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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


Because it on PS4 Pro in 4K mode, while my Forza 7 picture is from my pc at ultra settings.
Well Forza 7 on PC ultra really fix the aliasing issues found in Xbox One X from the pics.
It way clearly and sharper too... a whole different IQ... even the cars looks more sharper.

Not a trick but even that clearly didn't help lol. Its the CB artifact that softens the image wich doesn't look 1800p anymore. If i posted that before you would be crying that im not standing still and that the image looks blurry lol.
If I can give my take... I believe it is more the limit of the draw distance where GTS start to render the object... I tried to go back a bit and the object did not show at all.... if i go more in front it start to be more clear.

I believe that is a trick used to render the game.


Yeah yeah its easier lol that why you coulnd't stop at the same place because you tried to do your best to hide it wich failed. I can do the same in Forza in motion or at full stop my image will look the same no matter what. Even the images you posted didin't look better so why are you complaining?
Tried to hide what? I did the pics in few minutes booting the game from start... the worst part was to find the place because it was not at start I have to drive some seconds ahead... after I hit the Share near the place you showed.... you complained I stopped and counted the number of red/white parts (4 and a half) to take the pic where you are to not listem to these excuses about "the shadow mask the aliasing", "the camera is not in the same place", bla bla bla.

My image looks better than yours in every sense... there is more objects, it is shaper, have less aliasing, the rails you complained lol etc....
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Your GTS pic looks bullshot...
Yes your pic Forza's pic looks sharper, have way better AA and a way bigger draw distance.... I never commented anything about your Forza's pic that I don't even know where you took it because it is way different from the others Forza 7's pics posted before... is it PC?

BTW my pic was took not in motion this time... it shows 4 km/h but it was already stopped when I took the pic... because you said I was using a trick lol


All I've got to say to your shot...


Why does anyone, ANYONE think that game looks better... I don't give a shit what time of day it is, the game looks like straight ass.







GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Well Forza 7 on PC ultra really fix the aliasing issues found in Xbox One X from the pics.
It way clearly and sharper too... a whole different IQ... even the cars looks more sharper.

If I can give my take... I believe it is more the limit of the draw distance where GTS start to render the object... I tried to go back a bit and the object did not show at all.... if i go more in front it start to be more clear.

I believe that is a trick used to render the game.
Yeah that can also be, you see if you argue like this i can give you that cuz it makes sense if you think about it. But please don't call my shots fake again cuz i never edited them :). And on pc you can even go 8K with 8xMSAA wich is double the quality of my image, wich is a bit overkill.
Tried to hide what? I did the pics in few minutes booting the game from start... the worst part was to find the place because it was not at start I have to drive some seconds ahead... after I hit the Share near the place you showed.... you complained I stopped and counted the number of red/white parts (4 and a half) to take the pic where you are to not listem to these excuses about "the shadow mask the aliasing", "the camera is not in the same place", bla bla bla.

My image looks better than yours in every sense... there is more objects, it is shaper, have less aliasing, etc....
np, its good (y) but your image is not sharper and the detail is there because you are closer.



All I've got to say to your shot...


Why does anyone, ANYONE think that game looks better... I don't give a shit what time of day it is, the game looks like straight ass.





All yours pics has more aliasing than mine lol
You continue being wrong.

You already moved the goal post again.... I never said the shots I take from Amateur looks better than your shots from Xbox One X.
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All yours pics has more aliasing than mine lol
You continue being wrong.

You already moved the goal post again.... I never said the shots I take from Amateur looks better than your shots from Xbox One X.
It's not that mine has more aliasing, It's more that it's such a high resolution you can actually discern fine details much better within the scene so there's a greater appearance of aliasing. Your screen is at a low resolution and details get really muddy so it's harder to point it out.

You do however have it all over the place.



It's not that mine has more aliasing, It's more that it's such a high resolution you can actually discern fine details much better within the scene so there's a greater appearance of aliasing. Your screen is at a low resolution and details get really muddy so it's harder to point it out.

You do however have it all over the place.

I can take you picture and do tons of cicles too... it has more aliasing than mine because the AA is worst.
That has nothing to do with resolution... in fact 4k require less AA to smooth the border than 1080p and even so it has more aliasing.

