What am I lying or talking shit about, tell me? That dig wasn't aimed solely at you but you are a big part of the problem and you keep trying to provoke a reply by quoting me. I don't mean edited in photoshop after you've taken the shot I mean you not providing like for like shots. They were doctored in a way to provide a bad picture of one game and a good one of another by being selective about where you take the shots and how you take the shots in a manner that isn't the same for both games. I asked you to provide context to your pics and take more like for like shots to disprove a point in a civilised discussion instead of what you do now by just attacking everyones character. I gave you this advice because I think you troll a lot and had a bunch of your pics deleted by a mod
yet you spammed the EXACT same images from a few pages back on this page, not refuting anything and not making a point again. You were lucky you didn't get yet another mod warning.
you missed the point of my post completely though and turned it into yet another "GTS photomode lol" shitting post with incorrect information again (the headlights do have the rainbow effect) in gameplay and photomode.
You don't zoom in on your forza shots either when there is some low poly section or texture, I mentioned this to you. You tried to get as much reflection in your shot as you can when shaders for Forza were brought into question, I mentioned this to you. You use framerate mode to make sure the images posted are jaggy as hell and less visible in motion, I mentioned this to you. Your continuous use of time trial mode even when somebody mentioned to you that trackside becomes empty because it's not a racing event (which you incorrectly refuted as being the same). You use sunny condition tracks because it highlights specular aliasing in your jaggy GT shots but not your downsampled PC shots, it also helps because Forza doesn't get low light tracks right. These were how it was doctored. You aimed to provide unflattering shots for one and the best shots for the other. These games have the same tracks and the same cars it should be very very easy for you to provide extremely like for like shots and make a valid point but you refute others with deflection, nonsense and doctored shots designed to discredit the graphics of even photomode instead of actually making a point.
The fact that you even use shots only instead of video has a reason too. To only highlight IQ above all else (no issue with FH4 gifs and videos though go figure). You say it's because videos have compression but that compression will only remove detail that at worse would make them identical to the other video not worse but it's the fact that a material model is more than just a diffuse map in a still. it needs to look real in a scene. you can make materials that are basic diffuse maps look good in stills (which is all scapes backgrounds are too) but completely physically unreal when moving around a scene. For that you need things like normal maps, specular maps, refraction, cubemaps
This is where we have a problem that you really need to put aside. You call it 'a claim' and your opinion as 'truth'. I've said positive things about forza, even just a few posts up about how it has dynamic models but again you're oblivious to what I'm saying. I consciously made the decision not to shit on Forza the way you do GTS even when there were numerous opportunities to do so in the type of 'retaliation' posts you mostly make when somebody shares an opinion about something bad-looking in forza. Somebody asked for what DF missed about the shortcomings of Forza and that is what I provided and I even made a comment about an advantage of Forza that was missed. I only showed you the material modelling to defend an opinion of mine which you keep pretending is crazy but you impolitely seem to think your opinion is gospel truth and that anybody who disagrees with you is a salty fanboy, or DF are some biased outlet out there to shit on Forza so we end up with the character assassination going on here instead of discussing anything factual. For reference at the sort of materials DF were seeing (the car) go to this post (
i did not make "incorrect claims" it's only you doing this at every turn. Why do you keep pretending I made an incorrect claim? The only incorrect claim I made was in the fact that I thought a rendered shot improves LOD but you've made even worse ones. I stated an opinion that the models and materials look better in gameplay in GTS and backed up that opinion with a simple demonstration that the material work and models in forza are higher res and higher poly and every other scaleble thing that comes with PC included (draw distance, AF, AA etc) but the texture work in the game is sloppy and it ends up looking worse than GTS. I provide you with a simple shot and demonstrated my point with a very like for like shot.
and you deflect 'that's photomode, a vender supplied that texture'. Now answer this does that texture get better in gameplay in forza? The answer is it doesn't. Does the texture on the right get worse in gameplay? The answer is no it doesn't. Only the interior is replaced with the interior view textures and the model details go up (polycount and engines/levers). Does the fact that it's a supplied vender texture matter? no it doesn't. At that point I say Ok we can agree to disagree and it's fine if you disagree. You offer to provide more shots I decline because I have the games and have this opinion and point out I don't want to get into a pissing contest. You suggest I need to get my eyes checked provide 'proof' of bad 'gameplay' textures except you say "I will use photomode to help GT lol" and provide shots of textures that DO NOT REALLY DIFFER between gameplay and photomode, why pretend to be helping GT with the use of photomode? To shit on photomode too of course. Using photomode wasn't to help GT it was your only way of shitting on it by zooming in on those low res textures as if you have refuted the fact that textures look worse in gameplay "by even using photomode". you provided these shots
I wasn't born yesterday mate I can clearly see what you're doing there with your shots so the question is why? you went low to get as much specular reflection from the low res normal map, you didn't zoom in on the section you were demonstrating on the Forza shot because that section of the car is not only incorrectly modelled but it is low poly too and has no normal map (meaning it doesn't react to light reflections correctly). When somebody else mentions that the the GT one is better textured you incorrectly state it doesn't have any more textures (Forza has a single opacity map there, GT has opacity map + normal map). Bizarrely trolling you make the other incorrect claim that the forza texture is even higher res than scapes mode model, I mean wtf. You have purposely tried to aim the camera in a way that makes the normal map look bad (aiming for direct reflection of the sun lightsource) you intentionally tried to hide what makes forza look bad but not providing the exact same shot.
If you really wanted to use photomode to "help" GTS the first thing you would do is provide a better like for like shot to Forza even if say you couldn't zoom in properly on that one shot
something akin to:
If you really wanted to help GTS you would be more impartial in the way you provide shots. Then you can discuss factually what the difference between them are opinion or otherwise while respecting other peoples opinions. eg Forza less aliasing/Higher res, GTS higher poly model (photomode improved), GTS more model detail (spoiler arm modelled, photomode improved), and so on.
Why do you pretend photomode looks shit with these doctored shots every time with "lol photomode", "this is even photomode", etc? It's clear you're only using photomode as a tool to try and make the game look shit. In photomode the difference isn't that big when directly compared to gameplay mode at gameplay distance and it is in fact IDENTICAL in the exterior materials you and I have discussed the only massive difference is the interiors.
So the question is why the hatred for photo mode? Is it because it's better than Forzas one? why wouldn't you want your models to be higher poly and more detailed even more so than on a PC when choosing to look at the models? The fact that you try and shit on it is clear to me. Then we get the concern trolling too 'criticise visuals so visuals get better' how does it get better? if anything they have put effort to use every bit of power available to them by improving the visuals when they are free from other GPU compute tasks when you look at the model. to the point where it is higher poly and more detailed than PC counterparts. If anything Forza can have visual improvements because the part that needs improving is in the way textures are placed on the models, what textures are placed and they aren't using the full power of your PC in any way.
I know me saying all this is just me pissing in the wind though and you won't engage in any kind of civil discussion I don't engage with you for that simple fact and you keep provoking with some trolling and your claims of incorrect claims and everyone being 'salty fanboys'. Your information is often wrong and intentionally unreliable though and I steer clear from it even though it because all it does is eat time and I don't get anywhere meaningful or any information that's useful.