Are those in game? The shadows are top notch.Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.
Are those in game? The shadows are top notch.Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.
1. Laugh all you want, but it's the cold hard truth.
Don't act like you can't make the same kind of list about Driveclub which also features "extremely" low poly tracks with bland scenery, really low resolution textures, no 16xAF, "extremely" poor AA and IQ all around, 1/3 the cars on screen, very weak damage modeling, 1/2 the framerate, and it goes on and on. Why tell ya though when I can just show you.
Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.
You should blur out the background more in Project Cars.
Pcars is cleaner for sure and IQ is obviously much better on a good rig, but environments are weaker. Also, terrible comparison. Highly controlled shots vs bland gameplay shots.
by carefully selecting the tracks and weather conditions. and what does "just about every setting" mean?
The only "careful selection" is making sure to choose a track that's optimised properly, and not an unfinished one that lags to shit.
so basically the same excuse that people have been throwing around for years, and hasnt changed at all. im sure it magically will by release tho!
it was intentional. its pretty much the norm when people post pcars shots.
All achievable in game since Project Cars doesn't use any special filters and such when taking photos that can't be enabled while playing. Lets see you match those with DC shots without using it's photomode that adds all sorts of stuff that can't be done in real time.
Don't act like you can't make the same kind of list about Driveclub which also features "extremely" low poly tracks with bland scenery, really low resolution textures, no 16xAF, "extremely" poor AA and IQ all around, 1/3 the cars on screen, very weak damage modeling, 1/2 the framerate, and it goes on and on. Why tell ya though when I can just show you.
Game's not in the same league as Project Cars.
Did you get in the top 5 for the DC Photomode contest?
Did you get in the top 5 for the DC Photomode contest?
So not even in the same league as DC?
Holy shit what.So not even in the same league as DC?
Me either. He sent out some PMs earlier apparently and posted #4.Did he choose the winners already? If so then I guess not since I didn't get any pm's.![]()
Trying to pass photomode shots as real time graphics? They are not even close to what the game looks like. DC photomode adds everything from greatly enhanced AA to soft shadows.
Me either. He sent out some PMs earlier apparently and posted #4.
I think the winner is going to be a macro shot. Either the one with the tire in the grass or the flowers.Didn't get the sarcasm? Your pcars pics sure as hell aren't gameplay angles.
Damn.Guess there's always the next contest.
I think the winner is going to be a macro shot. Either the one with the tire in the grass or the flowers.
and the gameplay shots of pcars bring us right back to the sobering reality.
i saw your screens as well Admiester. oh and benzys screens are still an accurate depiction of the lighting and track modeling/art of the shown locations.
its embarrassing how bad this is. on so many levels.
i saw your screens as well Admiester. oh and benzys screens are still an accurate depiction of the lighting and track modeling/art of the shown locations.
Do you even have the game? Under the same lighting and on the same track, the game looks almost completely different.
I took the same car out onto the same track at mid day, the brightest point of the day, and it looks much more muted and realistic colour wise, instead of the bright, almost cartoony looking aesthetics.
Do you even have the game? Under the same lighting and on the same track, the game looks almost completely different.
I took the same car out onto the same track at mid day, the brightest point of the day, and it looks much more muted and realistic colour wise, instead of the bright, almost cartoony looking aesthetics.
Gran Turismo wants its trees back.
lighting doesnt look realistic at all, not sure if we are looking at the same screens. love those ps3 style PCF shadows too. the seemingly complete lack of AO is just icing on the cake.
You're entirely kidding yourself.
There's no "complete lack of AO" whatsoever. Just because the game doesn't exaggerate its softer shadows like some doesn't mean they're not present. There's a clear difference when using the (now disabled) debug options when toggling the game's AO.
The only thing that might have a hint of even making the lighting look different is the vignetting present at the edges of the screen when you're moving fast. Saying it doesn't look realistic at all is just a joke.
Also, if we're speaking of these terrible environment details:and cherry-picking screenshots
shadows in real life are soft, especially the shadows being portrayed in these images. pcars shadows have no softness at all.
cherry picking zoomed in parts of a screenshot to prove a false point?
Either way, the point being proven is not false. Both are low FOV pictures taken from a distance showing not-quite-full quality bystander models. A PC is capable of putting out far more detail than a PS4 and pCARS is taking advantage of this, what's false about it?
These real life shadows are clear and defined with a small amount of blur/softness around the edges, pCARS renders them just like this. Shadows aren't always vague blobs.
I even said myself that it was cherry picking, and it isn't entirely serious anyway. I don't see why you're so riled up.
Either way, the point being proven is not false. Both are low FOV pictures taken from a distance showing not-quite-full quality bystander models. A PC is capable of putting out far more detail than a PS4 and pCARS is taking advantage of this, what's false about it?
This. How's Project Cars' mod support BTW? I know with oculus it's next level stuff but as far as community mods how is it?Driveclub under the right conditions looks absolutely incredible.
Project Cars under the right conditions/settings looks absolutely incredible.
However, they excel at different things. Project Cars is capable of looking better in that typical PC version way: higher AF, higher-res textures, better IQ, etc. All important things, mind you. Driveclub is doing more graphically impressive things, with it's global illumination, dynamic volumetric cloud cover, unparalleled weather effects, and sheer geometry and detail in its environments.
It is for this reason that I find Driveclub to be the better looking game, particularly in motion. What it's doing to push the genre forward graphically is more impressive than what pCARS is doing. I can't think of any substantial ways that pCARS is pushing the genre forward graphically. If somebody could enlighten me, though, I'd be more than happy to listen.
It's silly to act hyperbolic about either to prove a point, because they each look amazing in their own rights.
Where are some environment shots of Project Cars on PC that put out more detail?
This. How's Project Cars' mod support BTW? I know with oculus it's next level stuff but as far as community mods how is it?
Is that running on the lowest settings? Sorry, they don't look too hot. It's like a ps3 game.
Is that running on the lowest settings? Sorry, they don't look too hot. It's like a ps3 game.
it does look quite awful, cant believe he posted those.
Ahh. I bet with proper mod support it could very easily be the best looking racer. Also city environments aren't that great for comparisons to Driveclub since it only has one city way in the distance in Canada. No city driving, it's all high altitude mountain driving. (Unless you're in Norway)
just took these shots in Grid Autosport at 4K w/ texture pack (PC). GOOD LORD.
Is that running on the lowest settings? Sorry, they don't look too hot. It's like a ps3 game.