You are trying to spin and find excuses in every new post.
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Yes it does... it is your lie vs actual pics from the games.

He tried to correct somebody that was right with the claim and got caught in the lie.

whynis the stand lacking detail on your shot? Where is pet of the roof structure? Why is it so dark in there when the sun lighting up everything else?
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I can take you picture and do tons of cicles too... it has more aliasing than mine because the AA is worst.
That has nothing to do with resolution... in fact 4k require less AA to smooth the border than 1080p and even so it has more aliasing.

You are trying to spin and find excuses in every new post.
It's not spin I'm simply smarter and more educated on the matter which is exactly why I've tried tirelessly to get you to take certain kinds of shots. GTS on the base system is blurry, it doesn't matter if you're stopped or moving, the game is muddy.

A muddy looking game at low resolution makes fine details in the distance nearly impossible to see, what else can't you see because of this? Aliasing, it's not that it's not present, it's just so blurred and vague in detail you can't make it out.


All games look like crap when screen grabbed in play.

Both Forza 7 and GTS looked much better on my TV than they do in these screenshots. And I used base machines.
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What the fuck is the point of posting PC game shots to compare aliasing? You can force whatever AA you want in the driver. You can even do it on a potato because people are only posting stills.
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Is this Xbox X and why have you took pics near fence and zoomed in on fence in distance on Forza ?
All pictures are zoomed. All pictures are fences. The answer is simple, to show differences in aliasing. Whether that is a fair comparison is questionable becuase image quality is not all about just anti aliasing, high resolution and no AA might work just as well with no zoom




Forza 5 which got slated on Gaf and looks better and less blurry than Gts on my fucking Pro.

Honestly take a close look at the fence in your first pic and how it disappears less than a meter away due to aliasing and tell me how that is better than the slight blur you get using TAA?
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Man you come right out of a comic book! Jaggies, have you even got a PC, in fact have you even got a Ps4 cause you don't know what jaggies are by the sound of it.

One day this fool will get exposed really bad with all the fake accounts, OCD PS4 obsessive, and you don't want to know who's behind that screen 🙈🤭 I have no doubts he prolly has a Pony 4 .. it just screams in every thread , a beyond fanatic...


I'm simply smarter and more educated on the matter...

And more humble, less arrogant and pretentious, and in possession of an extensive knowledge about the different AA technologies.

The Horizon series has class leading AA, it's running 4x MSAA which very, very few games on consoles have because it's extremely demanding but also incredible effective. In terms of cleanliness the Horizon games have the cleanest IQ of any racing games basically period.

This here just proves you really have no idea about what you talk about. MSAA, your "class leading AA" is an AA tech old and faulty as shit, it just supports the edges of geometry, so it can't fix any shader aliasing, it can't fix any specular aliasing or support alphas. On top of it being one of the most performance taxing, mostly only second to SSAA and some TXAA. So yeah, in fact, it is incredibly INeffective.

Best AA, as in "able to remove the most aliasing" is a good implementation of TAA, but that varies from one dev to another. Some people keep parroting the "blurry mess" mantra and still prefer having the screen full of sawtooth edges and jaggies and call that "crisp", "sharp" and "clean", but fortunately there are less and less of these dumbos around as time passes.

Again, a Temporal kind of AA that takes in count several frames is the only way of getting rid of all kinds of aliasing:



Is this Xbox X and why have you took pics near fence and zoomed in on fence in distance on Forza ?

It's 4K, so it's either Xbox X or PC.

I just opened the original images in another tab at original size and made a capture of that part.

Both fences are at the same distance from the car. You can check the originals here:



But some still say the Forza image below has better AA? 🤦‍♂️
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And more humble, less arrogant and pretentious, and in possession of an extensive knowledge about the different AA technologies.

This here just proves you really have no idea about what you talk about. MSAA, your "class leading AA" is an AA tech old and faulty as shit, it just supports the edges of geometry, so it can't fix any shader aliasing, it can't fix any specular aliasing or support alphas. On top of it being one of the most performance taxing, mostly only second to SSAA and some TXAA. So yeah, in fact, it is incredibly INeffective.

