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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I still feel like they have to release a Classic Controller Pro + that resembles the GC controller in order to play HD GC/virtual console GC games properly. Of course, it would be compatible with Smash 4.


Unconfirmed Member
What the hell is the local multiplayer solution going to be if the Wii U only supports one tablet?
Do they want people to buy extra Wiimotes + classic controller pro attachment?


Just played SSBB for the first time time since launch month. I noticed 3 things right off the bat:

-Since I stopped playing Smash Bros. for pretty much 4 years I've become embarrassingly bad. I used to be fairly good until my friends all moved away and I stopped playing (this happened right around the launch of SSBB). My friends and I were all going to keep playing online but we realized how shitty online was and instantly stopped.
-Holy shit the cutscenes look like complete ass. They're really low resolution, have a ton of compression artifacts, and don't fill out the screen entirely.
-The online mode doesn't appear to have major lag problems now (probably because no one even plays except hardcore Smash fans) but it still takes forever to get into a game. I couldn't get into more than 2 matches before the match-matching became broken and wouldn't find anyone. I kinda wish I could play with friends now that online isn't a laggy mess but they all sold their Wii's.

Here's hoping the next Smash Bros. game doesn't have online issues and maybe I'll be able to get into Smash again.

TLDR: Whine whine online whine.


Maturity, bitches.
What the hell is the local multiplayer solution going to be if the Wii U only supports one tablet?
Do they want people to buy extra Wiimotes + classic controller pro attachment?

Well they are kind of gambling that there is already at least a couple of Wiimotes in every family. Since the WiiU supports the 'mote it is most likely going to support the Classic Controller. Guess it's time to start using that and get a bit of practise in before the next Smash game is revealed.

Big One

So just some likely characters I think will end up being in Smash 4:

Palutena - If Kid Icarus is getting a representative, it's this. She's not only the secondary central character of the recent game, but she has the ability to fight too and has moveset potential. I think she's easily the most likely character to join the cast.

Impa - Aside from the big three, she's the fourth most major character in the entire series. Her inclusion could be an opportunity to revamp Sheik and Zelda as two different characters (Impa being the replacement) so they don't suck anymore. Zelda would adopt her Skyward Sword design and include various things she did in the game into her character. Impa would have a lot of cool Sheikah tricks up her sleeve.

Shulk - Xenoblade didn't sell very well in Japan, but the amount of hype it has in America plus generally getting good ratings sets it as a solid new IP for Nintendo. I can imagine Sakurai hitting the Western market in support of Xenoblade by including Shulk in here.

Krom - Latest Fire Emblem character, blue hair. Enough said.

Zoroark/6th gen Pokemon - Something in the vein of Lucario, aka it shares a fanbase importance rather than a, "Does it make sense?" importance. I think it's more likely we'll get a 6th gen Pokemon due to the time it takes to make Smash 4.


If this can be done:


then surely the same thing could be made with a Gamecube controller. Smash players should bug this guy into making one



So. On Kid Icarus.

Major spoilers, don't read this if you haven't beaten Uprising.

Hades or Medusa?

Before we actually played Uprising, it seemed like Pit, Palutena, and Medusa was the obvious trio to represent the series, should Uprising be good enough to get the series two more characters (which it did, if you ask me). But then you play the game and... huh. A third of the way through, Medusa's taken out of the picture in favor of Hades.

So it makes it kinda tough to decide who should get the villain role.

On the one hand, Medusa is the iconic villain of the series. She's the closest thing Kid Icarus has to a Bowser. Every bit of marketing pre-release emphasized the "MEDUSA'S BACK AND PIT'S GONNA STOP HER" angle and didn't mention anything about Hades.

On the other hand, Hades is indisputably the main villain of Uprising. Even the Medusa act of the game was all just part of his plan.

Personally, I like Medusa's design more, but Hades is a better character.

As far as gameplay potential goes, they'd have to make an original move set either way. I don't think either character necessarily screams unique move potential. Medusa's a bit more unique in that she's a chick with a staff instead of a big buff dude, but then if Palutena gets in, you have two chicks with staffs representing the same series.

