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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


Saw that one in the GTS thread.

Came a little.
So do that when 7 lands...But for now we have 6...which is the version being compared...

Point is it's silly to compare and say one is better than the other when one clearly isn't finished/out...

You were the one that brought up that GT:S was still in beta... while it's what we have.. and the one that is being compared.. lol


You were the one that brought up that GT:S was still in beta... while it's what we have.. and the one that is being compared.. lol

I realise that 8)...

What i REALLY mean is one is being declared a "winner" before the other is out......lol
I realise that 8)...

What i REALLY mean is one is being declared a "winner" before the other is out......lol

lol I get ya, and agree =P

I'm not going to speculate too much on Forza 7, because it's hard to say to what extent they will retool things and improve upon them. I will say that Forza in general could make a few tweaks to lighting and effects which would greatly improve realism over what they have with Forza 6.

I'm optimistic about Forza 7 though... I have a feeling that this will be another one of those leaps for the series.


lol I get ya, and agree =P

I'm not going to speculate too much on Forza 7, because it's hard to say to what extent they will retool things and improve upon them. I will say that Forza in general could make a few tweaks to lighting and effects which would greatly improve realism over what they have with Forza 6.

I'm optimistic about Forza 7 though... I have a feeling that this will be another one of those leaps for the series.

They've got better with each iteration so at the very least this will continue...I just wonder to what extend having to work on the XB1 as a "base model" affects what they do on Scorpio...


I realise that 8)...

What i REALLY mean is one is being declared a "winner" before the other is out......lol
It's not the first time that has been said regarding PD and Turn 10 in this or other threads. I'm actually amazed at Forza 6 when looking at that comparison video, I thought Forza 6 would be behind but in that video it's ahead in just about everything. GTS looks flat in comparison, even when looking at the lighting where PD usually is kings.
The gravel spin gif posted earlier show that insane attention to detail they're known for though. Sooo cool! *drool*
They've got better with each iteration so at the very least this will continue...I just wonder to what extend having to work on the XB1 as a "base model" affects what they do on Scorpio...

And I just said I wasn't gonna speculate on it too much haha =P oh well..

I don't think XO as a "base model" does anything to Forza specificallyl. Actually, I'd look at it the other way. Because the assets of the game will be developed at a higher fidelity than the XO can handle or output. I'm asking myself how much the XO version will have to sacrifice compared to the Scorpio and PC versions? Less cars on track, reduced foliage and effects.

I think Scorpio and PC will use the highest LOD models more often and hopefully more of those pointy edges are smoothed out. Same for effects and lighting. They will undoubtedly use more samples and look better. Screen-space reflections of wet tracks will be higher quality.. things like that.

I see the Scorpio and PC versions as the base game. And the XO version will be scaled down to perform well on that platform.


And I just said I wasn't gonna speculate on it too much haha =P oh well..

I don't think XO as a "base model" does anything to Forza specificallyl. Actually, I'd look at it the other way. Because the assets of the game will be developed at a higher fidelity than the XO can handle or output. I'm asking myself how much the XO version will have to sacrifice compared to the Scorpio and PC versions? Less cars on track, reduced foliage and effects.

I think Scorpio and PC will use the highest LOD models more often and hopefully more of those pointy edges are smoothed out. Same for effects and lighting. They will undoubtedly use more samples and look better. Screen-space reflections of wet tracks will be higher quality.. things like that.

I see the Scorpio and PC versions as the base game. And the XO version will be scaled down to perform well on that platform.

Those are a given of course, i was actually thinking about any dynamic TOD/weather possibilities....
Not a fan of the constant pop in and super low dashboard reelection quality, and the shadows seems rather inconsistent in gt sport.

But turn 10 seems to be on another level now. A game released almost 2 years ago, with less dev time, on a weaker hardware and they still come out on top is mind blowing given how far ahead PD was of everyone else a few years ago.

You know GTS is still in beta right?
And having realistic graphics or stylized isn't what determines if a game is graphically better. What makes a game better graphically that isn't subjective are things like AF, res, dynamic lighting, dynamic weather, texture quality, polygons pushed, etc. Not if a artistic choice for a dev on any game. This thread is about graphics and thus is about the things I listed

Nice spin but it doesn't work. Graphics can be impressive even if they are not technically impressive due to art direction and other techniques. What you listed was the very reason why many see PD at the top of their game: even with added power T10 lacks the art direction needed for a photo realistic look.


Nice spin but it doesn't work. Graphics can be impressive even if they are not technically impressive due to art direction and other techniques. What you listed was the very reason why many see PD at the top of their game: even with added power T10 lacks the art direction needed for a photo realistic look.

Let's not get carried away with everything now. Gt5 has some spotty fps definitely not locked like Forza. There's good found in both series.

And again if you're talking about graphics art is subjective. Like I listed those are things that will put Forza 7 ahead no question about that
Every time GT has a track that isnt just green grass, black road, red and white curve markers, blue sky etc... they knock it out of the park.

Their city tracks, willow springs look great. I wish they could make their more standard racing tracks feel that unique because GT tracks can feel samey


Very little chance. Turn 10 can have all the power they want but they clearly haven't been able nail that realistic look PD achieved a generation ago.

Lol what in the world are you talking about? GT 5 and 6 looked and sounded like stinkers and played even worse compared to the competition last gen.


Lol what in the world are you talking about? GT 5 and 6 looked and sounded like stinkers and played even worse compared to the competition last gen.

GT5 Prologue looked insane when it came out, GT5 still looked brilliant although other racers had caught up a lot by that time. GT6 looked good for it's platform but was of course surpassed by many racers by that point.