Best AA, as in "able to remove the most aliasing" is a good implementation of TAA, but that varies from one dev to another. Some people keep parroting the "blurry mess" mantra and still prefer having the screen full of sawtooth edges and jaggies and call that "crisp", "sharp" and "clean", but fortunately there are less and less of these dumbos around as time passes.

Again, a Temporal kind of AA that takes in count several frames is the only way of getting rid of all kinds of aliasing:

Oh here we go, well at least you put some effort into it.

MSAA isn't a perfect solution but it does provide the highest IQ and image consistency beyond that of SSAA, I won't even get into TXAA because that is an Nvidia proprietary derivative of MSAA. For a console MSAA is a luxury implementation and sparsely used because it's extremely resource expensive. TAA is the most popular modern form of AA especially on consoles because it's very resource inexpensive, while it does have positives and can greatly clean up aliasing this comes at the cost of creating a soft image and ghosting because of its temporal nature.

You can throw in all the technical mumbo jumbo you want that you've Googled in the last 20 minutes but the results speak for themselves in a way no text ever could and render the discussion moot.

It's glaringly obvious the hierarchy in AA methods here.

MSAA in Horizon 4 stands at the top of the pack by a wide margin producing not only a sharp result but one that is clean and for the most part aliasing free.

Forza Motorsport 7 while having pronounced aliasing which is most assuredly there; it's combated by the rendering resolution and not in the way which you would think is being implied. The higher resolution produces smaller and less pronounced stair-stepping, the stair-stepping is present but it's not blocky.

The issue Gran Turismo has is it's natively rendering at 1600x1800, checkerboard rendering from that to 3200x1800 and then upscaling from that to 3840x2160. It's hard to mask that base 1600x1200 render even with checkerboarding. What is the result of this? Largely pronounced stair-stepping, big blocky drops of aliasing where present. Look at the top of the Larini signs, look at the tops of the stands, look at the car, look at the stripes in the turn, look at the little grassy hills to the left, look at the guard rails. The argument isn't is there more or less aliasing, I would say it's got about the same amount as Forza 7. The argument is which aliasing is actually worse, and it's abundantly clear that GTS' aliasing is considerably more blocky with sharper gulfs and drops to its stair-steps.

This is no doubt brought on by all the fuckery in its rendering, but it's nonetheless there, and it's nonetheless worse.

4x MSAA Forza Horizon 4


?x EQAA Forza Motorsport 7


??AA Gran Turismo Sport


Here's a bonus image, look into the distance, it's horrendous. It's not great and it looks just as bad when you're playing.



Oh here we go, well at least you put some effort into it.

Whereas you put your full ignorance on display.

You can throw in all the technical mumbo jumbo you want that you've Googled in the last 20 minutes but the results speak for themselves in a way no text ever could and render the discussion moot.

It's glaringly obvious the hierarchy in AA methods here.

You are calling how a 10+ years old technology really works "technical mumbo jumbo"... 🤦‍♂️ there you have it. Your proud ignorance on display.

MSAA in Horizon 4 stands at the top of the pack by a wide margin

"MSAA stands at the top"... says your ignorant ass while acknowledging that you don't even know how it works and the obvious limitations of this more than a decade old technology. "Mumbo jumbo" :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What a "coincidence" :messenger_winking: that you are posting a FH4 image with just geometry in the foreground, which is the best scenario possible for MSAA, while keeping all the clearly aliased trees and foliage, which FH4 world is full of, the farther possible in background.

Don't mention the constant shimmering shadows in front of your car even at 4K on PC either, so people that haven't really played the game may not know how annoying that flaw is in the game.

What does your "top of the class MSAA" does about all this? oh, right, nothing.

Anybody can check out the Digital Foundry Xbox One X both Quality (30 fps) and Performance (60fps) comparisions at Eurogamer: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/...zon-4s-xbox-one-x-60fps-mode-is-the-real-deal

This is Forza Horizon 4 in Xbox One X at 60fps (Performance mode). Just crops from Eurogamer:



There is a good reason for FH4 to try to hide all that trees shimmering, aliasing and dotted transparency patterns behind strong motion blur.

