Take away the wall of water and motion blur and you have a comparitively low IQ image, as you would expect from a start of gen game
Yeah, take away the most beautiful weather effects in a racing game to date because those obviously don't count. Motion blur - not a fan, but since it is 30fps, it is necessary.
The thing is, Driveclubs AA solution only works in motion. That's why it looks even more messy in static screenshots. Also, nice cherrypicked screenshots of the flattest lighting possible. I already said that it has the highest highs but also some of the lowest lows but whatever. The dynamic TOD can make an amazing outcome - or some of the worst. Same for FH3. Unflattering screenshots are easily made for both.
And as I said before, it is easy to bruteforce IQ on beefy hardware.
And still, most of this is subjective. Some people prefer a realistic lighting over IQ, some the other way round. And that is fine for me.
I am very excited to see what playground games will achieve with FH4.