I think I'd lean towards Medusa. I guess it's kinda the Ridley thing, where he's never actually been the final boss, but he's considered the best candidate because he's the most recurring boss.


Neither. I have my money on Palutena alone. One new game doesn't warrant two additional characters. Kid Icarus is still one of the smallest franchises represented in the game, and it shouldn't have the same amount of playable characters as Kirby or Star Fox. Two Kid Icarus characters is kind of pushing it while still being acceptable, but three is way overrepresented.


Neither. I have my money on Palutena alone. One new game doesn't warrant two additional characters. Kid Icarus is still one of the smallest franchises represented in the game, and it shouldn't have the same amount of playable characters as Kirby or Star Fox. Two Kid Icarus characters is kind of pushing it while still being acceptable, but three is way overrepresented.

Smallest in what sense? It seems like it's doing quite well, and characters could help it in marketing itself too.


My money would be on Pit and Palutena since they're more iconic though.

I wonder if they'll rejig them to work as a pair though, or just relagate Palutena to a support role or something.


Smallest in what sense? It seems like it's doing quite well, and characters could help it in marketing itself too.

Small in the literal sense; Uprising came out eleven years after the second game... which wasn't even released in Japan. I don't know — I just don't see Kid Icarus' character representation rivaling franchises like Metroid and Kirby, which are much better-known and have a lot more games.

I'm also not sure how a game released in 2014 (Smash Bros.) would help market a game released in 2012 (Uprising). It's a little presumptuous to think that there's going to be a fourth Kid Icarus anytime soon.



She's the series's main villain regardless and she's being promoted as such. She's one of those "herps" villains like Bowser ... as in, she seems to always come back.

So yeah, I stand by P-P-M for KI reps.
I wouldn't call a character who has only been in two games one who "always comes back", lol. She wasn't even in Of Myths and Monsters, and she was only in Uprising because pretty much everyone and everything else from the original game came back as well. I'll admit before Uprising came out I favored Medusa over Palutena or any other character, but not so much anymore. If Kid Icarus does get any other character, I think it has to be Palutena. She's the second most important character in the franchise, and Uprising showed us
that she can fight
I wouldn't call a character who has only been in two games one who "always comes back", lol. .

In 2 games ... in a series that's 3 games long so far :p
With more cross game importance than any other villain so far.

And isn't there some anime short about her? I don't think she's just some throw-a-way character to Sakurai, from the looks of it to me she's the main series villain/ staple villain. He could have just used the 2nd game's villain instead for example. Plus, they call one the goddess of light and the other the goddess of darkness ... that seem's pretty self-explanatory.

And personally, seeing as I don't subscribe to the thought process of "series fairness" that makes some arbitrary limit to how many characters a series can have on a prediction list, I'm willing to just say both Palutena and Medusa get in.
i'm maining peach no matter what in smash the 4th

who's with me
I'll probably stick with characters I got used to in previous Smash games, honestly. Kirby, Captain Falcon, Sonic (I can't imagine Sega passing up on a second go), etc. None really high-tier, but I don't play competitively.

On that note, I do hope that online for Smash 4 will have some kind of bias against playing on stages that were recently played on. I didn't dabble in online much, but my brother did, and it was kind of sickening watching a good five matches in a row take place on Final Destination due to that insipid 4chan meme.
I still feel like they have to release a Classic Controller Pro + that resembles the GC controller in order to play HD GC/virtual console GC games properly. Of course, it would be compatible with Smash 4.

I'm pretty confident this will happen as well. Considering GC VC games are inevitable.

Azure J

Marth, Pit, Luigi, Mario, Lucas, Peach, Falcon and Ganondorf "main" here. What can I say, I get around :p

Also on the Kid Icarus front, Pit, Palutena and Medusa here. (At least the first two.) Anything more is a welcome surprise. Anything less is supreme disappointmenton.


I got some e-mail from the nintendo mailing list.. It was by Sakurai and was titled something like "to the smash bros fans out there." I was like, "holy shit!" But it was just him trying to pimp Kid Icarus lol

I would main Anna. She's basically the real Fire Emblem mascot anyway. But Ike should be replaced by Chrome.[/QUOTE]

Wait, is she like an actual unit now? well anyway I don't want to live in a world where Ike is replaced!