Here's a bonus image, look into the distance, it's horrendous. It's not great and it looks just as bad when you're playing.

How many times must be said that the TAA in GT Sport only works in motion (the way you play)?
But again and again you keep trying to misrepresent its quality posting captures with the car stopped to disable the TAA... you don't fool anybody but yourself.

This has been posted several times, and it's not like you don't know about it, but your dishonesty trying to hide it.



Likes moldy games
All pictures are zoomed. All pictures are fences. The answer is simple, to show differences in aliasing. Whether that is a fair comparison is questionable becuase image quality is not all about just anti aliasing, high resolution and no AA might work just as well with no zoom

Honestly take a close look at the fence in your first pic and how it disappears less than a meter away due to aliasing and tell me how that is better than the slight blur you get using TAA?
But you have zoomed in on Gts more square on but on X you have zoomed in further away to make the fence disappear. Come on play it fair the thread has already gone silly.

Check the second picture. Remember this is a launch game on a 1.31 tf machine at 1080p, look how far you can see, look at Gts on a Pro is it really 1800p cause its really blurry. I genuinely thought i had Gts in 1080p mode when i first got it.
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How many times must be said that the TAA in GT Sport only works in motion (the way you play)?
But again and again you keep trying to misrepresent its quality posting captures with the car stopped to disable the TAA... you don't fool anybody but yourself.

This has been posted several times, and it's not like you don't know about it, but your dishonesty trying to hide it.


They have to invent tricks on tricks to misrepresent this game. In motion the AA filter work is superb



Likes moldy games
They have to invent tricks on tricks to misrepresent this game. In motion the AA filter work is superb

That even more blurryness that goes on when you move do you think it's that that kills the sence of speed?
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But you have zoomed in on Gts more square on but on X you have zoomed in further away to make the fence disappear. Come on play it fair the thread has already gone silly.

Check the second picture. Remember this is a launch game on a 1.31 tf machine at 1080p, look how far you can see, look at Gts on a Pro is it really 1800p cause its really blurry. I genuinely thought i had Gts in 1080p mode when i first got it.
It isn't my screenshots and I didn't post them. The pixel count isn't the same though. The Forza one is not more zoomed.


Likes moldy games
It isn't my screenshots and I didn't post them. The pixel count isn't the same though. The Forza one is not more zoomed.
I have got a bit mixed up switching between phone, laptop and tv but my point still stands more square on pics of fence are going to give one a advantage. Anyhow aliasing is present on both and there's room for improvement on both but i'd rather have Forza's iq than whatever Gts is using it's dreadful.


That even more blurryness that goes on when you move do you think it's that that kills the sence of speed?

Yeah, look how "crisp", "sharp" and "clean" Forza 7 is


Compared to the "blurry mess" of GT Sport:


As usually, the perfect AA "kills the sense of speedchangethesubjectquick"

And don't forget the "top of the class" MSAA4x of Forza Horizon 4 on XBox One X:

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Are we really at the point, where the pictures in the post above mine are used as an example of how poor FH4 looks? Seriously?


Gold Member
Yeah, look how "crisp", "sharp" and "clean" Forza 7 is

Compared to the "blurry mess" of GT Sport:

Are you really comparing AA and load in a metre away from the car compared to the furthest draw distance shown in the image possible? I really wonder if GTS fans actually have eye damage or understanding disabilities some times. At least we can put this thread completely to bed next year with a Forza launch title while waiting 5 years for the next GT, unless we think GTS will still look better then a completely new game on next gen hardware... Who am I kidding, I'll set a reminder because half this thread will think exactly that.



That even more blurryness that goes on when you move do you think it's that that kills the sence of speed?

If you mean this "blurry mess" of FH4 in "Quality mode" 4K30 on XB1 X:


No, it adds a lot to the sense of speed, but it is mainly there to mask the very noticeable aliasing and shimmering, due to MSAA not fixing any of that like a good TAA does.


Are we really at the point, where the pictures in the post above mine are used as an example of how poor FH4 looks? Seriously?