Don't talk shite.


GT5 Prologue looked insane when it came out, GT5 still looked brilliant although other racers had caught up a lot by that time. GT6 looked good for it's platform but was of course surpassed by many racers by that point.

Don't talk shite.

I guess this isn't the appropriate place for the conversation since this thread is for current gen racers, but just dig up the last gen Racing Graphics Face-Off thread and compare the actual ingame videos and shots. The GT series has been coasting on its fan base using those spiffy post-processed game replays to talk up the graphics. The actual ingame stuff last gen was so middling. Hell, some of the GT 5 models were from the PS2 era.
Yup, actually it's a case of no motion blur vs. motion blur + DoF. It's been the case for GT since GT3 or so I believe, there's a huge disconnect between replay visuals and gameplay.

By your logic, is photogrammetry unimpressive because it's "just pictures of real things"?

Photogrammetry is used to more accurately create realistic surface materials. Im not sure how thats at all similar to the use of flat skyboxes in games


Photogrammetry is used to more accurately create realistic surface materials. Im not sure how thats at all similar to the use of flat skyboxes in games

Speaking of photogrammetry FH3 uses it to great effect. The whole environment is detailed and the textures in that game are insane


Booted up Horizon 3 for the first time in a while and went cruising, still stunning.

Sometimes the clouds make me stop in awe!



And loving absolutely loving the Carrera RS they recently added to the game.




But if we're talking about graphics as in technical rendering, Forza 7 will easily beat gts at it. Having 4k textures, higher lod car models, 4k native, locked 60fps, dynamic weather and etc it is not contest. Now if you're talking about artistic/subjective then yea both games will be comparable. But make no mistake technically Forza 7 will be better
I agree and expect Forza Motorsport 7 to have higher-quality textures and chuck a load more of visual effects about the place considering the power advantage but I'm not entirely sure, in real-terms, how that advantage constructs itself. I absolutely expect, without compromise, a full day-to-night cycle and weather effects too. Forza Motorsport 7 simply can't release without that stuff in 2017 with the power of a 6TF system.

My issue is how Turn 10 create and implement those things. I don't have any confidence in them pulling off believable scenes just because they have never really been able to do it in the past. If Gran Turismo Sport is delayed to implement real-time changes and weather for PS4, then factor in the possibilities for PS4 Pro, features like psuedo 4K and that gob-smacking HDR stuff (future standards) then it could be one-sided again. Not that it should be.

That car looks docile? It looks perfectly placed and reacts realistically with the slight correction on exit. The only thing I'd expect is a tad of tire smoke, but I'm presuming that's hardware blocking.
I respectfully disagree. It's another area Polyphony Digital has always been ahead of Turn 10. Cars have always looked natural on a Gran Turismo track.

how can you say that when PD used standar car models...
Standard car models doesn't really change much though. At it's best Gran Turismo always looks better than any Forza MotorSport title.

I'm sure they can. Gt6 had it on ps3. FH3 and Motorsport share the same engine
Gran Turismo 5 had it on PS3, back in 2010. If the Forza Tech engine is shared they simply don't have any more excuses to not have everything dynamic. Potentially it should be the most dynamic game out there!

Actually, when did the Forza Horizon series introduce dynamics (time and weather)?

GT5 and 6 had issues maintaining 60fps, gladly though GT:S has this fixed during gameplay...
It's not going to be locked at all. Neither is Forza MotorSport 7 (but it will perform better).

Hood reflections look awful
I thought they are supposed to look rough; reflecting the paintwork?! I could be wrong though.

More examples of why PlayGround Games is so far ahead of Turn 10.



More examples of why PlayGround Games is so far ahead of Turn 10.
I believe Playground and Turn10 share lots of their tech so I'm not sure it's that easy to place one ahead of the other, FH3 runs at 30fps too while FM has been 60fps for 4 iterations now.
GTS and FM6 is a more interesting comparison, going by the comparison video posted a while back Polyphony need to put in another gear when they exit the beta or we might see Turn10 dethrone Polyphony for graphics when FM7 is out.
Gran Turismo has always nailed that "overcast" lighting. This gen they seem to nail almost every day time there is. Can't wait to see rain and night conditions. (which we should get in a month time at E3).
The Hot-Air Balloons, desert setting, beautiful FH3-like skybox, and lighting make it an understandable mistake.

the lighting and materials in fh3 do not match up to gt sport


theres a garish, harsh look to the lighting/materials and the skybox doesnt match the TOD at all
I believe Playground and Turn10 share lots of their tech so I'm not sure it's that easy to place one ahead of the other, FH3 runs at 30fps too while FM has been 60fps for 4 iterations now.
GTS and FM6 is a more interesting comparison, going by the comparison video posted a while back Polyphony need to put in another gear when they exit the beta or we might see Turn10 dethrone Polyphony for graphics when FM7 is out.

Said no one ever
In that shot they look close enough to me. If I hadn't seen the Willow Springs sign it could have fooled me.

Bonus unrelated pics.


opinions i guess. forza games are always instantly recognizable to me due to the lighting. they have never, and likely will never, match up to gt visuals


opinions i guess. forza games are always instantly recognizable to me due to the lighting. they have never, and likely will never, match up to gt visuals
T10 and Playground have been making progress on the lighting front. The jumps from FM5-FM6, and FH2-FH3 represented a fair amount of progress.


Neo Member
T10 and P-Games are nowhere near to P-Digital? Lol, do remember that one side is releasing games with flawless frame locks and decent upgrades on a weaker console.
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