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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


In terms of using the player location to influence the ToD, this isn't really anything out of the ordinary. I believe both the Forza Horizon games and Driveclub do this at times during predefined events.
Driveclub doesn't do that.

There are races where you'll start out at night, and then progress to heavy raining part way through, before transitioning to sunrise to coincide with the last lap or so of the race. This will happen even for players of wildly differing skill levels, putting up completely different lap times. Tying the time of day to player actions in this case makes sense as it allows for some artist direction that you can guarantee each player sees.
Driveclub doesn't do that, either.
Changes in ToD or weather are scripted in predefined events or other players' challenges, so that every player always get the same conditions, but they are tied to the in game's clock, not to the player's actions.
The only thing that would match this behaviour in DC is the fireworks at the end of races.


In Forza 7's free race mode you can set a weather condition for the start, mid and end of the race. With probabilities for the latter two.

It's similar to Pcars2, though that game allows more slots.

There plenty of variety in what you can choose for those slots in Forza 7. Doesn't have to be rain, there are several fog options. And the rain can be a light summer shower, or even a full on thunderstorm with lightning.

You can even choose a thunderstorm without it raining on the track. So one can simulate a distant storm with one slot then have it arrive and rain with the next slot.

Yep all dynamic
That little pink square area before you go into the tunnel, driving through that in overcast is one of the most realistic things I've ever seen in a game.

EDIT: Just took a shot in non-overcast just because I like it.
Wtf game is this?? Incredible !


Driveclub doesn't do that.

Driveclub doesn't do that, either.
Changes in ToD or weather are scripted in predefined events or other players' challenges, so that every player always get the same conditions, but they are tied to the in game's clock, not to the player's actions.
The only thing that would match this behaviour in DC is the fireworks at the end of races.

Ah fair enough then.

Either way though tying the progression to the clock of to travel accumulation is arbitrary. There's no technical reason for one to be considered more dynamic than the other.


I am beyond impressed with GT's lighting, and I say this as someone who has only ever played Forza games.

FM7 looks good, but it is only an incremental step up and there are some glaring issues as well. (the "garage" mode just looks off, and the amount of 2D trees is horrendous)

I look forward to seeing how it runs on the One X.
Forza trees used to blow GT away, what happened? GT never had good trees. But I guess Forza for some weather while GT regressed there. Just like with car counts.
I think Forza 7 on PC looks the best and to me its not even close compared to PCars 2. I've tried to see what the people who say PC2 looks the best are seeing, and I just can't see it, especially with videos running next to eachother. The atmosphere particularly in Forza 7 is just incredible, whereas in PC2 it just isn't there.


Man this thread is reaching a level of crazy I didn't think was possible. It's safe to say you'll be able to cherry pick a poor looking scene in any game.

You know that this is from a very early build of the game and even in the beta the trees was not looking like this, so what is point to post this screenshot here?

In my opinion trees in Forza 7 is the weakest part of the games graphics. In some tracks, like Maple Valley, they are looking really bad.
Placeholder graphics from an earlier build, how does game development work...

Relax, he said he didn't remember seeing a 2D wallpaper masquerading as trees in GT Sport... It did at one time.. even if it doesn't upon release.

You know that this is from a very early build of the game and even in the beta the trees was not looking like this, so what is point to post this screenshot here?

In my opinion trees in Forza 7 is the weakest part of the games graphics. In some tracks, like Maple Valley, they are looking really bad.

Of course. I'm not defending that maple valley shot.. I was the one that screencapped that picture and said it was terrible compared to Forza 4.

Maple valley REALLY stands out though...
Forza trees used to blow GT away, what happened? GT never had good trees. But I guess Forza for some weather while GT regressed there. Just like with car counts.

Forza went from static lighting and weather to dynamic. GT went from dynamic lighting and weather to static lighting and no weather. Forza needed to cut back to maintain 60fps, GT could add more with 60fps.


Man this thread is reaching a level of crazy I didn't think was possible. It's safe to say you'll be able to cherry pick a poor looking scene in any game.

I have a feeling this thread would be a lot nicer to visit if a few of the usual suspects didn't post in it.

If you want to find some nasty looking stuff in FM7, you can absolutely do so. Just like you can do in GT:S, DC, FH3, PC2 and whatever else you want to trashtalk.

People can learn from a healthy debate, if they are willing to.

The problem is that the healthy debate is long gone, derailed by shitty cherry-picking, angry warriors and people who think they know it all. That said, there are also good posters. I'd like to give a shout-out to 'dumb', who despite his name, makes some great posts and screenshots.
I'm amazed this thread even is allowed to exist. There's no valid discussion here, it's just shitting on games that aren't on the plastic box you don't own.

If somebody made a "next gen console face-off thread" it would be shut down faster than lightning. This thread is just that, it's biased console brand hate.

It's why games like Project Cars and NFS aren't getting pulled up much, they just don't warrant the time for console warriors, they want them exclusives to hyperbole or shit on.
I'm amazed this thread even is allowed to exist. There's valid discussion here, it's just shitting on games that aren't on the plastic box you don't own.

If somebody made a "next gen console face-off thread" it would be shut down faster than lightning. This thread is just that, it's biased console brand hate.

It's why games like Project Cars and NFS aren't getting pulled up much, they just don't warrant the time for console warriors, they want them exclusives to hyperbole or shit on.


That's part of the fun in this thread. I'm thankful it exists for this purpose.
I just don't know what people are seeing when they try telling me that F7 looks better than GT:S having played the BETA on PS4 Pro and the F7 demo on a PC there is stark difference in the lighting and realism between the two.

Each to their own, but really anyone from the outside can tell which is the better of the two. Have to say those PC2 shots look great and as mentioned some even passable as real life photos.


i am looking forward to the GTS demo, to be honest. I wonder if they fixed the LOD issues and the filtering issues.
i am looking forward to the GTS demo, to be honest. I wonder if they fixed the LOD issues and the filtering issues.

Would be surprised if they did.

Also wouldn't be surprised if weather is patched in later after release. The fact that there's not even one video with it is concerning.


It's why games like Project Cars and NFS aren't getting pulled up much

reality is exclusives typically push consoles further than any third party title ever could. this is true across the board, not just for racers. the fact we are usually discussing GT:S, Driveclub, Forza and Forza Horizon is because the rest don't really stand up to them on a technical level. you can argue what are better games until you're blue in the face. but this is a tech thread. it's entirely about visuals. things like incomplete road side textures, shitty looking trees and windshield rain are key discussion points. they may seem like petty grievances, but the minutia is all that's left to really compare at this point. car models are all looking accurate and and tracks are all satellite scanned.

project cars 2 is used a lot more this year in discussions and i think it's primarily because it's actually a pretty nice looking game this time, and personally i think it tricks the eye into believing it's seeing something real more than forza currently does.
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