Anybody can check the Digital Foundry XB1 X comparision where they come from: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/...zon-4s-xbox-one-x-60fps-mode-is-the-real-deal
But maybe they are PS4 GT Sport fanboys trying to misrepresent the greatness of the XB1 X and FH4, I dunno.

Are you really comparing AA and load in a metre away from the car compared to the furthest draw distance shown in the image possible? I really wonder if GTS fans actually have eye damage or understanding disabilities some times. At least we can put this thread completely to bed next year with a Forza launch title while waiting 5 years for the next GT, unless we think GTS will still look better then a completely new game on next gen hardware... Who am I kidding, I'll set a reminder because half this thread will think exactly that.


Cables are both in the background, against the sky, but I guess something has to be pulled out of some ass to still defend Forza's horrible antialiasing.

Are you really doing again the "stop the game so it disables TAA" trick to misrepresent GT Sport when we just posted (again) the images that prove how good it is in motion (which is how you play the fucking game)




I decided to take a look through the old posts in this thread. All the way back to 2014.

People have been arguing the exact same points for five years :messenger_grinning_squinting:.

Nobody zooms in on the game when playing. AA looks fine on a TV from a regular distance.
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Likes moldy games
If you mean this "blurry mess" of FH4 in "Quality mode" 4K30 on XB1 X:


No, it adds a lot to the sense of speed, but it is mainly there to mask the very noticeable aliasing and shimmering, due to MSAA not fixing any of that like a good TAA does.
There's ways of handling it and Gts does a ghastly job, maybe it's reconstruction even so it's bloody awful


And more humble, less arrogant and pretentious, and in possession of an extensive knowledge about the different AA technologies.

This here just proves you really have no idea about what you talk about. MSAA, your "class leading AA" is an AA tech old and faulty as shit, it just supports the edges of geometry, so it can't fix any shader aliasing, it can't fix any specular aliasing or support alphas. On top of it being one of the most performance taxing, mostly only second to SSAA and some TXAA. So yeah, in fact, it is incredibly INeffective.

Best AA, as in "able to remove the most aliasing" is a good implementation of TAA, but that varies from one dev to another. Some people keep parroting the "blurry mess" mantra and still prefer having the screen full of sawtooth edges and jaggies and call that "crisp", "sharp" and "clean", but fortunately there are less and less of these dumbos around as time passes.

Again, a Temporal kind of AA that takes in count several frames is the only way of getting rid of all kinds of aliasing:

It's not that simple. Some people prefer to avoid aliasing and lose details because of taa(blending frames) and make 4k close to 1080p or even blurrier. Some people prefer to see crisper clear 4k image with a lot of details and slighly amount of aliasing.
That is funny how 7 years ago people had been enjoying 720p+ 2xMSAA and saw1080p+4xmsaa in their dreams. 4k(or 1080+ssaa) was just unbelivable miracle. At now, most of them enjoys 1080p+taa(which looks like 720p supersampled) and dissatisfies with 4k +msaa)))
AA tech old and faulty as shit, it just supports the edges of geometry,
do you know about "alpha to coverage"?
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It's not that simple. Some people prefer to avoid aliasing and lose details because of taa(blending frames) and make 4k close to 1080p or even blurrier. Some people prefer to see crisper clear 4k image with a lot of details and slighly amount of aliasing.
That is funny how 7 years ago people had been enjoying 720p+ 2xMSAA and saw1080p+4xmsaa in their dreams. 4k(or 1080+ssaa) was just unbelivable miracle. At now, most of them enjoys 1080p+taa(which looks like 720p supersampled) and dissatisfies with 4k +msaa)))

do you know about "alpha to coverage"?

Yes, but that's not what Forza Horizon does. Taken from his own posted images:


You can clearly see how geometry edges are smoothed out, but trees are not. And yes, this is a zoom, but it is only for explanation purposes.

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Are you really comparing AA and load in a metre away from the car compared to the furthest draw distance shown in the image possible? I really wonder if GTS fans actually have eye damage or understanding disabilities some times. At least we can put this thread completely to bed next year with a Forza launch title while waiting 5 years for the next GT, unless we think GTS will still look better then a completely new game on next gen hardware... Who am I kidding, I'll set a reminder because half this thread will think exactly that.

