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Next Gen: Whos gonna but their consoles from launch date?


Unconfirmed Member
Phoenix said:
"Not at launch. I'll let the fanboys sort out who the winners are and I'll come in after the dominant player (based on great content) emerges and buy that."

Sweet, I guess that proves that I'm not a fanboy :)
It's true. You win. :D
As many already have stated, it all depends on the software. But there are a couple of games that would get me to buy a PS3 and a Revolution at launch. The newest Winning Eleven and Pikmin 3.

Of course, if Mario, Zelda or Metroid are at launch, I'll buy it in a second, no matter what.

As for Xbox 2, I'm just about to buy a Xbox, so I don't have much experience with MS console. We'll see how that develops over the next few months. :p


Sucks at viral marketing
I probably won't get a next-gen console at launch. My backlog is too big now and I won't be ready for a new series of consoles for a long time. I'll let the price drop and the line-up build first. I'll probably wait unil at least a year into the next-gen.

element said:
im surprised so many people are willing to get revolution at launch without knowing a single thing about it.
We know as much about the Revolution as we do the PS3 or Xenon..... Squat!


We know as much about the Revolution as we do the PS3 or Xenon..... Squat!
not true. we know far more about PS3 and Xenon then we do about Revolution. Things like RAM, Processor, bridge design, and other hardware items are pretty well known for Xenon and PS3.


We know as much about the Revolution as we do the PS3 or Xenon..... Squat!

that's not true.

we know what media format PS3 will use: Blu-Ray

we know that PS3 will use some Cell-based processor, and we have outlines for what Sony wants it to be (the Broadband Engine made from 4 Processor Elements with 32 APUs seen in the Sony patents) we dont know what Revolution's main processor will be based on, other than that its coming from IBM, and that its probably PowerPC based. ok so we know a bit more about PS3's CPU than we do about Revolution's CPU.

we know what kind of external memory is going into PS3: Rambus Yellowstone, now known as Rambus XDR-DRAM. we don't know what kind of memory Revolution will have, other than guessing it'll be the newer version of MoSys 1T-SRAM.

now here's where I start skating on thin ice:

we know PS3 will be monsterously powerful, going by Sony's statements all the way back to fall 1999. we don't know how powerful Revolution will be since Nintendo isnt getting into a spec war. i'll bet Revolution is fairly close to PS3 in actual in-game capabilities though. or at worst, it'll be like DS vs PSP, where the PSP and PS3 are far more powerful from a spec standpoint, but DS and Revolution can do things that PSP and PS3 cannot.

we know almost nothing about PS3's and Revolutions graphic processors, but, we know the basic outline of what Sony wants in PS3's GPU (again, the patents) but we don't know what Nintendo wants in Revolution's GPU.

we also know quite a bit about Xenon as well.


Sucks at viral marketing
GigaDrive said:
that's not true.

we know what media format PS3 will use: Blu-Ray

we know that PS3 will use some Cell-based processor, and we have outlines for what Sony wants it to be (the Broadband Engine made from 4 Processor Elements with 32 APUs seen in the Sony patents) we dont know what Revolution's main processor will be based on, other than that its coming from IBM, and that its probably PowerPC based. ok so we know a bit more about PS3's CPU than we do about Revolution's CPU.

we know what kind of external memory is going into PS3: Rambus Yellowstone, now known as Rambus XDR-DRAM. we don't know what kind of memory Revolution will have, other than guessing it'll be the newer version of MoSys 1T-SRAM.

now here's where I start skating on thin ice:

we know PS3 will be monsterously powerful, going by Sony's statements all the way back to fall 1999. we don't know how powerful Revolution will be since Nintendo isnt getting into a spec war. i'll bet Revolution is fairly close to PS3 in actual in-game capabilities though. or at worst, it'll be like DS vs PSP, where the PSP and PS3 are far more powerful from a spec standpoint, but DS and Revolution can do things that PSP and PS3 cannot.

we know almost nothing about PS3's and Revolutions graphic processors, but, we know the basic outline of what Sony wants in PS3's GPU (again, the patents) but we don't know what Nintendo wants in Revolution's GPU.

we also know quite a bit about Xenon as well.
You defeated your point by resorting to guesses.

We don't enough about any of the next-gen consoles to come any reasonible conclusions about power, price, software, or features... things that matter. The best we can do is to look at today's consoles and take our guesses from that. (We can safely bet that Nintendo will makes games on the REvolution, MS on Xenon, and Sony on Ps3.) That's all any of us were doing, and element was a putz for making his statement.


i'll bet Revolution is fairly close to PS3 in actual in-game capabilities though.
what? how do you come to this conclusion?

element was a putz for making his statement.
because I like to wait and see before i make a statement like 'I WILL get <insert system> on launch!'

I'm just saying it is premature to say any system is worth purchase right now at launch, since we have no idea of specs, launch software, software support, and price.


Gold Member
I'll buy in order of priority

1. Xbox 2 - Microsoft really proved their case this gen, plus have a great 1st party roster
2. Revolution - Hoping it brings back the special Nintendo touch from Super NES days
3. PS3 - More of the same as Xbox 2, but in stylish package


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
If any of the consoles has a launch title that I want I'll buy it at launch, if it doesn't then I'll wait til it does.


I'll be getting a DS and a Reggielution at launch. Why? We know they'll both have Nintendo games. I like Nintendo games.


Chili Con Carnage!
not a chance at launch, xbox dropped 1/3 of its price in 6 months, i'm not bitter about it, MS gave everyone 2 free games and a free controller, but i doubt they'd be so generous if it happened next gen, and i think it most likely will. The way the consoles releases seem to be spread, price cuts are gonna be coming thick and fast.
Only way I'll bite is if there's 1 really compelling game that matches my tastes (an RPG or new Ratchet and Clank) as well as a good baseball game.

If Xbox 2 matches those parameters right away or within it's launch price period, I'll get it right away and wait for the PS3 to drop in price, regardless of whether it too matches them.

If Xbox 2 doesn't match them, I'll wait for a pricedrop and see if PS3 does (if so, I'll buy it).


Impossible to say. Depends on launch titles. Though I'm personally feeling some strong feelings to nintendo. I guess its make it or break it time for them and I rooting for them to return the magic and stay in business. We see.


JJConrad said:
We know as much about the Revolution as we do the PS3 or Xenon..... Squat!

Not true, we know that the PS3 is likely to be memory limited as seems to be a theme in all Sony consoles :)
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