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Next Gen: Whos gonna but their consoles from launch date?


I'm gonna wait a year atleast for the next generation. I have alot of games I skipped this generation that I could go back to playing until the pricecuts hit. And I think they're gonna hit faster next-gen. The competition is going to be very serious and heated. Which is a good thing for the consumer.


Not at launch. I'll let the fanboys sort out who the winners are and I'll come in after the dominant player (based on great content) emerges and buy that.


I'll buy Xbox 2 (Fall 2005 next gen Madden!) and PS3 at launch. I probably won't even realize the Revolution launch exists since it'll probably launch around PS3.

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:
I'll buy Xbox 2 (Fall 2005 next gen Madden!) and PS3 at launch. I probably won't even realize the Revolution launch exists since it'll probably launch around PS3.

Probably the same here. I'd love to wait, but the Xenon is probably for sure and how will I resist the PS siren call from launch again?


i'm thinking a NO here too. too damn early. unless i'm completely blown away by something and also have extra cash laying around.


Not going to buy on launch either... at the rate the console manufacturers are doing price reductions, I'll simply wait.


Cioran said:
Not going to buy on launch either... at the rate the console manufacturers are doing price reductions, I'll simply wait.

Yeah that initial PS2 price reduction came really quick. :p Besides, the PS2 is holding a higher pricepoint than the PSOne did in the same amount of time.


It all depends.

If Xbox2 has Halo 3 for launch, I'll get it.

If Nintendo has Zelda or Metroid, I'll get it.

PS3 will be waited on, simply because I haven't had much luck with Sony's launch systems these last two gens. I'll let them get the hardware somewhat right.


rollin' in the gutter
I'll probably buy Revolution at launch, since nintendo's hardware is solid. Then i'll wait a couple months to pick up PS3. Xenon would have to wow me with something to warrant a purchase. (besides Halo)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i'll buy xenon for sure at launch. i'm ready for the next gen to start. as for the others, i'll take a wait and see. i dont plan on getting all 3 again (spreads my money and foncentration to thin) but i do think i'll have 2 consoles. it just depends on which will be the more impressive of the two (likely ps3)


I'm a whore for Nintendo.
I'll camp out for the DS, Revolution and the next GB.
I will probably get a PStwo in October (If they'll be available) or just ask my girlfriend for it. I know she would go crazy to buy it for me. (She's been trying to get me to play DMC, and I just kept telling her I was waiting for the PStwo)

I'll probably never get any Microsoft console.
The PS3 can shove it, too. I bet it'll be as powerful as a Cray judging from how Sony is touting it.


I will buy:
Xenon at Launch if the rumored Perfect Dark Zero is also launch
Revolution at launch without question
PS3 at launch; not gonna happen


I'll probably get a PS3 at launch. Maybe even a Japanese one. I always have fond memories of systems that I buy at launch.
I will get Revolution or PS3 at launch, if I happen to have extra cash then... most likely I'll get Revolution and wait for PS3 price drop.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It all depends on the games and the price. For example the DS's price is fine, so I might get that at launch, but that depends on the games still.

Actually it doesn't ALL depend on the games and price. I would never buy a Sony console at launch, I just don't trust them. Not that other systems can't break, but they don't seem to break anymore if you buy a launch console or one later on.


Revolution at launch 100% guaranteed. PS3 probably after it's out for a year or so. DS looks cool so far but I barely play my SP so I’ll wait and see the games.
I will likely buy one of the new consoles at or near launch, but have no idea which one yet. I'll wait for pricedrops before considering additional consoles.


Not only are consoles usually overpirced with a shitty lineup at launch, but the early models almost always have some sort of problems. PS3 will no doubt have some problems.


im surprised so many people are willing to get revolution at launch without knowing a single thing about it.


Its easy for me to say not at launch today, but when we get closer to launch, I'm sure the hype will get to me and I'll just gotta have one.


rollin' in the gutter
element said:
im surprised so many people are willing to get revolution at launch without knowing a single thing about it.

