instead, they kept quiet until E3 and proceeded to make Microsoft look extremely foolish. So it's not out of the question that Sony is adopting a similar strategy here. That said, I'm not saying this is exactly Sony's strategy. My point is that just because Sony hasn't said anything, it doesn't mean they're panicking or hiding unfavorable information based on their behavior in transition to this gen.

I also do not subscribe to the notion that Sony has some super-powerful, super hidden hardware beast to gotcha Microsoft. I've stated multiple times that I believe their consoles will largely be the same. I'm just tired of people making mountain out of a molehill.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Yea, I'm sure lol. It's pretty clear to everyone paying attention what their strategy is going forward. They need a constant flow of diverse content to keep people subscribed to Game Pass.
My main problem is that, gamepass. Phil already aaid new acquisitions will be focusing on gamepass which leads me to believe that these games are not going to be as high in quality compared to a Halo etc


My main problem is that, gamepass. Phil already aaid new acquisitions will be focusing on gamepass which leads me to believe that these games are not going to be as high in quality compared to a Halo etc
Gears is higher quality than Halo these days, so is Forza Horizon.


My main problem is that, gamepass. Phil already aaid new acquisitions will be focusing on gamepass which leads me to believe that these games are not going to be as high in quality compared to a Halo etc
There's going to be a variety of genres and scopes, which is very exciting to me since I enjoy a wide variety if games. Game Pass is the best thing to have to Xbox.
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Yea, I'm sure lol. It's pretty clear to everyone paying attention what their strategy is going forward. They need a constant flow of diverse content to keep people subscribed to Game Pass.
What are you sure of?" Are you sure that Microsoft will be able to provide as many blockbuster games as Sony with the Ps5 ? Are you sure of that?" Here I am not, especially with the GamePass strategy
As already told a lot of people, consoles sell AAA
Not AA, not A. not Indy. And not other things, but AAА
I'm sorry if it hurts anyone, but it's a fact
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Gold Member
this has me wondering about apple. Is there a reason the dont offer a low end Entry phone? I assume they believe they make more money but not having one, i just dont understand how.

They've been offering a lower end iPhone for years. Every revision has a lower model and a higher model. This yea was the iPhone 11 and then the iPhone 11 Pro.
sony doesnt respond to any rumor in general. it was reported many times that PS4 has 4gb they didnt correct that. it has been said by micheal pachter that PS5 is 1000$ they didnt address that eventhough it led to many articles. the Japanese analyist said they will launch 2 models they didnt answer that and so on. its not their style

The PS4 4GB rumor potentially wasn't exactly all rumor if you look at the final product: x16 512MB GDDR5 chips in clamshell mode over a 256-bit bus. IIRC, 8Gbit (1GB) chips were available at the time. Those would've been cheaper than 2x 512MB ones, and also not need a clamshell mode implementation.

So the possibilities of them going with that approach for 1st gen PS4 systems are either:

1: The 8GB was a late addition (some interviews with Sony people around the time of the reveal have them kinda saying this through suggestive language, so at some point they might have been planning only 4GB after all, which would've validated the rumors on that front at least for a while).

2: They planned 8GB the whole time and wanted a bigger framebuffer (2GB vs 1GB), therefore they went with 512MB chips. If this was the case they would've needed to make sure that enough 512MB GDDR5 modules could've been produced in order to meet the 8GB total, but IIRC GDDR5 production took a while to stabilize (the fact that one of the Big 3 memory makers decided not to produce GDDR5 at all automatically cut down the production capacities, making it more of a risk for Sony to bet guaranteed on 8GB and leaving the option open for 4 as the safe bet and 8 if production capacities increased in time).

The same DRM rumors began plaguing Sony surrounding the PS4 after the Xbox One reveal. However, Sony didn't immediately say "No, the PS4 does not have DRM". Instead, they kept quiet until E3 and proceeded to make Microsoft look extremely foolish. So it's not out of the question that Sony is adopting a similar strategy here. That said, I'm not saying this is exactly Sony's strategy. My point is that just because Sony hasn't said anything, it doesn't mean they're panicking or hiding unfavorable information based on their behavior in transition to this gen.

I also do not subscribe to the notion that Sony has some super-powerful, super hidden hardware beast to gotcha Microsoft. I've stated multiple times that I believe their consoles will largely be the same. I'm just tired of people making mountain out of a molehill.

Yeah, I remember those rumors too. I didn't believe them at the time but a lot of people (mainly Xbox fans who were dismayed at the rumors looking to be true and wanted to drag Sony down with them) brought into them. The fact Sony didn't debunk them at PS Meeting further fueled those rumors.

That said, I don't think that situation is comparable to what's happening here. Something like having DRM or always-online are software-based solutions based on corporate policies. Whether it were present at one point or not, it's relatively easy to install or remove. What we have here is a situation of hardware differences (potentially) at the root level. Altering anything on that note is nowhere near as simple as changing some lines of code, but there are some people thinking that's the case.

Hardware changes at that level require millions of dollars and months of retooling, testing, validation checks and more. Not to mention, such things will set back internal software development in time for launch or the launch window. Aside from the potential TF difference (we still have to see if that turns out to be true), I agree that these systems are looking more or less like twins.