Perhaps you know it will look better too..... GTS remastered that is, Hence why you are bringing it up now.....


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Yes, but that's not what Forza Horizon does. Taken from his own posted images:


You can clearly see how geometry edges are smoothed out, but trees are not. And yes, this is a zoom, but it is only for explanation purposes.


Whereas you put your full ignorance on display.

You are calling how a 10+ years old technology really works "technical mumbo jumbo"... 🤦‍♂️ there you have it. Your proud ignorance on display.

"MSAA stands at the top"... says your ignorant ass while acknowledging that you don't even know how it works and the obvious limitations of this more than a decade old technology. "Mumbo jumbo" :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What a "coincidence" :messenger_winking: that you are posting a FH4 image with just geometry in the foreground, which is the best scenario possible for MSAA, while keeping all the clearly aliased trees and foliage, which FH4 world is full of, the farther possible in background.

Don't mention the constant shimmering shadows in front of your car even at 4K on PC either, so people that haven't really played the game may not know how annoying that flaw is in the game.

What does your "top of the class MSAA" does about all this? oh, right, nothing.

Anybody can check out the Digital Foundry Xbox One X both Quality (30 fps) and Performance (60fps) comparisions at Eurogamer: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/...zon-4s-xbox-one-x-60fps-mode-is-the-real-deal

This is Forza Horizon 4 in Xbox One X at 60fps (Performance mode). Just crops from Eurogamer:



There is a good reason for FH4 to try to hide all that trees shimmering, aliasing and dotted transparency patterns behind strong motion blur.

How many times must be said that the TAA in GT Sport only works in motion (the way you play)?
But again and again you keep trying to misrepresent its quality posting captures with the car stopped to disable the TAA... you don't fool anybody but yourself.

This has been posted several times, and it's not like you don't know about it, but your dishonesty trying to hide it.

You are really delusional, zoomin in 500x to show aliasing, really? You are just showing pixels, you are the same troll as D86. I exposed all of you frauds with proof and facts but all you do is troll. Forza iq shits on anyhting on PS4, PS4 Pro and even on the upcoming PS5, you know why? because its on pc and there are no limits, i can go 8K 8xMSAA and on console you will be limited. Forza runs on pc, this is a game comparison thread. If you can't face it that and all your trolly friends here stop wasting peoples time and go cry in some system warior thread where they compare console's only. You guys are pathetic, you are making fools out your selfs. Even if you go 400mph in GTS the iq will never surpass the iq on FH4, so keep posting shitty blurry images of GTS to hide some of the alliasing. You have seen MY FH4 pics from my pc but funny enough all of you ducked it because you can't post nothing that come's close to that. So you trolls start derailing the thread again, with that stupid shit.

Also you know what i find funny, before i entered the thread it was PS4 400$ console has better gfx than 2000$ pc and now all of you are crying because we are comparing the latest games on pc and they look much much better than anything on your console. But keep zoomin in pictures to pixel levels so you can see more blocks, make yourself believe that GTS iq is the best out there with 1800p CB lol. But since you guys asked it, i will give you what you ask here Nurnburg GP 17:00 Race mode on PS4 Pro in 4K mode while the car is driving everything you guys asked for motion, no 12:00, race mode and 4k mode

How many times must be said that the TAA in GT Sport only works in motion (the way you play)?
But again and again you keep trying to misrepresent its quality posting captures with the car stopped to disable the TAA... you don't fool anybody but yourself.

This has been posted several times, and it's not like you don't know about it, but your dishonesty trying to hide it.

It's still aliased to hell and back in all the same locations, that TAA literally just makes the whole image more blurry. It destroys the image clarity and overall IQ, It doesn't rid any of the aliasing from the scene.

Not moving


Going 120 MPH



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Likes moldy games
It's still aliased to hell and back in all the same locations, that TAA literally just makes the image more blurry. It destroys the image clarity and overall IQ, It doesn't rid any of the aliasing from the scene.

Not moving


Going 120 MPH



Yes but that's 1080p mode (framerate)
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