As for the other topics floating around...
- Having played Kid Icarus Uprising I demand Palutena as a playable character now
- DK will always be my main


Wait, is she like an actual unit now? well anyway I don't want to live in a world where Ike is replaced!

As for the other topics floating around...
- Having played Kid Icarus Uprising I demand Palutena as a playable character now
- DK will always be my main

Yup! She's a Trickster (a Thief promotion). Ike is going to be replaced by Chrome because Ike sucks and Chrome is the new hotness.

Azure J

wait, people want three reps from kicarus? come on now.

The franchise just became the new hotness designed by the man himself and everyone's expecting it via nepotism. [See Kirby characters]

Honestly, I'm just playing along. Cool if it happens, cool if it doesn't as long as Palu makes it. :p

i kinda wish they would drop lucas and give us kumatora.

I wanted Kumatora too. Too bad Lucas stole her PSI/Mother is kinda dead. :(

(Addendum: I love Lucas, so I don't think I could go either or on this. :lol)


The franchise just became the new hotness designed by the man himself and everyone's expecting it via nepotism. [See Kirby characters]

Honestly, I'm just playing along. Cool if it happens, cool if it doesn't as long as Palu makes it. :p

i think kicarus will have two reps, and palu is likely, but three is pushing it.

(Addendum: I love Lucas, so I don't think I could go either or on this. :lol)

personally, new characters are always great. i might lose some of my old favorites, but it means i'll have some new favorites.
Yup! She's a Trickster (a Thief promotion). Ike is going to be replaced by Chrome because Ike sucks and Chrome is the new hotness.

Trickster? sounds interesting, I must have missed some recent info.
But I care not for how much hotness emanates from this Chrome fellow, I need Radiant Dawn Ike and his roided up appearance in the next smash.
Chrome can replace a potentially returning Roy because he ain't my boy.


Trickster? sounds interesting, I must have missed some recent info.
But I care not for how much hotness emanates from this Chrome fellow, I need Radiant Dawn Ike and his roided up appearance in the next smash.
Chrome can replace a potentially returning Roy because he ain't my boy.

For some reason I hate Ike and don't know why. Maybe it's because some dude I don't like uses him exclusively.


I wonder what the odds of some Monster Hunter representation in guest form this time around? I think a stage with a Rathlos in the background occasionally wandering over and tailswiping the stage or something could be pretty effective.

Azure J

Bro Knucks. Big G is still my go to and has been for awhile. Dash up Grabs? Heavy? Big Damage? Awwwwwwww yeah.

The Dash Up grab is seriously one of the only reasons why Brawl Ganondorf beats out Melee Ganon for me. I hope if they do retool him, the only moves they don't remove are his jab (needs to be rapid fire like Melee again though), Warlock Punch, down air (Thunderstomp) and the dash up grab. :lol
For some reason I hate Ike and don't know why. Maybe it's because some dude I don't like uses him exclusively.
I can see how that would get annoying, reminds me how some people I used to play melee with were eternally trapped on Final Destination with the character lineup of Fox, Falco and Falcon (using the forward air knee only and nothing else). Sort of made me dislike Falco.
Hmm there's a whole lot of F's involved there.

Bro Knucks. Big G is still my go to and has been for awhile. Dash up Grabs? Heavy? Big Damage? Awwwwwwww yeah.

Regardless of how much crapper Ganondorf is supposed to be in Brawl I found him so much more fun to use, probably something to do with the suicidal chokeslam. One way or another the Brawl style moveset of Ganondorf needs to stay even if thrown to another character like the often mentioned Black shadow idea.
Heavy characters are my character type of choice, I hope for more in the next smash.


Why would you put Palutena in as a playable character? All her attacks would be calling Pit out to do the gruntwork.
Why would you put Palutena in as a playable character? All her attacks would be calling Pit out to do the gruntwork.
You mean like Peach and Zelda? Or how about Rob? A character doesn't need to be a fighter in the traditional sense to work in Smash Bros. Palutena is a goddess, she has nigh-limitless potential. Otherwise we wouldn't have the legendary FALCAWN PAUNCH!
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