...Somewhat to my disappointment. I was hoping for some more diverging approaches between the two, but this isn't the old days anymore. And they also have to be congruent with the wider tech market at large so there's that to consider as well.
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They've been offering a lower end iPhone for years. Every revision has a lower model and a higher model. This yea was the iPhone 11 and then the iPhone 11 Pro.

low end to me is $299 and under. Cheapest new iphone iirc is 8 with small screen for $500.


What are you sure of?" Are you sure that Microsoft will be able to provide as many blockbuster games as Sony with the Ps5 ? Are you sure of that?" Here I am not, especially with the GamePass strategy
As already told a lot of people, consoles sell AAA
Not AA, not A. not Indy. And not other things, but AAА
I'm sorry if it hurts anyone, but it's a fact
Sorry, but gamers want quality games that are fun to play regardless of size. AAA games makes the biggest impact, and MS will have those, but they'll also have a ton of other content to keep people happy.
Sure are those games going to be system sellers or critically acclaimed, or we looking at another State of Decay
State of Decay is fun as hell. Isn't that the point? To make fun games? Or do the games have to be system sellers?

I play my PS4 and my Xbox One X and my PC to play fun games. Who cares if its a system seller. These billion dollar companies truly appreciate your forum defense of their product.

Edit: Also, State of Decay is an example of releasing a subpar game and the developer putting effort into fixing the issue. The game was in a great playstate the last time I played it and had over 10m players in August.
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Neo Member
Hey guys, i live in North Africa (Morocco) and would like to ask you if you think that PlayStation and Xbox will one day add this region for their services for Next-Gen
even if Middle-East is supported (Same language) because our countries are not even listed when creating an account so we can't pay our games with credit cards and other things,
unlike surprisingly Nintendo. Thanks!
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  • Thoughtful
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So, what did I miss? Nothing on PS5 as I expected, right?

PS5 will have its stand alone conference as usual, this nerd backlash reminds me of 2013 one when Sony hadn't revealed the console itself and people were angry 🤣

Nothing much.
Bookmakers were angling for an early scuffle between X and V.

MS won CES by virtue of V not showing up. Technically Sony took a peek and chickened out at the last moment.
Phil and Major Nelson continued their victory lap over twitter, taunting the weakness of Sony, by showing a number of X dies, the scarletty thing is real and it seems really powerful, massive dies bigger than even 1X!

The odds are now favoring X to be at least 25% faster than V, launching at the same period, the question is how much of a loss MS wants to take to kill V stillborn? Will X exact revenge on V like a reply of what happened 7 years ago? The joke and the gifs from THAT E3 conference was legendary!
Mark Sony seems to have lost the touch, and/or Jim Ryan is the man holding things conservative. Jim does look like a typical unpleasent Exec Suit, who brings no joy and fun.

Analyst take: Sony stocks have hit multiple highs over the years. Time to take some profits off the table, and sell the rest on the V news, coming in Feb as rumored.
Im a hardened console gaming veterans, following gaming news since NES days. I've seen winners and losers come and go. I have an unpleasent feelings wrt PSV.
Some of you younger gens can bicker all you want in this thread, but i speak with more experience, than even M.Patcher, IMO.
Yeah, I remember those rumors too. I didn't believe them at the time but a lot of people (mainly Xbox fans who were dismayed at the rumors looking to be true and wanted to drag Sony down with them) brought into them. The fact Sony didn't debunk them at PS Meeting further fueled those rumors.

That said, I don't think that situation is comparable to what's happening here. Something like having DRM or always-online are software-based solutions based on corporate policies. Whether it were present at one point or not, it's relatively easy to install or remove. What we have here is a situation of hardware differences (potentially) at the root level. Altering anything on that note is nowhere near as simple as changing some lines of code, but there are some people thinking that's the case.

Hardware changes at that level require millions of dollars and months of retooling, testing, validation checks and more. Not to mention, such things will set back internal software development in time for launch or the launch window. Aside from the potential TF difference (we still have to see if that turns out to be true), I agree that these systems are looking more or less like twins.

...Somewhat to my disappointment. I was hoping for some more diverging approaches between the two, but this isn't the old days anymore. And they also have to be congruent with the wider tech market at large so there's that to consider as well.
It's more to do with how crippling the DRM news were, especially when the Xbox One was revealed. Like it severely bogged down Xbox One's preorders to the point that Microsoft had to walk it back. With such a rumor that has shown to tank preorder sales going around, theoretically Sony should've immediately addressed it, right? Otherwise, PS4 preorders would've been severely bogged down by uncertainty. As you said, the rumor began before the PS Meeting. That was 4 months until E3. That's an eternity.

As for hardware, we don't know what the specs are yet. We don't know if there is such a gap that would necessitate Sony needing to make last moment tweaks if that's even possible or if there is not much of a gap at all.
Hey guys, i live in North Africa (Morocco) and would like to ask you if you think that PlayStation and Xbox will one day add this region for their services for Next-Gen
even if Middle-East is supported (Same language) because our countries are not even listed when creating an account so we can't pay our games with credit cards and other things,
unlike surprisingly Nintendo. Thanks!
Use France as a region, buy PSN cards to buy stuff, you don't need a credit card at all.


How many likes or retweets for Phil's soc profile picture?
Phil profile pic can't be liked or retweeted in normal ways.
The other dude David that tweet about where Phil took the pic... his tweet has 158 Retweets 828 Likes.

Take in consideration that Instagram is way bigger than twitter... every casual uses Instagram (my wife uses) while not Twitter.
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