That's the Nintendo Seal of Quality


edit: or just blind fanboyism (take your pick) :D


element said:
im surprised so many people are willing to get revolution at launch without knowing a single thing about it.

why? it will have nintendo first-party games, that's enough for a lot of people.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm just guessing, as I don't know, but I suspect the reason people are definitely getting the Revolution is because it'll have Nintendo games on it. That's reason enough if you love Nintendo games.

It's no different than people wanting the PS3 at launch, we've no idea what games will be ready for that either.
Depends entirely on launch titles. The one I'd be most likely to get first is Nintendo's (tradition) but there's plenty of current-generation games to keep me busy until then.


No way. The first batch are always made shiity and are full of bugs/defects that don't become exposed until millions are using them.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Not me, unless there's a game I must own the moment it's ownable.

Ranger X

If i have to buy a console next gen at launch i suppose it would be the PS3 since it's almost written in the sky it will lead the next gen.
But when we'll get all the info on the Xenon and Revolution i'll take the real decision. I'm doubtfull about buying a console at it's launch.


It all depends on the games, and by that, I mean more than just what genres they fall into. If the launch titles for the new systems use the added hardware power to create more interactive environments, better AI, etc., then I'll be there on launch day. If the games are going to be more or less the same stuff we saw this generation with improved graphics, I can afford to wait awhile. I don't turn my nose up at better visuals, but I'm not lusting for them to the point where I feel dissatisfied with the systems out there right now, either.


Now this may change as I get caught up in the genius hype marketing usually associated with new console releases but after my freinds PS2 experiences and my own price related experiences with all 3 systems this gen I'm waiting until the systems' themselves are down to 250 canadian before I purchase any of them.


Gas Guzzler
If Xbox2 is backwards compatible, then I'll get that at launch. Otherwise, I'll wait and see.

PS3 is backwards compatible so I'll get it at launch.

If Revolution is also BC, I'll get that at launch.


I'll get both the xbox 2 and ps3 at or a little bit after launch date. Although only if the xbox 2 is next year and then ps3 a year after that.
It depends on how much money I have at the time and what games are available but I will probably buy a PS3 at launch. I've always wondered what it would be like to buy a console at launch in Japan and now I have the opportunity. I don't think I'll ever buy another Nintendo console - the Revolution will have to be something special to change my mind.


PS3 is the only one I'd buy at launch. Xbox2 maybe later on. Revolution probably really later on (as in never)


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I doubt I will get all three consoles again. I'll probably stick to Xenon and Revolution. The revolution due to Nintendo games and the Xenon because Microsoft seems to get most 3rd party games plus Halo and any console exclusive Bioware games. Although, I will miss Ratchet and Clank. Of course I probably won't get either of them at launch. I'll wait six months to a year before picking any of them up.


Xenon at launch, because like the Dreamcast it's probably going to have a year as the only next-gen console available. I really want some next-gen sports and Elder Scrolls action asap. Hopefully Bungie, Rare, and Team Ninja will join in the goodness.

PS3 at launch, because it's probably backwards compatible and will probably have a ton of third party support. Might as well retire the PS2 and move up at launch.

Revolution is wait and see. Nintendo is going to have to put out a Mario 64/OoT quality effort to get me on board. None of this Sunshine/Wind Waker stuff they pulled with GC.


Steroid Distributor
I think I'm gonna wait. I feel no need for a new console yet. I have a huge backlog of games to still play. And it's not like next year is gonna slow down at all.
I think that's the biggest problem here. I don't know anyone that is REALLY hyped about the next gen systems. I don't see why they need to come out so soon. But I'll wind up getting all of them I imagine. I'll just take my time and wait until something I really want to play is available.


MetatronM said:
This thread is a thinly disguised attempt to ask "who are you a fanboy of?"

"Not at launch. I'll let the fanboys sort out who the winners are and I'll come in after the dominant player (based on great content) emerges and buy that."

Sweet, I guess that proves that I'm not a fanboy :)


well you think people would be interested in what type of system it is going to be. or what games launch with the system.

you would think the launch games would be the most important in getting it at launch, yet most people are 'i'll get it no matter what they come out with.'

just kinda strange.
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